As for the truth...

Well, there are enough people anyway, so it's the best choice for everyone to be together at this time, right?Why do you care so much.

And the few of us, no matter who is missing, we can't do it——if anyone is missing, there will be a feeling of unfairness.

Smiling wryly from the bottom of her heart, she came to a conclusion, and after sighing helplessly, Vinet suddenly held Gabriel's somewhat cold little hand.


Facing her inexplicable gaze, Vinette smiled slightly, her smile was gentle and soft, her eyes were full of memories, she looked up at the sky, and she spoke eloquently.

"Xiaojia, I... like classmate Izumi!"


"It's not forced, and it's not for the sake of responsibility...Although it's not my favorite, as long as I have him around, I feel inexplicably relaxed and happy, as if I can see scenes that make me laugh at any time... Although I don't know if it's a helpless wry smile or a sad one.

The only thing I can be sure of is that I fell in love with Izumi-san before I knew it?Is it surprising?I also find it very strange. "


"But it's weird, it's weird, as long as you're happy. I never thought that liking someone would be such a happy thing!"


"What about you? I've already expressed my feelings, so it's you who will tell me next?"


"Don't be shy, tell me! I won't tell anyone, this is a little secret between the two of us! Hey, Xiaojia, do you really like Izumi-san? "

Blinking at her, Vinette asked the question with a serious face, staring straight at Gabriel with a rather oppressive gaze, as if she could see through her intention to lie at any time.

Being stared at like this, Gabriel took a step back a little uncomfortably, her eyes wandered slightly, two blushes floated up on her cheeks, her unhappy expression just now was completely shattered, and a small voice came out of her mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense! Me, I' that guy..."


Being kicked back home, He Quanming's consciousness was blurred for a while, and then became clear.

At this moment, he finally felt the coldness of the floor, the warmth of the air conditioner, and the softness of his thighs.

This also means that he is no longer the ghost who can't touch anything except Vernette!

What a pity... Pooh, no... What exciting news!

He finally returned to his body and appeared in Sagiri's room unscathed, which is great!

Thank God, thank God, thank Gabriel!

Oh, no... Wait, this guy is going to expose what he and Vinette did in the deep mountains and forests, and maybe add fuel to it, so I can't thank her, thanking the devil is more reliable.

But most of this was the fault of him kissing Vinette forcibly, and Gabriel not only helped him get his body back, but also made him have a knee pillow to lie on when he came back, so now...

Let's thank Gabriel anyway.

After recovering from the touch of returning to his body, the first thing Izumi felt was a pair of elastic, smooth and clean thighs.

From his professional appraisal point of view, this is [-]% his real girlfriend.Kato Megumi's white and tender thighs can be called a world treasure of human heritage and a flawless international artwork.

No matter wearing socks, bubble socks, stockings, silk stockings, or Christmas stockings, the long legs are beautiful and attractive, and now the skirt covering them is slightly rolled up, revealing a dazzling open space for Izumi to admire Lie down and rest.

——The absolute realm that even Xiao Zuo and Xiao You have never experienced, but now they have successfully obtained first blood from the back of their heads, that kind of happiness is really incomparable!

Slightly squinting his eyes to prevent others from noticing that he has woken up, looking around through the corner of his eyes, trying to quietly enjoy this pleasant intimate time, but the increasingly lewd smile on his face is completely He couldn't hide it, and was immediately discovered by Megumi Kato, who was curling his bangs to pass the time from time to time.

"Mingjun, are you awake?!"

He Quanming only felt that his upper body was suddenly lifted, and suddenly fell into a warm and soft place. It was a place more comfortable than a stove and a sheep blanket. It was a girl's embrace full of excitement but cautiously. .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Opening his eyes completely, Kato Megumi's worried and relaxed expression became clearer in his eyes, and Izumi couldn't help opening his mouth slightly, and was stunned.

An uncomfortable feeling was brewing in his heart, which made his lips tremble slightly and his breathing stagnated.

Kato Megumi took a deep breath, and after calming down the slightly ups and downs in his heart, his expression returned to normal, showing the usual gentle smile.

"It seems to be all's fine..."

Gently rubbing He Quanming's face, a pair of slightly red eyes narrowed slightly, and a beautiful crescent moon curved up.

"Welcome back, Mingjun."


He Quanming stretched out his hand silently, completely wrapped her delicate catkin, and squeezed it gently.

"...Well, I'm back, Kei."

Then he lifted his body up, hugged her slender body, and patted her back slowly as if comforting a child.

Her chin was on his shoulder, and Kato Megumi's other hand was also wrapped around his back, just snuggling up to him quietly, with a slight smile on her face, breathing the soothing smell.

He Quanming's heart was also peaceful, all the beauty was swept away, only the warm feeling of happiness gradually enveloped the whole body, turning into a layer of insoluble honey, sweet to the bottom of his heart.

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