
Hearing these words, Gabriel's eyes widened suddenly, as if she had been severely hit in the heart by a giant hammer, and she froze on the spot, letting go of the hand holding his collar involuntarily.

This time, Chang Hequanming took the initiative to hold her hand, and pulled her stiff into his arms.

——Since confessing to Vinet, Akira Izumi realized one thing.

Sometimes, taking the initiative to attack is far more useful than cultivating feelings in a dawdling manner.

If she still had an ambiguous attitude towards Gabriel at this time, then maybe Gabriel would never express her true feelings in this lifetime.

She is not the kind of girl who would go after love, she is lazy and decadent, and always looks like she doesn't care about anything other than games; she is best at pretending to be a good baby, but worst at expressing her inner thoughts, like A person who can live until the end of the world with one game is a completely hopeless fallen angel.

She still thinks about her friends, occasionally shows a gentle look, and cares about others silently in the dark, and when she is punished for helping others, she smiles indifferently and does not seek rewards from others.

She is arrogant, she is depraved, she does whatever she wants, she is useless in games, she is a good-for-nothing angel who came down to the earth as the chief graduate of the Heavenly School to practice, but ended up sitting at home all day playing video games and watching anime Krypton Gold Cultivating Immortals——

She is Gabriel, the girl Izumi likes.

It is because he likes her that now, he can say it without any shyness.

"I like you, Gabriel, come with me."

That's right, just expressing the tacit thoughts between the two, fully revealing everything that is no longer concealed, ignoring all unspoken rules that should be paid attention to, avoided, and obeyed, for the sake of the violent heart beating at this moment, Offer words that are equally full of enthusiasm.

Holding Gabriel's petite and fragrant body tightly, Akira Izumi didn't make any movements after saying this.

Because as long as they hold each other like this, they can feel each other's heartbeats, and they are gradually becoming one—at the same time, their hearts have also been conveyed, right?

That's it.

Confessing to two friends of the opposite sex in one day, even Akira Izumi felt a little guilty the moment he did such an outrageous thing.

But this guilty conscience was immediately driven away by a strong belief. The dream never left his heart. Even if it was just a delusion with a success rate of only [-]%, He Quanming never gave up until Now, he can still pursue that future foolishly.

——The most beautiful HAPPY END where everyone can laugh together.

And the last piece of the puzzle is now in his arms, buried stiffly in front of his chest.

Then there is no possibility of giving up.

As long as he can hold on to the future he dreams of, even if he will be covered with scars, even if it will be difficult to move forward, no matter how unreasonable and unacceptable things are, He Quanming can do them.

This is his will, his belief that he will carry it through to the end, the goal he will surely achieve.

...will it be accepted?

He has already attacked like this, will Gabriel be willing to let go of his guard and accept his feelings?

……do not know.

However, what Akira Izumi can be sure of is that Gabriel must have a strange feeling for him—looking back now, maybe that guy fell in love with him before he met Vinette, right?

It is not a narcissistic idea, but the most narcissistic result obtained after various evidence collection, comparison, confirmation and conjecture.

The possibility of failure seems to be very small.


He Quanming suddenly smiled wryly.

He could clearly see that Gabriel's slender fists were clenched tightly.

(Well, it's that Gabriel after all...)

It is really impossible to move her just by confessing.

Gabriel is not an idiot who is easy to deceive, nor is she a harem supporting actress whose IQ is forced to go offline. She always knows that He Quanming is a playboy, and the price for liking him is to wear a hat that forgives him.

So from the beginning until now, Gabriel has never expressed her affection for Izumi like the others.

She also thought that as long as she continues to get along with each other in peace like now, one day, either she forgets the feeling of liking He Quanming, or when He Quanming has passed away, then she will be free, and she will no longer have to be tortured. Kidnapped by that kind of strange emotion, thinking about something and nothing all day long, and having time to toss and turn, it would be worthwhile to play a few more dungeons.

But now, He Quanming didn't give her the time to do so.

An unstoppable straight ball disrupted all her thoughts and plans; at the same time, her heartbeat and thinking were also in chaos.

He stopped breathing, barely knowing what to say in response to him.

Not even a word of refusal could be uttered.

But accepting it shyly will make people very uncomfortable, and they want to pull out the horn of destroying the world and blow Grieg's morning out.

Obediently becoming a member of someone else's harem is not her style.

The plots in shoujo comics are completely unsuitable for her, a good-for-nothing angel who doesn't look like a girl at all.

and so……

At this moment, Gabriel clenched her fists tightly.

"You harem bastard..."

Veins popped up on his forehead, and forcibly ignoring the smell and warm embrace on his body, Gabriel trembled angrily, rising with a ferocious aura like a lion.

"Don't give me..."

The golden light flickered restlessly, as if a fist carrying enormous power was being pulled behind the girl, like an arrow ready to go.

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