Gabriel shrugged, but didn't pay attention, and stretched out a finger to point to Vineette, which was the forehead of her own body.

"Let's talk about what we want to say later, and change our bodies back first."

Then a flash of special effect light flashed, He Quanming opened and closed his eyes, the positions of the two did not change in any way, but the expressions on their faces and the temperament they radiated were completely different—that is to say, they returned to the original position. It suits their look.

Because Gabriel's soul left, the wings and the black and white Raleigh gothic skirt on Vinette's original body also disappeared. apron.

Looking at her familiar hands, her eyes returned to the original height, and the neat short shoulder-length hair of Zifa behind her was still soft, Wei Nette's heart was suddenly filled with emotion, and tears filled her eyes: "Finally back... my The body is really the best..."

Then, by accident, he touched his chest, showing a relieved expression.


Gabriel frowned slightly when she saw it, and twitched the corners of her mouth in displeasure, but said nothing.

He Quanming couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Pfft... Gabriel, don't you also feel relaxed all over?"

Gabriel turned her head and glared at him, eyes full of killing intent: "It's not that big, I don't need you to talk nonsense!"

After she finished speaking, she wiped her pink lips with a strange expression, and then looked at him even more unhappy.

"Tch, it's full of your bastard's saliva... It's disgusting!"

He Quanming stared in surprise, with a silly face: "Eh? I'm a spirit body now, do I even drool?"

The veins on Gabriel's forehead twitched slightly, and the inexplicable anger that rose made her roll up her sleeves with a grin, as if she wanted to fight him right here.

Vinette looked at the two with a blushing face. Maybe she just watched He Quanming being taught a lesson by Gabriel. Anyway, he did it himself. If you want to fight, you can fight with her. It's okay, don't bother with it at all.

But now, the relationship between her and He Quanming is different from the past, and she has accepted the change of status, and she reflexively wants to speak for He Quanming.

"Well, Xiaojia, forget it! Classmate Hequan is in a spirit state now, if you accidentally beat him to death, what should you do?"

Gabriel stopped rushing to beat him up, and squinted at Vinette: "Oh? You want to defend your man so soon? It seems that he has given you a lot of confusion?"

Vinette's cheeks were even more flushed, and she waved her hands in a hasty explanation: "No, that's not the case! Although I was right, Izumi and I..."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to listen!" Cutting off Vinette's words and snorting coldly, Gabriel turned to He Quanming, raised her brows, and said to him in a cold tone, " for you Self-propelled gun, I have nothing to say to you, think about how to explain it to your girlfriends and sisters later!"

After saying this, before He Quanming could react, she kicked He Quanming fiercely as if venting her anger, kicking his body high into the sky, and a white light suddenly appeared behind him, completely enveloping his body. After getting up, it disappeared without a trace with a swish.

Letting out a breath, Gabriel withdrew her feet happily: "Huh... kicking is really cool!"

"He, Izumi classmate, he should be fine..." In order to prevent Gabriel from making fun of her relationship with Izumi again, and she was also a little shy, Vinette could only care in a nonchalant tone. he.

Gabriel shrugged with a normal expression, relaxed as if she hadn't done anything: "It's nothing at all, I just kicked him back into my body... Now everyone, including his body, is under the care of Little Sister Sagiri." Stay in your room, and Wei Nai can come over too."

A light of unknown meaning flashed in his eyes, and Gabriel turned his head to take a deep look at Vinette.

"...By the way, let me tell you about the "good thing" that happened between you and that guy during this period of time."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ahaha..." Vinette smiled wryly, although she was mentally prepared for how bad it would be if Gabriel saw what happened just now, but she still felt a little sorry when she said that to her face. She couldn't help but bow her head in shame.

"I'm sorry, Xiaojia...doing this kind of thing to your body without authorization..."

"Hmph, it's nothing." Putting her face aside, Gabriel folded her hands, stared at the starry sky in the distance, and said calmly, "It's not you, Vinay, who should apologize, but that bastard with a humanoid self-propelled cannon... I Knowing that with your character, you will not take the initiative to kiss that guy, not to mention he pressed you to the ground, enjoying your mouth... No, it is my body's mouth..."

She wiped her pink lips again with disgust on her face, her brows were tightly wrinkled, her expression was a bit complicated, but in the end it was covered up by indignation: "Tsk... just thinking about that picture makes me feel so sick... ah Ahhhhhh, I'm so upset! Wait, you must teach him a lesson! Let him know what the judgment of the wrath of heaven is!"

"Little Jia..."

Vinette looked worriedly at Gabriel who was stamping her feet irritably.

It's not about Izumi Akira who may have a tragic experience, but about this good friend who has always refused to face up to his heart.

...Maybe the same thing happened to me before?

He obviously cared a little bit, but he forcibly ignored that feeling because he couldn't make it through. In the end, that sense of caring became stronger and stronger, and he couldn't control his eyes all the time, and could only follow his figure all the time. I can only watch silently from a distance, and I have to pretend that I don't care about it.

There is nothing wrong with this choice, it would be better to say that it is right - because when a person's side is already full, other people who can't grab the seat can only restrain their feelings and look at the place full of disappointment. The ending of happiness being preempted; unless you are willing to be a third party who destroys other people's feelings, or simply turn your head and give up, otherwise, the deeper you care, the heavier the broken heart will be.

Vinette herself is fine, because the love between her and Izumi is relatively small, and most of her feelings for him are transformed from friendship. If you really want to say that you love him to death, it is simply impossible.

Between the two of them, there is no such vigorous and persistent love, only the hope that they can spend a lifetime with each other in peace; it is a feeling that comes naturally, and even Vinette herself has not yet Leaving the reality of being single, as if nothing had changed.

But Gabriel is different.

Vinette knew that long before she and Izumi met, Gabriel had a strange feeling for this guy.

Maybe she's not as innocent as Satania, or maybe she's not as persistent as Kato Megumi, or as enthusiastic as Rafael, but it's absolutely impossible for Gabriel to just treat Izumi as a friend!

No matter how much she doesn't face her own feelings, no matter how much she doesn't want to squeeze into He Quanming's side like everyone else, but she has always been outside the crowd, silently liking He Quanming.

From before to now, that kindness has never diminished, but has been increasing day by day.

That smile, that gaze, that red face, that kind of trust... Countless evidences have proven this fact. No matter how she denies it, this feeling is always the same, beyond doubt.

That's why he was angry with what happened just now, and that's why he vented his emotions like arguing.

——Winette thinks so, this is her deepest understanding of her best friend.

It was also because she was her best friend that Vinette wanted to help her. Even if it was a stupid move to increase her rivals and share the love that was already little enough, it didn't matter.

In this world, some friendships are much more important than love, and they are more difficult to give up.

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