"You're talking about your own confession over there! Go to hell!"

Then, it was poured into Izumi's belly mercilessly.

The moment the ferocious impact penetrated the body, the acid in the stomach and the air in the lungs were quickly pulled out of the body. He Quanming's eyes widened suddenly, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably. There was a pained look on his face.


After letting out a shameful scream, his body was suddenly completely surrounded by a sense of weightlessness.

He Quanming glanced down and suddenly found out.

——He is falling from a tall building.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Looking at the height, it is about thirty stories high.

Calculated in this way, how many seconds does it take for him to fall to the ground?

He Quanming didn't know.

He only knows that if this continues, he will definitely fall into a mosaic on the main road, and if he is unlucky, he will drag a passerby into the water, and everyone will go to hell together.

Maybe when distinguishing the remains, he might not be able to tell which is his kidney and which is my liver—tsk tsk, that picture is so beautiful that he dare not imagine it.

To be honest, for the first time in his life, a solo bungee jumping from a high-rise without a rope—referred to as falling from a building—turned out to be caused by the girl he liked. Hacked to death by a knife, poisoned to death by poison, strangled to death on the bed, died of excessive cultivation of immortals, killed by angels and demons, etc., I never thought that one day I would be beaten to death from a high place...

Wait, if the murderer was Gabriel, wouldn't it be the same as being killed by an angel?

Hahaha~ Sure enough, as I expected, it seems that I can write a encyclopedia of ways to kill a scum, and beware of future generations not to commit suicide!

I don't know why, but Akira Hequan is very complacent now.

Speaking of the fear of imminent death, Izumi certainly has it.

What's more, he is also afraid of heights - he would rather be squeezed to death by a hundred beautiful girls than fall to his death from a height.

It's just that no matter how much he trembled in fear, it would only make him more embarrassing in front of Gabriel, and it would not allow him to shake out a pair of wings and soar into the sky.

In this case, hold back—until the end, let her see her bravest self.

He didn't know why Gabriel pushed him downstairs—it would be too much to say it was a joke; Looking at him from the top of the building, he was only fifteen floors above the ground.

If it was intentional...why?

...Forget it, there is no need to know.

Because no matter what the reason is, Izumi will forgive her.

Even if she kills herself indirectly, it doesn't matter - love is such an inexplicable and unreasonable thing, sometimes the weight of life is not as important as her smile.

This is a very irresponsible idea. If Megumi Kato knew about it, he would surely be preaching to him while weeping quietly, right?

...But there is no way!He Quanming just couldn't blame the fallen angel who was always dishonest.

Even though he scolded her so many times and quarreled countless times, he still liked this petite and cute lazy girl from the bottom of his heart.

Since I like it, there is nothing to blame... If you want to scold him, scold him.

Contempt for one's own life is the greatest sin.

So after death, he must go to hell, right?

——What should I do if I can't be resurrected, go to hell, and never see Satania and the others again?

This idea suddenly popped up.

Looking at the sky that was getting farther and farther away, Akira Hequan felt trembling and fear inexplicably.

He could suppress the trembling of death, but he couldn't suppress the despair of being separated from the people he loved the most.

——If you die, will you return to the original world?


But to him now, that was no different from death.

Everything that happened in this world, the people he met, and the emotions he experienced constituted a part of his current life.

Without this part, the current "Izumi Akira" is no different from death, and will become another "Izumi Akira".

That's right - death is not terrible, what is terrible is the separation and pain caused by death.

It's like cutting your soul in half, throwing half of it into the endless abyss in fear, and throwing the other half on the sharp mountain full of holes, looking at the sad faces of relatives and lovers, but can't do anything of powerlessness.

There was the whistling wind beside my ears, and it seemed that I could still hear the exclamations from the passers-by below.

He Quanming closed his eyes and forced himself to forget everything.

He was afraid that if he continued to think about it like this, before turning into a pure natural Japanese meat sauce, he would have a mental breakdown and show his ugly face.

He didn't have the heart to laugh at death, and he didn't think that he could gain understanding in death, so as to awaken the magic eye of death.

Even if he is awakened, it is useless, if Gabriel does not save him, he will surely die.

All he can do now is wait.

Waiting to be saved, or, waiting to die.

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