"Let's stop here for the gossip. Check your body to see if there's anything wrong. After all, it's the first time I've used the resurrection spell, so there might be some mistakes."

"Don't be alarmist!" He Quanming quickly checked his whole body, patted left and right, jumped up and down, and found that there were no missing parts, and he didn't feel that there was any emptiness or excess, so he was greatly relieved.

...wait, there's another place!

He Quanming opened his crotch and looked at it, and immediately smiled——hahaha, it hasn't gotten smaller or grown up, it's as perfect as ever!

Then he was sent flying.

"What are you doing in front of the angels! Be careful, I will purify you, a filthy thing with holy light!"

Gabriel withdrew her fist in embarrassment, looked at Izumi Akira's figure slowly getting up from the floor, folded her arms around her chest, and spoke condescendingly.

"There is nothing missing, right? Very good, now, calm down and feel if there is a strange energy inside the body, if it is right, it should be there."

"...Energy?" Hearing what she said, He Quanming didn't stand up in a hurry, just sat cross-legged like this, with his eyes closed, sinking his mind to the bottom of his heart, holding his breath.

To put it so high-end, in fact, it is just imitating the meditation method written in the book, pretending to have a pair of eyes in the body, as if it can see things in the dark.

Usually, I can't see anything even if I fall asleep like this, but now, Izumi can find that in the darkness, there is a light that breaks away from the concept of "vision" and slowly lights up. Dazzling, not dim.

It was a very strange feeling. Even though he still couldn't see anything, he could clearly understand that it was a ray of light, and it flickered in his body.

It's like a warning light, it's weird to death.

"What is this?" He Quanming asked while maintaining a meditative posture with his eyes closed.

Gabriel's answer came from next to my ear: "This is the real reason why I want you to die... You are no longer a human being."


He Quanming opened his eyes in shock, looking at her nonchalant appearance.

"Have I turned into a vampire? Can I use the Void Slit Eye Stunning and Vapor Freezing Method?!"

"You haven't put on the stone ghost mask yet..." Gabriel twitched the corners of her mouth, "Why would you want to go there!"

"So you've seen JOJO too? Does Satania know that you did this?!" He Quanming was shocked again.

"Is the point over there?" Gabriel raised her hand to hit him, "And it's none of that guy's business!"

He Quanming quickly waved his hands in surrender, and his expression returned to seriousness.

"Okay, okay, I'm serious... So, you killed me once, just to get rid of my human status?"

"Otherwise? If you are still a human being, even if you can go to heaven or go to hell in the future, it will be decades away. You want Rafael and the others to watch you grow old and die, and then get along with you again." Did you meet in another world?"

Gabriel stared at him with a serious expression.

"We have a saying here - between non-human and human, the longest distance is not race, but the barrier of birth, old age, sickness and death."

"Kato and Sagiri, who are human beings like you, will naturally not feel it, but Lafite, Vinay, and even Satania, do you think they are getting older and more immobile when you say How would you feel when you might forget about them with dementia? Not to mention that you have to attend your funeral after you die, do you think they will feel better?"

"It's not that human beings are bad, there are some barriers, and it's really hard to get through without changing."

"That's why I killed you and made you inhuman."

He Quanming stared blankly at her serious gaze, what kind of emotion was contained in it, it was too deep and complicated for him to decipher.

It's just that, this angel who has always been lazy, tried his best to think about him, he really felt it.

Even if she had to bear the sins that were contrary to the mission of the race, she still did not say a word, working alone and secretly for the happiness between them.

Is this an angel?

That's right—an angel that belongs to him alone.

As if hammering hard on the heart, the pounding warm current flowed through the whole body with shock, and the eye sockets became slightly hot, and at the same time, he also showed a smile.

"Ah... don't worry, I won't be angry. Even if you kill me and make me inhuman, I won't be angry."

"...Clam? Who cares if you are angry or not? If you dare to be angry, believe it or not, I will let you reincarnate into a paramecium right now?"

However, Gabriel slanted her mouth and mercilessly pushed back his emotion.

He Quanming frowned, ignored it resolutely, and continued to express his inner feelings.

"As long as I can be with you, no matter what kind of consciousness I have, I have already prepared it. Even if I become inhuman? Even if I become a tentacle monster, as long as you can accept it, I am willing!"

Raising his fist passionately, He Quanming was almost moved by his dedication.

Gabriel looked at him like an idiot: "Anyway, even if you haven't made up your mind, you can't turn back into a human now. You can say whatever you want."

"Also, if you become a tentacle monster, I must be the first to kill you. Please don't think too much, Mr. Tentacle Ming."

He Quanming: "..."

Can't you let me be touched!You are so tsundere!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The energy in your body comes from our contract with you. It is because of these contracts that you can use death to break away from your human identity and become the current half-angel and half-demon physique."

Hearing this, Izumi closed his eyes and felt the light.

Indeed, if you look at it so carefully, the light is actually formed by splicing together four different coats of arms, two black and two white, symbolizing the contract between two demons and two angels.

If you say that...not only Vinette, but Gabriel also made a contract with me?

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