The leaves were rustling and the evening wind was howling in the air. Vinette scratched her messy blond hair. In order not to care about the gloomy atmosphere around her, she began to divert her attention to think about it.

"By the way, Xiaojia's hair is really messy...why can't she tidy up her appearance?"

"Also, what is this feeling of fatigue like staying up late for three days..."

"In the final analysis, why did they teleport to such a place where there is no one..."

"And what about them? Where did they go without me..."

"Ah, Christmas party dinner, it's getting cold..."

"Do you want to move there...Although the conditions are very good, you can cook freely, you can live with everyone, and the rent is also very cheap...But I always feel that if I live here, the relationship with Izumi-san will become worse. It's complicated..."

"Oops, what if I can't go back before dawn? There's class tomorrow..."

"Woooo, the more I think about it, the more afraid I get, who is here to chat with me..."

With a tearless expression on her face, she walked and walked until she came to a clearing among the trees.

Sighing, Vinette said dejectedly, "Forget it, let's take a rest first... how long have I been walking..."

However, her mobile phone was kept in the apartment, and Gabriel did not have a mobile phone with her, so now she could neither contact other people nor check the time.

This isolated and helpless state made her quite desperate. Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, she pursed her mouth and sat down by the tree.

Hugging her knees on the slightly damp ground, Gabriel's appearance was unprecedentedly weak. Vinette looked at the starry night sky and the gentle holy light beside her, narrowing her eyes slightly, intending to take a nap .

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Huh? Gabriel? Why are you here?"

She jumped up in an instant and turned her head to look at the place where the sound came from.

When she saw the appearance of the visitor clearly, the expression on her face changed from surprise to astonishment, and Vinet shouted loudly with her eyes wide open.

"Student Izumi?! How do do you..."

"Turned into a ghost?!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sagiri's room in Izumi's house.

Several people sat around on the ground, and they put aside the matter of exchanging bodies - after all, they couldn't think of a solution for a while, and one of the parties involved, Vinette (Gabriel's body), is now missing After some discussion, they still decided to talk about the business first.

The so-called business is to let Sagiri go back and forth between the two rooms through the teleportation array.

"Eh... for me, prepared a similar room in my brother's apartment? Sagiri's eyes widened, and she sat on the bed in a daze.

At this time, she put on a microphone and a childish mask. Although everyone couldn't see her expression, it could be seen from her suddenly stiff body that her heart was hit hard now.

Akira Hequan smiled with Kato Megumi's face and said, "That's right, in order not to be separated from you, I specially decorated the room I prepared for you to be exactly the same as yours, but there are no personal belongings or dolls in it, I can’t prepare another set of game consoles, so it depends on whether you want to divide some things into that room so that it won’t look empty.”

"But, use the teleportation array or something..." Sagiri turned her head to the three angels and demons who were studying around the teleportation array, with worry in her tone.

"Don't worry, I don't believe that I, Gabriel, can't solve this little accident!" Gabriel rolled up her sleeves and said confidently, her originally gentle purple pupils showed a slightly aggressive look.

Rafael used Satania's body to sit on the ground in a ladylike manner, with a gentle smile on his face, holding a mobile phone in his hand: "It's really not possible, we can also call "DiDi Rescue" call, let the Angel Guard come to assist us! So there is no need to worry about safety~”

Satania rolled around beside the magic circle boredly, her long white hair behind her was messed up and covered with dust.

"Ah~ so boring~ can't you just settle the matter quickly? I'm so hungry~"

Hearing this, the veins on Gabriel's face twitched immediately, and a ray of black light pierced through her body following her ferocious gaze, like a demon king who had descended into the world, carrying an unrivaled ferocity and a sense of oppression. Stare at Satania.

"Do you think I don't want to solve it quickly?! Who wants to do such a troublesome thing! Let me tell you the truth, I feel that this body is very comfortable to use now, and the magic power is also easy to use, even if I don't change it. It’s no different for me when I come back, isn’t it all for you to spend brain cells here! You’re making sarcastic remarks to me here, do you want to try the way the former chief graduate of the angel uses magic power!? Not too happy Come and help me!"

While speaking, the turbulent magic power suddenly erupted, as if a black armor was attached to her body. The evil and cold magic power surrounded her body in huge quantities, and a pair of demonic horns protruded high on her forehead. A dark thunder flashed.

Satania trembled all over, and showed a rare expression of shrinking: "That, that kind of arrogance... is a feeling that only the Seven Great Demon Kings can have... I didn't expect Gabriel, who really became a demon, to be so angry. powerful……"

Frowning, a trident appeared in Gabriel's hand, and pointed at Satania fiercely: "Don't give me nonsense, answer?"

"Yes! I understand, Lord Demon King!"

The high-level suppression in terms of style and status made Satania instinctively lower her head, with a respectful look on her face.


The other people watched the scene where Vinette was oppressing Raphael with a fierce posture, feeling very unrealistic for no reason.

If Vinette saw such a scene, she would cover her face and cry, "Why does Xiao Jia feel more competent than me when she's a devil..."

Although I don't want to investigate the reason for changing the body for the time being, when it is not my own body, whether it is myself or someone else, I will feel very awkward.

For example, Akira Izumi, the weight on his chest and the ease in his crotch made him really not know what to do. He could only imitate Megumi Kato and sit on the ground steadily, trying not to move. Even the hands are neatly placed on the knees, and they dare not touch any part at will, let alone take the opportunity to explore the mysteries of the female body.

Because when he wanted to do this and took the opportunity to find a reason to go to the toilet, the owner of this body glared at him with cold eyes, making him dare not act rashly, fearing that in the next second, it would be him Then he took out a hatchet and chopped it down on his own body, completing the complicated love and killing.

It is only now that He Quanming realizes that he stared at people so fiercely!

Fortunately, Megumi Kato has gone to make tea now, so he doesn't have the feeling of being stared at all the time. As long as everyone is not paying attention, he secretly makes some small movements to study his girlfriend's body, it should be nothing... …

While talking to Sagiri about the Christmas party, He Quanming's hand quietly slipped into the clothes. After skimming several layers of warm clothes, his fingertips brushed the soft skin, and came to a place covered with steel rings and cotton. Where the quality cloth wraps...

He Quanming's face was slightly flushed, and just as he was short of breath and excited to continue, the door was suddenly opened.

"Everyone, I'm back from making tea."

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