"Fuck you sister! I haven't done anything yet!"

He Quanming finally got angry.

The holy light beside me is getting closer and closer, and the empty spirit body can feel the feeling of being gradually evaporated by the sun. If it is directly touched, maybe there will be no pain, and it will completely disappear, right?

But at this moment, he has no time to think about his own safety.

——I said it was an accident, and I didn't do anything except accidentally put my chest on my chest. Is it necessary to look like me or you?I'm just a little virgin!A little virgin who has never even kissed his first girlfriend!

How can you smear my innocence out of thin air like this!Accidental knockdowns don't count as knockdowns...accidents! ... Can something that is done carelessly be considered overthrown?

What's more, you are Gabriel's body!If she sees me doing something I shouldn't do to her body, there is a great possibility that I will be physically castrated by her with the holy light!


It can be seen that Wei Nette has begun to escape from reality, and Akira Hequan still didn't shout out these words in the end.

Now, words are useless, only actions can break the situation.

——Forget it, let the storm be more violent!

Fighting poison with fire, fake plays come true!

Hequan gritted his teeth and made a decision.


Straightening Vinette's face and wiping away the two lines of tears on her face, Kazumi Akira put on a serious face, looking completely willing.

"If you can't get married or something, so what!"

Looking at her dull eyes, He Quanming took a deep breath.

"It's fine if you marry me!"

The pupils that had sunk into the darkness flickered for a while, and gradually returned to brightness.

"I was a little uncertain before, but now I have decided to face up to my feelings...Vinette, I like you!"

Blinking his eyes, he stared foolishly at him with a dignified face, his breathing stopped.

"I have liked you who are serious, kind and cute for a long time—so, I will be responsible for you!"

Negative, responsible?

No, wait... he said, he likes me? !

The thinking that had started to work froze again, and an incomprehensible shock roared in her heart, and Vinet suddenly fell into a daze.

It's just that He Quanming didn't give her a chance to mess up again.

The slightly transparent body seemed to be solidified a lot, so he lowered his gradually clear face, and slowly pressed down on her lips.

So under Vinet's bewildered eyes——

Her first kiss, with a snap, was gone.

The [-]st chapter admits his own mind

Although he kissed Vinette forcefully on impulse, Akira Izumi didn't feel any regret at this moment.

He just forced himself to make a choice, turning from a scumbag to a super scumbag. This little sense of shame can no longer shake his rock-solid heart.

——Things that he has already decided to bear, now he takes actions to take them on his shoulders; even if the road ahead can only bend his back and walk staggeringly, he will do his best to shoulder that responsibility , to the end where everyone can smile.

It's just now... Hehehe, let's concentrate on enjoying this rare kissing experience first!

Unlike Vinette's staring eyes in astonishment, Izumi slowly closed his eyes with a relaxed expression.

——Not to mention how soft and sweet the lips are, and how refreshing the breath from the nostrils is, just the soft magic power transmitted from Vinette almost made him groan with pleasure. Voice.

Ahh... this is the feeling of going to heaven...

It is thick and warm as if the whole body is soaked in hot springs, and it is relaxed and comfortable as if the whole body is about to be sublimated.

It was like a blank trance in his mind, which made him feel like he was doing nasty things.

The brain exuded excitement, and the cells in the whole body trembled and danced accordingly.


Even if he didn't stick out his tongue, but the two lips were lightly pressed together, the youthful taste was exchanged between each other, and Izumi still felt the ultimate enjoyment.


Hequanming here is still immersed in joy, while Vinette over there has recovered from the shock, feeling the touch of her lips being pressed tightly, her whole face turns red into an apple instantly, and her heart beats soaring involuntarily to the high point.

(This, this development is too fast~~)

Not just fast, but also unprepared.

In Vinette's vision, her partner doesn't have to be handsome or special talent, as long as she can be with her, be gentle to her, smile often, be kind and simple, the two The atmosphere of getting along with people can be as warm and natural as grandparents.

As long as this is the case, even if she entrusts her first kiss and even her whole life to him, she still feels that it is not a bad thing.

Not only that, just like every girl's dream, Vinet also imagined that her first kiss would be in a romantic place, in an ambiguous atmosphere, her chin would be lifted slowly, and she would take it away gently. ...

That’s right, maybe under the snowy bridge, maybe on the beach under the starry sky, maybe on the trail in the maple forest, maybe in your own room—but definitely not in this cold and desolate mountain!

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