"May you be together forever happily, and may you welcome the future with a smile on your face!"

Singing so loudly, he stood up and placed his chess pieces to the finish line—as if it was destined, the number of points he rolled just made him go straight to the finish line.

"The original Izumi Akira" responded with a familiar smile to the gazes of the others.

——stretched out his thumb, showed his big white teeth, and smiled brightly.

He Quanming laughed like that.

"I'm at the end first! Everyone, if you are destined, don't meet at the end!"

Then, he looked at Kato Megumi.

"Let me say one last thing - Kato, your figure..."

There was a lewd smile on the corner of his mouth, and he let out a hey.

“Really super NICE!”

Kato Megumi's face darkened suddenly, and his killing intent soared.

He Quanming didn't give her time to take revenge, and a holy white light suddenly flashed on her body.

Dazed for a moment, Rafael murmured: "This is... autonomous ascension?"

Before she could explain, the dazzling pure white light instantly rendered the whole room into a white world.

In the white light, feeling his own gradually dissipating existence, someone looked up at the ceiling, as if looking up at a dark starry sky, and slowly showed a lonely smile.

(Ah, it turns out...it's all because of me...)

(Because I want to play games with everyone, want to have a hearty chat with those seemingly happy people, and want to have a face-to-face conversation with Sagiri, that’s why I appear here, and let everyone’s souls appear dislocation……)

(It's really... a good experience...)

If you are satisfied, you will naturally ascend to heaven.

It is no longer in He Quanming's body, and the locked soul has been released, so... the old existence named He Quanming, it is time to disappear.

(This short life is really annoyingly wonderful...)

After a last glance at the silver-haired girl who was smiling excitedly and didn't notice anything, He Quanming shook his head with a broken smile. In those gentle eyes, a tear suddenly slid down his face. He quickly wiped it away and raised his peace again smile.

——Perhaps it wasn't tears.

That's just the residue of a lonely soul that entrusted the past, present, and future to another person.

(Sagiri, live happily... Brother, no matter when, in heaven or on earth, you will become a knight who can't defeat the dragon, and you will run away desperately with the lovely princess...)

(If you can't find me, let that guy replace you! I believe that I in another world will be able to protect you well... After all, we are both sisters!)

Looking at Sagiri, he wanted to yell something, but the parts below his neck had all disappeared, and he couldn't make any sound, so he opened his mouth and sighed helplessly.

(Then, goodbye, Sagiri, Zongya...)

(Knowing you is the greatest happiness in my life.)

The last sigh, disappeared in the silent white light.

I love you all...

Suddenly, Sagiri raised her hand and wiped the two extra tear stains on her cheeks.

"Eh? Strange...why, I'm crying..."

With the other hand pressed against her heart, she was full of confusion, but wrinkled her nose sadly.

"Heart...so painful, so empty...why, it seems like something important has been lost..."

Zong Ya, who was writing novels in her room, also wiped away the tears from her eyes with her sleeves, with a bewildered expression on her face.

"I always feel...as if someone important has left...this feeling..."

She also felt this way when her mother had an accident.

This made Zongya stand up involuntarily, looking for her mobile phone reflexively.

At this moment, they unconsciously yelled out a word at the same time, with a sense of loss.

"elder brother……"

"Big brother..."

White light, gradually disappearing.

Sagiri looked back reflexively, and saw that Akira Kazumi and the other three were playing Monopoly in peace. Although their expressions looked a little stiff, nothing strange happened.

But when she breathed a sigh of relief, there seemed to be a figure in the air, smiling at her lightly, opening and closing his mouth, speaking silently.

Izumi Sagiri inexplicably understood what he wanted to say.

That's a simple word.


At that moment, tears flowed down uncontrollably.


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