Obviously don't know why this happened, obviously didn't understand the cause and effect, obviously didn't even know if it was a hallucination - Sagiri was still crying the same way, crying loudly.

Then, I cried and laughed.

Without wiping away the tears and snot on her face, she just looked up at the air, forced to grin the corners of her mouth, and showed an ugly smile at the empty air.

"Me too, thank you..."

Thanks to whom?

I do not know.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The light gradually faded, and in the room, except for Sagiri who was separated by the barrier, everyone's closed eyes slowly opened, and they all looked at Kato Megumi at the same time—that is, the self-talking Ascension to Heaven Akira Izumi.

Someone outside Kato Megumi slowly rubbed his eyes, and the moment he met the eyes of other people, he nodded slightly, and then raised his hand, stretching out five slender and white fingers like green onions.

...the body, back.

In other words, that Akira Izumi has already...

After summing up the whole incident, Kato Megumi couldn't help sighing quietly—the original resentment towards him for occupying his body and engaging in soul exchange had disappeared with that white light and smile at some point .

All that was left was a sigh of regret.

Although we haven't really known each other for a long time, and we haven't spoken more than twenty sentences, but Kato Megumi has an inexplicable feeling of admiration for him.

That's right, that is a respectable, but regrettable elder brother—fortunately, the guy who will inherit his life from now on is also a not-too-compromising super girl-controller.

Smiling slightly, she glanced at everyone.


Suddenly, the voice froze in the air.

The small mouth that was about to say something stagnantly opened slightly, and when her eyes came into contact with that scene, her pupils instantly shrank into pinholes, and she just stared at the front in a daze.

That is Akira Izumi's body, the place where her soul entered just now, the "temporary residence" that she has been holding back her urine from the very beginning until now.

Now, her soul has returned to her body, so...

Where is He Quanming's soul?

His body was lying on the ground with his eyes closed at this moment, soundlessly, his complexion was still rosy, but gradually became pale as time passed.

His chest had long since ceased to rise and fall, and his breathing could not be heard in this quiet room.

There seemed to be a big hole in the black-haired girl's chest suddenly, and the light in front of her eyes fell with the hole, bottomless.

The blood was cold at that moment, and even the heartbeat was difficult to beat as if it was tightly strangled. There was no pain, because even the pain was not as good as one ten-thousandth of despair.

What does it look like when the world is instantly dark?

Kato Megumi suddenly realized what she thought she couldn't understand.

——It's a feeling that makes people want to cry so much, but can't cry.

It's just that his head was blank, the impact kept shaking his eardrums, and his thinking completely stopped.


This feeling lasted for less than three seconds. Kato Megumi pinched his arm suddenly, and after bleeding from the arm, his thoughts finally became a little clearer.

Forcing herself to come back to her senses, she bit down the tip of her tongue again. It was a little numb and painful, but she could temporarily forget the emotions that were not helpful to the status quo. Otherwise, she was just an ordinary person. will hold you back.

But, after all, he still couldn't calm down.

The originally plain expression was no longer concealed at this moment, the panic and urgency written on her face drove her to push the small table and rush over in a hurry, even if she was knocked out by the table leg with bruises and scars, even if she rolled and crawled in embarrassment. , she rushed to He Quanming's side with her fastest speed.

"Ming Jun? Ming Jun!"

After finding out that ordinary shouting was useless, Kato Megumi held back his painful breath, not caring that there were other people watching, directly bent down, and pressed his pale and slender lips to it.

After a set of standard and hasty CPR was completed, she pressed against Izumi's chest and listened quietly—there was still no heartbeat, and her body temperature began to freeze.

Her eyes were filled with hot tears at some point, and her lips trembled uncontrollably. She wanted to force herself to be calm, but she couldn't restrain her impulse at all.

It was a feeling of the world collapsing suddenly—but she could only watch herself keep falling, falling into nothingness and fear.

Trying not to let the tears fall, she brushed her obstructive long hair back, and continued to lower her head, pouring the air from her lungs into He Quanming's mouth over and over again.

Even though their lips were equally cold, even if it was her first kiss, the moment of kissing was not romantic, but Megumi Kato never stopped kissing deeply.

Until Gabriel's voice sounded belatedly.

"Kato, calm down! Now he has no soul in his body, and he is brain dead at an extremely fast speed. If you continue to pass the air to him like this, not only will it be useless, but it will also speed up the time of his death!"

Then why didn't you say it earlier!

Kato Megumi almost wanted to shout out like this, but after seeing Gabriel's solemn and serious face, and recalling her panicked actions just now, she swallowed the accusation silently, lowered her head, and finally Only managed to squeeze out a question.

"Okay, I'll calm down, I'll calm down... Xiaojia, what happened to Mingjun?! Mingming..."

Obviously the soul of "Original Izumi Akira" has ascended to heaven, and the others have also returned to their bodies, logically speaking, it shouldn't be...

Wait, back to your body? !

Suddenly raised his head again, and saw clearly the direction from which Gabriel's voice came from - just now he hadn't noticed it because of his confusion, Kato Megumi only realized now that Gabriel still looked like Vinette, and the voice just now It is also obvious that it is Wei Nai's soft and friendly voice.

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