And the atmosphere is not romantic at all, and the subject is a ghost!The action is more like sealing the mouth, which is not gentle at all!

This first kiss experience was so bad that she almost forgot to be shy, and felt an uncomfortable feeling of being disillusioned.

--and many more!

By the way, this wasn't her first kiss!It's Gabriel's!This body belongs to Gabriel!

Although she was the one being kissed now, the lips kissed by the guy in front of him belonged to Gabriel, which meant that Gabriel's first kiss was taken away!

If it weren't for being pinned down by Izumi and unable to move, this discovery alone would have caused Vinette to hold her head in panic and think about what to do.

If this scene is seen by Gabriel now, then Izumi will definitely be thrown from the world into hell by her, and then taken to heaven, hanged by the holy light and smoked a hundred times a day!

(No... I have to call Izumi-san to get up quickly, I have a premonition that Xiaojia will show up at any time...!)

After all, why should I help the person who is kissing me forcibly!This is too strange! ?

Thinking of this, she struggled a little with her head, but the sudden friction on her lips felt like an electric shock, making her freeze in place again, not daring to move.

At this time when her mouth was blocked, she could only breathe lightly through her nose, but Hequanming's heavy breath was right in front of her. As long as she started to breathe, the breath between the two would mix together, causing the body to rise. A more dry feeling.

In order not to let the strange heat affect her thoughts, and to prevent her face from turning redder, Vinet held her breath forcibly, but this made her rapid heartbeat more obvious, as if she was It's like the drumhead is beating constantly by my ear.

(Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what should I do now~)

Do you want to push him away?

This should be the best way.


For some reason, she kind of... didn't want to do it.

It was obviously in the state of being kissed by someone, but apart from the shock at the beginning, Vinet found that she didn't feel any disgust or rejection.

The lips are hot, the body is hot, the head is dizzy, but the heart is as warm as being held in the palm of someone's hand.

Why is this so?

They are obviously just friends, and they can't accept such a flirtatious guy.

Why... just can't hate it?

Staring blankly at He Quanming's not-so-handsome face, his eyes were slightly closed, his expression was soft, as if he was peacefully in some sweet dream.

As if feeling Vinette's sight, he slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes met at a very close distance. Through the frame, those dark eyes reflected her figure, full of them, without a trace of her. Leave blank.

Then, the corners of his eyes drooped slightly, and he gave her a gentle smile without avoiding it.


It was as if the heart was hit hard, and the heartbeat stopped at that moment, and the blood flowed rapidly.

An unprecedented sense of shyness and joy rose from the bottom of her heart, sweeping her whole body like a huge wave, making both slender lips tremble slightly.

At this moment, Vinette finally understood.

(Ahh... this feeling... so... me too?)

Recalling the time when I met him—I got to know him because of Gabriel, I got acquainted with him because of the invitation to the summer festival, I deepened it because of the cooperation in the sports season, I changed because I was exposed as a demon, I bumped into him A date with Rafael took a turn for the worse, he was touched by seeing his efforts, he got used to accepting an invitation to a Christmas party...

Because during the period of acquaintance with him, He Quanming's figure has been imprinted on her heart at some time, and it will be difficult to erase for a long time.

Is this love?

Vinette was a little confused.

It's just that she already knows now that her feelings for He Quanming have long since transcended the boundaries between friends, but she usually doesn't notice it.

If you think about it so carefully...

Doesn't have to be a handsome guy - check the box.

No special talent required - tick the box.

Being able to stay by her side well - this should be fine, although he is a little playful, but it can be seen that he is a very family-loving person, so tick.

Gentle to her, always smiling, kind and down-to-earth - it fits perfectly, after all, He Quanming always smiles with them, although sometimes it can be annoying, but he is really very gentle to everyone... um, So tick that too.

The atmosphere between the two of them can be as warm and natural as the old grandpa and grandma - this can be cultivated in the future, and there is nothing wrong with the atmosphere of getting along with him now, maybe if we go further, it will make people happier... Hmmmm , or tick.

After matching the conditions for choosing a date with him to Quanming one by one, Vinet realized that the person in front of her was all in line with her aesthetics!

... Well, even though he was very careless, after having two girlfriends, he even forcibly kissed her, wanting to be responsible for her.

But this is also a kind of seriousness about feelings, isn't it?This means that Akira Hequan is not a bastard who plays with emotions at will. Even if he encounters strange eyes from others, he will not escape the feelings he is willing to accept.

This is a responsible man!If you flirt, you dare to marry!

Thinking of this, the image of Izumi Akira in Vinette's heart suddenly increased by tens of percentage points, almost to a hundred.

——In fact, she is not a person who hates Huaxin, but Huaxin is a scum who is sentimental, flirts but refuses to take responsibility, and wins the favor of others everywhere but does not make a choice for a long time, causing them to stage white scenes over there. She will find it unforgivable for the coward of the photo album!

You can be gentle, but don't use that gentleness to hurt others.

Compared with the conservative view of love, Vinet pays more attention to whether there will be injured people in a relationship - it would be great if there is a world where everyone's love can be consistent and no one will be hurt , she expected so more than once.

No matter who it is, they can obtain their own happiness with a smile. That is the most perfect ending of love, and it is the love journey she wants to experience.

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