This time, he grabbed her arm tightly and stopped her from advancing towards the window.

Kato Megumi said calmly.

"Rafi, isn't the toilet over there? Do you want to go to the toilet in mid-air?"

His whole body froze for a moment, and after his intention was exposed, Rafael withdrew his smile, pouted pitifully at Megumi Kato, and said coquettishly in a soft voice.

"Xiaohui, please~ I don't want to miss such an interesting scene! The scene where Xiaojia expresses her heart and even confesses is over there. If I don't see it, I will regret it for the rest of my life—no, I won't even be able to reincarnate as an adult in the next life what!"

Kato Megumin had no expression on his face.

"is it?"

"Then I..." Raphael smiled in surprise.

"Sit down and wait."

"Well... yes..."

Rafael sat down beside Megumi Kato with his head downcast.

Satania on the side widened her eyes, staring in horror at the seemingly ordinary black-haired girl, who usually has the same temperament as an invisible person, but at this moment she has an inexplicable presence that cannot be ignored.

"Terrible, so terrifying aura... A mere mortal can actually have this kind of aura, and he can even overwhelm angels..."

Hearing what she was muttering over there, Kato Megumi's calm eyes turned around.

"Sata sauce?"


Like a frightened kitten, Satania shook her whole body, and immediately sat upright on the spot.

"I did not say anything!"

Seeing her inexplicably tensely straightening her body, the corners of Kato Megumi's mouth twitched slightly, and she couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

"I didn't say anything..."

Then he took out his phone and looked at himself on the screen.

"Strange, but not scary..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the sky, under the night.

He Quanming's screams continued.

"Mom—it's so high—help—it's dying—"

The veins on Gabriel's forehead twitched slightly, he grabbed him with one hand, and patted his head hard with the other.

"Stop yelling, please! It's so noisy!"

He Quanming's flustered expression disappeared in an instant, his face returned to calm, and he shrugged casually.

"Okay, I'll just stop calling."

This time it was Gabriel who was stunned: "Eh? If you don't want to bark, you won't bark? Aren't you afraid of heights? Are you not afraid anymore?"

"Hmph, of course I'm afraid! How can human fear be overcome so easily?" He Quanming sneered, with a disdainful face, holding his glasses with one hand, and looking up at Gabriel, "...Don't you realize , are my legs shaking badly now?"

Gabriel looked down, indeed, this guy's feet were shaking like a goat, but his face was still as steady as an old dog, without any panic.

She couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth: "Damn... I'm so scared that I'm still playing handsome... I really deserve to be you..."

At this time, a feeling of admiration for him suddenly appeared, and Gabriel deeply felt that there was something wrong with him.

No, it's definitely not my own problem, but this idiot's fault, no matter what happens, it's his fault - as long as I think about it, the world is still beautiful!

Nodding approvingly, Gabriel flew to the roof of a building, landed slowly on it, and let Izumi down by the way.

He Quanming stepped tremblingly on the concrete floor with his toes, unsteady, and almost fell like a shit.

Gabriel could only support him helplessly until he stood still.

"Really... I'm afraid of heights, so I'm a bit manly, okay?"

Clutching his unwell stomach, the aggressive expression faded away, He Quanming cast a resentful glance at her: "How dare you say... anyone who is suddenly caught flying at a high altitude without safety measures, no matter how manly he is, will be scared." Did you arrive..."

Gabriel curled her lips and turned her head: "Tch, it's not punishment if you don't get scared."

"So what are you going to punish me for? Charge! Give me a charge that I can convincingly say!" He Quanming puffed out his chest and stared at her dissatisfied.

Gabriel directly grabbed his collar and pulled him in front of him, gritted her teeth viciously and stared back.

"Huh? How dare you say that? Do you want me to really bring out all the bad deeds of you to be happy?"

Pulled by her, He Quanming still didn't give in at all, and directly pressed his forehead against hers, and at a very close distance, met her eyes, and answered loudly without taking a step back.

"I dare to say it! I do everything with a clear conscience! There is nothing that requires you to punish!"

"You..." Gabriel was breathless, the slender veins of her tightly clenched fists bulged, and she seemed to want to say something.

But then, He Quanming looked into her eyes seriously and said word by word.

"Whether it's Hui, or Lafite, Satania, or Vinai, I have a clear conscience for their feelings, and I am willing to spend my life treating and protecting them—including you too, Gabriel!"

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