He Quanming sat up straight for a moment, looked at Megumi Kato holding a tray, and himself with a virtuous expression on his face, nodding pretending to be normal.

"Thank you Lahui, thank you for your hard work, is there no problem with normal actions?"

Looking down at him condescendingly, Megumi Kato's eyes behind the lens looked cold, but his expression was as gentle as usual.

"No problem, it's just that when you stride, you have to try your best to spread out, it's just a little uncomfortable."

Putting the teacups on the tray in front of everyone one by one, Megumi Kato sat down slowly.

At this time, Izumi let out a bewildered snort.

"Hui, did you take the wrong teacup? My teacup is blue. You took it for the guests."

Looking at the color of other people's teacups that complement their inner self, Izumi picked up the black teacup in his hand and looked at Kato Megumi strangely.

Kato Megumi glanced at him lightly, her voice was steady without any ups and downs, and there was no surprise at all.

"I'm sorry if I took it wrong. Even if I don't understand some things, I still won't be clear."

The gentle voice reverberated in the air, carrying a heaviness enough to condense one's heart.

"—Just like Izumi-kun five months ago, I don't know what kind of teacup you use, so I give you the ones for the guests."

"...Also, the blue teacup is for Mingjun, not you."

Evoking a faint smile, she held the black-rimmed glasses on her face, and with Izumi's expression, she showed a see-through look.

"Then, I would like to ask this classmate whom I haven't seen for a long time... Where is the soul of my boyfriend, Izumi Akira?"

And, dropped a shocking question like a bomb.

Everyone's complexion changed instantly.

Izumi Akira——a certain soul showed the appearance of Kato Megumi, and its complexion suddenly became gloomy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The camera temporarily changes, somewhere deep in the mountains and old forests.

He Quanming and Vinette sat face to face on the root of a big tree, looking at each other with strange eyes.

"So... Izumi-san doesn't know why this happened?"

Facing Vinette's question, Akira Izumi sighed.

"Yeah... If there is no accident, I should be in Sagiri's room now, explaining to her about the new residence... But I didn't expect that when I opened my eyes, I would see a strange ceiling, and I would become this kind of girl." Ghostly..."

Hearing the back, Vinette couldn't help but burst out laughing: "It looks like a ghost... This description is really appropriate..."

He Quanming gave her a sideways glance: "Thank you for being able to laugh... How about it? Have you already deeply realized the fact that you were born in the wrong birth? Archangel Miss Venet?"

Involuntarily looking at the bright holy light illuminating an area above her head, Vinette's body swayed, and she immediately covered her chest with a painful face, and the background became pale.

"I was wrong... Please don't bring up this heartbreaking fact again. I really want to go home and ask my mother..."

As for what to ask, He Quanming knew it after thinking about it, so he wisely didn't continue to ask.

"Okay, then let's not hurt each other!"

As soon as he clapped his hands, He Quanming decided the basic principle of peaceful coexistence between the two, but he didn't make any clapping sound in his spiritual state, which seemed very strange as if he had been forcibly muted.

Even the conversation with Vinet is achieved by mysterious and mysterious telepathy. He doesn't know the principle. Anyway, the current him can't do anything except talk.

Wei Nette thought for a while, and said after sorting out the current situation.

"First of all, when Izumi was teleporting to Sister Sagiri's room, for some reason, he appeared in this deep mountain in a spirit state; , the body was exchanged with Xiaojia and came to this place, and the location of the teleportation is different from that of Izumi?"

"Yeah, I woke up in a small room. At that time, I thought I had died inexplicably, and I was still wondering whether this is hell or the underworld, and whether I can meet Satania or something like that later. I didn't expect that after wandering around, the first person I met was Gabriel... no, it was you, Vinette."

With a look of memories in his eyes, Hequan Ming said in a flat tone.

Wei Naite looked at him inexplicably with admiration: "Under such circumstances, Izumi can still think so calmly, it's amazing... If it were me, I'm afraid I'd be so panicked when I found out that I became a soul. Can't you think about it?"

Akira Hequan gave her a meaningful smile, then suddenly raised his right hand and turned the back of his hand to her.

"I was also very desperate at the beginning, and suddenly found that I appeared in a strange place as if I was dead. Normal people would be afraid, their heads would go blank, and they couldn't think about it? It's just that when I didn't know what to do , It was this imprint that calmed me down, and I was not overwhelmed by sadness and confusion."


Tilting her head in doubt, Wei Nai took a closer look. On the slightly transparent back of her hand, there was actually a bat-like tattoo. With teeth and claws open, a faint black air covered Izumi's skin, as if guarding his soul, making his appearance as clear and intact as before.

It was only then that Vinette recalled that as long as the soul of an ordinary person leaves the body, it will slowly dissipate with time in a short time. People who die unexpectedly will have a deformed soul due to the suffering they suffered during their lifetime. The shape will be as blurred as a smooth video, and some people even become a soul, and their appearance is a ball of mochi, and it is impossible to tell who is who.

The factor that makes Izumi an exception is naturally the mark on the back of his hand—that is the proof of signing a contract with the devil, the bond that will not disappear even if he dies, the shackles that the soul will always be with the devil.

So that's the case... Was Satania accidentally saving Izumi-san...

Rubbing her eyes, Vinette couldn't help but chuckled, inexplicably moved.

Only at this time, Izumi showed the back of the other hand again.

"Ah, and this! I was thinking, if that bat represents Satania, then this unicorn should represent Raphael?"

As he said, opposite to the bat is a cute little unicorn like a pony, which is exuding a holy gleam, making He Quanming's soul and body more solid.

This is the seal of the angel's contract... the effect is similar to that of the devil's contract, and the signing ceremony is the same, achieved through kissing...

Thinking of this, Vinette couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth, the emotion just now was swept away, and suddenly felt that the guy's smile in front of her became so hateful, she really wanted to beat him up.

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