He Quanming couldn't help but look up at Gabriel, wanting to ask when she made the contract.

Because he remembered... when the three of them made contracts with him, they all seemed to have done something very exciting.


Seeing what he was about to say, Gabriel understood what he was about to say, and quickly interrupted him, her face flushed slightly, her eyes wandering, as if she was changing the subject.

"Of course, because the contract will only change your existence, it will not give you any power, and you have no registration in heaven and hell, so you can only be regarded as a weak lonely ghost at best. Normal people are no different."

"Oh, I see." He Quanming nodded perfunctorily, and then showed a smirk, the evil laughter echoed in a low voice, and he slowly approached Gabriel, "Then, little Jia Jia, let's talk About the contract ceremony? Hehehe..."

"Hey you uncle!"

Facts have proved that Gabriel can't flirt at all.

Because, boom!

He Quanming immediately clutched his hands and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

"How could you... murder your own husband..."

Gabriel snorted coldly, and looked down at him arrogantly: "Who is my real husband? Don't be proud there, I didn't say I would marry you! Also, there are hundreds of contract ceremonies, just now The selection box you used when you resurrected is a contract of equivalent exchange, so I won't use kisses as a ritual like those three."

Only then did He Quanming know that the selection box that appeared in the soul before turned out to be a contract with the effect of a ritual.

and many more!

And if it was a contract of equivalent exchange, wouldn't it mean that when he handed over his future life to Gabriel, then Gabriel would also...

"...Shut up! Don't talk! Just experience it yourself!"

Finding that Akira Izumi was staring at her blankly, Gabriel finally couldn't bear it anymore, her fair face turned as red as an apple, she snorted coldly, with a tense expression, she turned around and didn't look at him again.

The long golden hair fluttered messily behind him, and the fragrance in the hair was carried into Hequanmei's nasal cavity with the wind, like the fragrance of flowers, and even more refreshing than the fragrance of flowers.

The slender back is rarely straight, with his arms folded on his chest, looking at the city street scene in the distance, motionless.

He Quanming slowly closed his eyes and let out a breath.

"……I see."

He got up, walked behind Gabriel, gently stretched out his hand, and embraced her petite body.

Gabriel didn't resist or speak, just let him hold her like this, her delicate body, which was still a little tense, gradually relaxed when his body temperature came over.

"From now on, my soul is with you and will never be separated."

After a while, she heard a small murmur.

"What, the speech of the Second Secondary School, it turns out that you and Satania are a natural match..."

Sighing, she continued: "Not with me, but with us... If any of us dare to fall behind, I will definitely eunuch you and hang you to dry in the highest place in heaven."

"Okay, let's do this." He Quanming smiled softly, with a rare seriousness and maturity on his face, "If I can't lead you to live a happy life, I don't need you, I will find one for everyone to see." Hang it where I got it, and let people all over the world count my crimes."

"The guy who loves to talk big..." Shaking her head helplessly, she simply leaned her head against He Quanming's arms and rubbed against his chest like a kitten, "Hey, I said, you will raise me Bar?"

"Yes!" Izumi said firmly, "I will work hard to make money and feed all of you!"

"That's good..." Gabriel murmured, "This time I deprived you of your life and revived it without authorization, I think it won't be long before the old headmaster will catch you and scold you, maybe your allowance for the next few decades will be deducted , working for nothing until death..."

"Are you all right?" He looked at her hair twirling worriedly.

Gabriel shook her head, a small hand slowly covered the big hand holding her waist, as if feeling the temperature above, gently squeezed.

"After all, I have a good conduct, I am tall and beautiful, and I am the chief graduate of the Heaven School..."

Hearing her boast, He Quanming rolled his eyes helplessly.

"...Combined with the fact that the behavior was done this time to be with the person I like, it will probably only be considered young and impulsive, and there will be no real punishment."

"That's good..." He Quanming nodded reflexively, and then he realized that his eyes widened suddenly, "Wait, you just said...?!"

"That's right! It's just to spend so much time with the person you like, what? I like you, can't you?"

Gabriel looked up at him.

She clenched her white teeth and frowned tightly, as if she was very angry, but her face was ruddy like never before.

"It's embarrassing that a majestic angel would like a harem man with glasses! I've been thinking about whether I should simply degenerate, so as not to be known by my former classmates and used as a laughing stock!"

"Your depravity is not a commendable thing..." He Quanming lowered his head and met her eyes, "But no matter what, I'm just happy—I like you too, Gabriel."

"I've known it for a long time, don't keep talking, it's disgusting!" She curled her lips, bowed her head again, and the arrogant reaction was completed in one go, but compared to the arrogant performance just now, this time the percentage of Jiao has almost broken through the sky, "Also, wait for the heaven When you tell me to go back, you have to go with me too."

"What are you going to do?" He Quanming rubbed his chin on the top of her head, the corners of his mouth curled up in pleasure, and he returned with a relaxed expression.

"Help me explain to the principal, the old man, and meet my parents by the way."

"Are you in such a hurry to let me meet the parents?" He Quanming teased with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Gabriel trembled all over, showing fear, and grinning authentically.

"No, to be honest, my parents are okay to talk, the most important thing is my sister... If that guy knows that I have caused so many things on the ground, he will definitely be furious, and there is a high possibility that he will kill me directly. !"

"Hey, hey, is there such an exaggeration? After all, he is an angel..." Feeling the genuine fear, He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile.

"I'm an angel too!"

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