"Hehe, it should be like this..."

"What's wrong? I suddenly have a feeling that you are not happy now."

Vinette replied with a half-smile: "Your illusion, it is said that after a person becomes a soul, many illusions will appear!"

"Shouldn't it be the opposite..." muttered, looking at her slightly dark eyes, Hequan wisely did not continue to refute.

After some discussion, they decided to walk in the direction of the low-lying terrain while using chat to keep the atmosphere from being dead silent.

Under the dark night, the blond girl and the ghost boy walked side by side, chatting happily. This kind of scene appeared in this kind of desolate and inhabited deep mountain and old forest. If someone saw it, it might not be long. There is an additional urban legend about "the girl was abducted by a ghost, and there was a strange moan in the middle of the night".

"It's such a pity... He obviously became a ghost, but he couldn't fly to the sky to explore the way." Seeing his feet floating in the air, He Quanming said regretfully.

"Actually, ghosts are no different from ordinary people." Vinet stretched out a finger, "Ghosts also walked on two feet in hell, but when they come to the human world, they must follow the laws of the human world and use floating to move around." To move, it's the same way you can walk through walls and obstacles now, but not in hell!"

"Oh~" He Quanming nodded suddenly, "That's why the characteristics of ghosts can only be displayed in the human world, and they will become like ordinary people in hell, but they will not gradually dissipate with the passage of time... It's really a start Eyesighted."

Winette smiled slightly: "Yeah, when I came to the world, I was also surprised by the specialness of the world! Different worlds have different laws, and we are like traveling through different worlds to explore the laws of both. The difference between them is also a very interesting thing!"

"Yeah, it's rare to have this kind of opportunity, and it's pretty good to experience the feeling of being a ghost!" He Quanming laughed twice, and kept waving his slightly transparent hands to the trees beside him, as if passing through The virtual scenery is ordinary, without any real feeling or change.

Vinet looked amusedly at him walking backwards and forwards like a child, protruding a head from the tree from time to time and calling himself the Ancient Tree of War, even when he found a way to sink into the ground , will suddenly drill out of the ground, shouting: "Tu Dun. The art of beheading in the heart!", or something like "He Quanming, use the ghost to dive—ah! The opposite is the evil department!"

Although I don't know why he got out of the ground and took a look at himself, then hid with a blushing face, but this nonsensical "ghost show" also made Vinette burst into a relaxed laugh inadvertently, as if everyone All my worries and confusion disappeared at this moment, a happy smile appeared on my face unconsciously, and the holy light beside me became gentler and brighter.

A thought suddenly appeared in Vinette's mind.

Maybe...the reason why everyone likes Izumi so much is because he can always make everyone laugh, and he always works hard to see everyone's smile, right?Whether it's sadness, sadness, fear, or hesitation, he wants to use a smile to wash away all negative emotions. Even if he wants to become a clown, he will willingly become a funny performer to entertain everyone.

Is this a kind of selfless giving?

No, it's not... because he himself laughed very happily!

Looking at Izumi Akira's undisguised big smile, Vinaite finally couldn't help the feeling of dynamism in her heart, holding her belly, and followed him into a laugh without grace.


He Quanming saw it, and immediately pretended to be angry and shouted: "Okay, you dare to laugh at me! I will let you know today why the ghost department can overcome the superpower department! Eat me with a shadow attack!"

Shouting, he threw himself at Vinette.

Vinette didn't panic when she saw this, she wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes with one hand, put one hand on her waist, and hummed nonchalantly.

"Come on, come if you can touch me~ What can you, a little ghost, do?"

He watched He Quanming rushing towards him with leisure. According to Vinette's prediction, He Quanming should pass directly through her body and not touch her.

He Quanming also thought so.

Then, he opened his arms wide and rushed forward.

The unexpected real feeling was transmitted when the two sides collided.


It was the sound of two people colliding and falling to the ground.

On the grass, two faces looked at each other at a very close distance, the same wide eyes reflected each other's astonishment, and the faint holy light shone on the overlapping shadows. For a moment, both of them froze in place. Landing, looking at each other stupidly, unable to say a word.

He Quanming put his hands on Vinette's back, and his slightly undulating chest was pressed against his chest. The warmth that he hadn't felt for dozens of minutes really radiated from under his body, and he could still feel the warmth. The scent of a girl and the sound of a slight heartbeat.

Vinette stared blankly at He Quanming's face, his lips were less than ten centimeters away from her own, and just exhaling lightly could bring out a tickling sensation; it was clearly a ghost, but it had something that made her heart beat Accelerated body temperature enveloped her whole body, her head gradually became blank, her soul seemed to be sucked away by those black eyes while looking at each other, all her thoughts left her at that moment, and what followed was An unstoppable blood flow rushed towards his face.

What's going on... this feeling...

Breathing became short of breath, and the world began to blur.

Pressed on the ground by Izumi, as if her whole body was being rubbed into his arms, Vinette's face was as red as blood, and she spoke softly with watery eyes.

"He, Izumi-san..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the grass surrounded by trees, the atmosphere between the boy and the girl is rendered pink and ambiguous, and the scene where the faces are getting closer-let us ignore it for the time being and turn the camera to Sagiri's room.

At this time, they were playing Monopoly.

"At first, I thought I would never come out again, just locked in his body like this, never seeing the light of day, watching you and him show affection all day long, living this miserable ghost life..."" In the past." Izumi rolled the dice and moved the flag that looked like a student girl three squares forward, "But I didn't expect that when I passed the teleportation array, a mysterious force pulled my soul out, and that guy I don’t know where to throw the soul of my soul, and then I got dizzy for a while—although I don’t know if ghosts have brains—anyway, after the teleportation, I found that I had changed my body... Oh, don’t tell you Guys, I'm also in a daze."

"Hmm... So, it wasn't your intention that this kind of thing happened?" Kato Megumi nodded, and after rolling the dice, he moved the magic girl-shaped chess piece forward four squares, "That's because I blamed you I'm sorry... I thought you wanted to win She Mingjun, but I accidentally got a little excited."

"It's you who took him away now, Kato Megumi..."

He Quanming curled his lips and gave her a sideways look.

Kato Megumi looked flat and did not speak.

At this time, Raphael said with a sigh.

"Such a thing can happen... Ming is a time traveler, occupying Izumi Akira, who died of overwork, and so on. It really seems to unfold in the story..."

He Quanming complained again: "No, what are you talking about as a legendary angel..."

Rafael ignored him, just rolled the dice with a smile on his face, and moved the loli-shaped chess piece six squares.

Satania sneered, and looked down at Izumi with haughty eyes: "Huh! Weak human beings, be happy! Being taken away by my family's emissary to prolong your life is a good thing that will never happen in eight lifetimes. Now Being able to speak here is thanks to him, so thank the familiar and his master, Lord Satania!"

Then he rolled the dice, clicked his tongue, and moved the catgirl flag one space with an unhappy expression on his face.

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