But before he could regret it, the words became another one.

"Do you want to recharge and resurrect?"

"I'm your sister!" He Quanming couldn't help complaining loudly.

what is this?No money to play your paralyzed new routine, no money to live your uncle?Has the resurrection business been taken over by Penguin?

And there are several payment methods written under the words, even Alipay... Sure enough!Is it possible to revive the big sale in batches on Double Eleven, waiting for you to kill yourself? !This broken world will have to play sooner or later!

Resisting the urge to kick the options hard, he took a closer look, and there was a menu that could be opened under the yes option, which contained various optional branches.

"Recharge props:

[-]. All current mobile products.

[-]. All current real estate.

[-]. All current property.

[-]. Liver, kidney and other organs...》

"Ma Huateng, you don't even let your organs go?!" He Quanming was stunned, this eating is too scary!There is no moral ethics!

Thinking of this, he pulled down the menu to the bottom, and the last option was shining with a golden light, as if it was tempting him to press it.

He Quanming looked at the option deeply, his brows were frowned, and his expression was a bit complicated.

"I'll go, is this recharge channel real or fake... I don't want to pay Penguin for this..."

After struggling for a moment, he followed his inner instinct and pointed his finger on that option.

The light screen flickered for a moment, and a line of words instantly replaced the original whether to recharge, and there was a strong light in front of him, warm and not dazzling.

"You choose to pay for 'the rest of your life, until your soul dies'."

"Payment object—Naive Gabriel White."

Heaving a sigh of relief, He Quanming smiled, as warm and happy as the sun.

"It really is you... Gabai."

"...Tch, it has been discovered long ago?"

An unhappy voice sounded behind him, and the moment Izumi turned his head, the surrounding darkness was swept away, shimmering feathers fluttered in mid-air, and fell on the roof of the building, turning into pieces of light, beautiful It has to be eye-catching.

But for Akira Izumi, the girl in front of him was obviously more stunning than Yu Yu, or in other words, he didn't want to avert his eyes.

Wearing an angel's white light dress, with a pair of white and flawless wings flapping behind her back, and a brilliant halo on her head, Gabriel folded her arms around her chest and let out a soft snort without looking away.

"Well... anyway, congratulations on the resurrection."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Resurrection... so I really died once?" He Quanming looked at his hands and touched his neck with a puzzled expression.

The whole body is perfectly intact, as if the previous fall was just a nightmare, and there is no feeling of falling to the ground and turning into Izumi-chan.

Rather, he only experienced the process of facing death, the most painful and frightening moment of death, but it had no texture at all, as if he had never died at all.

"Otherwise? Don't look so simple, do you think it's easy for me to deprive you of your life with magic and then bring you back to life? That's a miracle that only a high-ranking angel like me can do!"

Gabriel hummed, sitting on the edge of the tall building, her two white legs dangling in mid-air, she seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

"How can an angel deprive others of their lives..." He Quanming looked at her speechlessly, then reacted, and yelled, "No! You are using magic to deprive me of life, not letting me fall to my death ?"

"Idiot, the angel will kill someone like that! That will deprive him of his status as an angel. I'm so out of my mind that I did it!" Gabriel gave him a sideways look with contempt, as if looking at a bumpkin from the village, "What's more If you fall to your death, I have to recover the body, clean up the scene, and erase the memory of the witnesses, that would be too troublesome and I won’t do it, it would be easier to cover your body with illusion and deprive you of your life with a trial spell.”

"Are you really an angel and not a burial institution?!" As a competent complainant, Akira Hequan instinctively complained, then thought about it carefully, and couldn't help but widen his eyes, "So, in fact, I don't know what to do. You don’t need to experience the ultimate high-altitude jump without a rope to die!? You pushed me down, isn’t it superfluous!”

"How can it be punishment if you don't do this? Do you think I'm really not angry with you? It's an angel's kindness to let you die painlessly. What more bicycle do you need? You bastard harem man!" Gabriel said coldly She glared at him, snorted and turned her head away, looking up at the starless night sky, as if she didn't want to pay attention to him.

"This..." He Quanming froze in place, speechless.

Her words conveyed a lot of information, which made him quite astonished, but there was also a faint sense of joy spontaneously.

To say it was a punishment meant that Gabriel had forgiven him after experiencing his death from falling from a building, and was no longer angry with him.

As for what forgiveness refers to... It goes without saying, of course it is the HAPPY END of everyone living together!

Maybe she was telling him... If you want to bear the feelings of so many people, if you don't even have the courage to bear death, then save yourself, she, Gabriel, will be the first to refuse to accompany you!

So, did she do this on purpose...

He Quanming was deeply moved.

"Although I don't know what you misunderstood, but the fact that I pushed you downstairs was purely out of my desire for revenge and a whim, and nothing else. In fact, apart from falling to death, there are a few immature people here. Idea, do you want to listen to it?"

He Quanming was full of shit, and threw out three consecutive rejections.

"No, don't listen, I refuse!"

"Really? What a pity~" Gabriel chuckled, and seemed to be in a better mood again.

... Well, as long as she is a tsundere, her heart won't be so stuffy.

He Quanming secretly comforted his young heart.

At this time, Gabriel slightly turned her head and said to him calmly.

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