
There was nothing to doubt, and he accepted the result frankly.

At this time, thinking seemed to be hit hard, and the sound of a chain breaking suddenly sounded during the dizziness.


Before he could react, his body seemed to be unshackled, and he floated up to the still dark place; at the same time, his head began to operate smoothly, just like a computer that had just been turned on. The personality is fully recovered, and he can "experience" the situation in front of him smoothly.

"what happened?"

Without moving his mouth, the voice came out of his body.

It should be said that now he has neither mouth nor ears, and he doesn't even know whether his body is still there. This voice should be his inner thinking being manifested for him to hear.

But before he understood the strangeness of this space, the darkness in front of his eyes lit up with a screen-sized light, and then the light was finalized, turning into images like slides, which kept swaying in front of Izumi's "eyes" Pass.

He Quanming looked at those images and couldn't help being stunned.

Those were the scenes of his previous world, from baby to adult, from child to uncle, his life of mediocrity was ironically re-enacted in front of him.

The scene where the boy who doesn't like to talk sits alone in the class, the scene where the boy watches animation all night and smiles, the scene where the boy diligently writes a hundred ways to attack girls in his notebook, but he doesn't have the guts to execute it Scenes, scenes of social animal youths sighing who go out to work to earn money after adulthood, scenes of young people staring at the ceiling in a daze in a single apartment, scenes of decadent uncle nestled in front of the computer, scenes of desolation with no female contacts other than family members ...

He doesn't hate his previous life, which was not perfect, but ordinary and stable enough.

The emotion of missing his parents and his few friends surged up, as if a seal on his soul had been torn off. At this moment, he had completely remembered and rekindled his faint nostalgia for the former world.

He Quanming suddenly realized - the reason why he accepted the fact of time travel so quickly was because of this seal!It's just that I don't know who put on this seal...

He Quanming never forgot that he is a time traveler.

Perhaps, there were still people waiting for him in the world - he thought so more than once, and then more than once, he was forced to forget his longing for that side.

Maybe the person who sealed himself wanted to help himself?Accept the identity of the new world as quickly as possible, without worrying about going home all day long.

If he knew about this at the beginning, he might be very upset, he didn't want to be made arbitrarily decided, and even wanted to leave this world by committing suicide.

But now, he is very grateful to that person.

Because this world is so beautiful that people don't want to leave.

It may be very ruthless to say this, but He Quanming believes from the bottom of his heart that the past is the past. Now, he has relatives, lovers, and people waiting for him in this world——

So sorry, my past me, my family, my friends... I have reasons to abandon you.

Looking at the scenes of familiar and nostalgic images, He Quanming smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and stirred them into a messy ripple, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Looking at his hand that appeared at some unknown time, he jumped a little, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief—in this silent space, he felt his body again, and somehow settled down.

"So... where is this place? Am I really dead?"

When he asked this question, a light screen lit up in front of him again, with a line of words written on it.

"Light or darkness, which one do you choose?"

There are two slightly transparent buttons below, which seem to be waiting for him to touch, one black and one white light flashing.

Light (angel).

Darkness (demon).

He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, his face hurting.

"Why, I have the feeling of choosing a race in an online game. Is this the space of creating characters... By the way, are there any hidden races?"

Although he was speechless, he stretched out his hand obediently and pressed... two buttons.

That's right, he stretched out both hands together.

For Akira Izumi, this choice does not even require thinking. As a super life winner with girlfriends who have both angels and demons, of course you have to choose both. Otherwise, how can you explain to them when you go out?

One of the key points to maintain harmony in the harem is not to be partial!

It's a pity that there is no option for humans... No, my soul is human, so I shouldn't have to choose.

After pressing the two buttons, He Quanming took a step back, quietly waiting for the light screen to change.

The buttons and options disappeared at the same time after a pause, and then new words appeared.

"Do you... want to know the meaning of life?"

"I don't want to!" He Quanming wanted to slap the NO option with a backhand, only to find that... there is no option for this thing!

When thinking this way, the words suddenly blurred, and Izumi seemed to see the bullet screen of "Oh, I accidentally made a mistake" flashed...

The cheeks couldn't help pumping crazily.

"So this is someone playing tricks, right? Who is so boring?"

There was a faint guess in my heart, and it didn't take long for new words to surface again.

"You are dead, do you want to delete the file and start again? Yes/No"

"No! If you delete the file, you will lose everything!"

He Quanming reflexively chose No, and after careful consideration, he realized that deleting files and starting over again means rebirth? !In this way, maybe we can go back to our childhood and change the ending of the death of Sagiri and Zongya's mother!

And you can also develop a relationship with Kato and the others since you were young, and when you grow up, there will be no Shura field. Everyone is a childhood sweetheart who loves each other... Fuck, thinking about it this way, it seems like a bad choice!

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