He Quanming shrugged helplessly: "Yes, yes, everything you say is right!"

Then she turned her head and said to the dark face in the corner of the room: "Tch... If I hadn't died, I would have never finished with you..."

Gabriel was playing a multi-connected game with Sagiri on the side. As a big touch, she easily flew Sagiri up, and kept shouting "Look at my Drilling Dragon. The four drilling methods" and so on. If you understand.

Sagiri was giggling next to her, her game skills were not enough in front of Gabriel, but she would not be disappointed because of it, even if she was taken away as a salted fish character who could only shout [-], she Also shouted very happily.

Looking at Sagiri like that, Izumi's expression softened, and after a slight smile, he turned to the four people here.

"Well, anyway, you don't have to worry about me taking my body back, let alone whether I can do it or not, seeing Sagiri showing such a happy expression, I don't have anything to ask for... If my brother returns If so, maybe she will become even more sad? So don't worry, as long as his soul returns, I will go back to the deepest part of my body by myself, and watch you guys get tired of playing Shura Field all day long... until , the day the soul disappears."

His eyes were calm.

There was neither any resentment nor any longing, the bright eyes that seemed to have completed all their tasks made everyone silent.

No one knows what this soul who died of overwork a few months ago is thinking, and no one knows why he is so relaxed about the fact that his identity is replaced by others, and no one knows, what is he doing? What kind of mood is he holding, he has been in He Quanming's body, watching him do so many things to his sisters.

Kato Megumi hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help asking.

"You... don't you feel unwilling?"

Akira Hequan smiled: "Why are you not reconciled? Is your sister taken away? Or is your body taken away? Or do you feel that you can live a better life than him, but you don't have the chance to continue living?"

Kato Megumi fell silent suddenly.

He Quanming played with the chess pieces in his hand, looked softly at the light of the fluorescent lamp reflected on the chess pieces, and continued: "... At first, I was unwilling or angry, and wanted to take my body back... …Of course there will be those feelings.

No matter who it is, they don't want to be robbed of their lives by strangers in another world, as well as their dearest family members, right? "

"Haha... To be honest, at that time, what I was most afraid of was not the fact that I was dead, but that he would do bad things to my sisters—Sagiri and Zongya."

Slowly closing his eyes, "Izumi Akira" slowly, as if expressing his long-precipitated feelings, spoke softly in the sight of the four lines of fading hostility.

"...Working and studying so hard every day, my body will not be able to support this sooner or later. Of course I know it, and I know it better than anyone... But compared to my body, I care more about whether my sisters can Get a more comfortable life...

"For the sake of the only family, and for the sake of allowing the lovely younger sisters to grow up without any burden, it is only natural for the elder brother, who is the head of the family, to risk his life for this, right? 』

——At that time, I was working hard with such an idiot-like mood.

That's right...that's how I worked hard until I died, and then an outsider took away the fruits of my blood and sweat, and my sister who was regarded as a treasure..."

Clenching his fists tightly, his mood is not as flat as his expression.

Then, after only a few seconds, he slowly let go of his fist, holding his head high——

"Even so, until now, I-"

He opened his eyes and looked around the crowd, proudly like a fool, he spoke firmly.

"Absolutely, I won't regret it!"


That voice seemed to shake this space, and at the same time shook the hearts of the other girls.

"Even if I die, even if I'm nailed to my body, and I can neither ascend to heaven nor be resurrected, I still have to shout out with this hoarse voice——I have never regretted risking my life for my sister!"

Grinning the corner of his mouth, He Quanming, who shouted this sentence with enthusiasm, looks very secondary. If this is on the street, it will definitely attract strange looks and ridicule, right?

However, no one present would laugh at him.

Except for Sagiri who was affected by the spell, even Gabriel who was playing the game, after moving her ears, her head gradually lowered, and she seemed to sigh softly.

Without caring about other people's reactions, Hequanming smiled heartily and put the chess pieces back on the board.

Then, roll the dice.

"So, after seeing what that guy did for Zongya and Sagiri, I really felt relieved, and deeply felt—ah, that guy really is me from another world !"

"In that case, it's okay for my sister to be handed over to him, right? Because he, like me, will risk his life for his sister, super stupid sister!"

"I'm not reconciled to this kind of feeling. A dead person doesn't deserve to have it, right? So be it, that's fine... Let him live the rest of your life splendidly."

"I'll just leave quietly after the thunderous applause."

He Quanming smiled and said: "Looking at it now, this decision is completely correct... He lived a much more exciting life than me, and his bond is much deeper than mine. If there is an afterlife, I hope to live like that too." Wonderful."

"At least you have to be like him and open a big harem!"

Hearing this, Rafael and Kato Hui immediately blushed, and Satania even patted the table to protest.

"This lady is not the harem of the familiar! If I really want to say it, I am his master, and his harem is my harem, so I am the master of the harem!"

Rafael frowned, pulled Satania into his arms, and showed a pure smile: "Oh? Is that so? Come~Sachan, let me tell you how the master of the harem will be raped by the members of the harem. Are you treating me well~"

"Wait, wait, what do you want to do...Hey! Don't mess with strange places!"

"Hehehehe... My body is really soft to the touch... I really envy classmate Ming..."

Hearing such a bad speech, Kato Megumi immediately cast a glance at her: "Envy or something... Lafite, is it too immoral for you to say that?"

"It's not important about morality!" Raphael took the time to return a thumbs up and smiled, and then went back to rub her own body.

Kato Megumi rolled his eyes, ignoring her.

He Quanming couldn't help laughing loudly: "That's right, that's it! Such a happy life, even if it wasn't mine, I wouldn't want to destroy it!"

"So everyone, Sagiri and Zongya, and me in another world... I ask you to take good care of them!"

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