"Stop, idiot brother! Today I must let you know that no matter how good your temper is at home, you will get angry!"

"How can you have a good temper! As a soft and cute loli with a delicate body and a soft body that is easy to push down, wait until you catch up with me before you say such things!"

"Gu~~ If I don't kill my brother with my own hands today, my surname will not be Izumi!"

"It's okay, you can change your surname temporarily, and change it back when you marry me ~ hahaha!"

"Stupid, idiot brother! Lolicon! Abnormal! Sudden, what did you say suddenly! Stop!"

"Say I like you! If you can't catch me again, I'll catch you~ Hehehe~"

"Wait—ah! Don't come here! Beast! Sister Xiaojia, save me!"

"What did you do to Sister Sagiri, you idiot!"


Hearing the noise and the sound of falling to the ground from the dining room, Kato Megumi picked up the mask and sheets on the ground, folded them and put them on the side cabinet, and looked at Zongya aside as if asking.

"He did this to let Sagiri open his heart and not be nervous, right?"

"Ahaha, maybe it is... The only way that person can think of is to be so dishonest and make people angry..." Looking in the direction of the restaurant, Zong Ya couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, with a helpless wry smile on his face, but in his eyes, But there is a touch of tenderness and touch that keeps flowing, "After all, he is our big brother... always, always..."

"Zong Ya..." Kato Megumi stared at her quietly.

"Even if he was beaten to death, his body was nailed into a coffin and buried ten meters underground, and he couldn't even cry out, he was still our favorite big brother... Ah yes, he wants to I don’t know about burial, sea burial, cremation or sky burial, you have to ask him how he wants to deal with the remains..."

The corners of the mouth curled up morbidly, and Zong Ya's eyes became dull, revealing a deep laugh.


No matter who you are, this family is very strange...

Megumi Kato suddenly worries about her future.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Christmas party unfolded as normal.

There were no touching speeches, and there were no emergencies such as explosions, dishes suddenly coming to life, etc. The few people were like ordinary family dinners, eating and drinking in a peaceful atmosphere, enjoying this hard-won return calm.

Even Sagiri, after Raphael and Gabriel jointly cast a set of calming spells.They were all able to let go of their hearts and drink fruit juice with everyone; but what they were drinking was obviously a drink, but it turned out to be a psychological factor or something, but this guy blushed as if he was drunk, looking for people to talk nonsense everywhere.

"Hey, sister Hui, tell me, do you want to be my sister-in-law?"

"...?" Megumi Kato twitched her eyebrows, glanced at Akira Izumi who turned his head instantly after hearing this sentence, and said nothing with a blank expression.

However, she did not answer.Sagiri, who had entered a state of frenzy, would not stop just like this. Her delicate face showed an uncle-like drunkenness, and she spat aside with a look of disdain, her tone quite arrogant.

"Ha! Don't be delusional! Even if you treat me well, my brother will only be mine in the end! At most, I can tolerate him taking a few more painting materials at home, and my mother is the number one!"

"... Sagiri, your character design has collapsed?" How about, is this the real her?

Kato Megumi sighed helplessly.

Sure enough, people can say anything when they are drunk... A little girl at this age is really scary.

Picking up the drink bottle with "slight alcohol" on the label, Kato Megumi stared at Akira Izumi silently, making him turn his head and whistle pretending to be nonchalant, and then turned around to appease the obviously drunk Sagiri.

Unexpectedly, she had already started talking to other people.

"Hey, you stupid novelist sister over there!"

Zongya pointed at herself in astonishment: "Sagiri, are you calling me?"

"Otherwise? You are the only sister here who is a stupid novelist by profession, right?" Sagiri curled her lips, her flushed face showing obvious contempt.

"Who would add the word "stupid" to his profession?" Zong Ya touched her head, dumbfounded. Even though she was so unceremoniously despised by Sagiri, she didn't have any thoughts of getting angry, but felt a little angry. Fresh, "But this is the first time I've seen you, Sagiri, when you're drunk... Well, you're still as cute as expected."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Sagiri slapped Zongya's hand away, and looked at her seriously, "So, stupid sister, when are you going to push down stupid brother? The progress is too slow! "

"Huh?!" This astonishing sentence was like a bomb, and Zong Ya was blown to the spot, and his whole body became stiff.

Especially when other people's eyes were on her, she couldn't help waving her hands hastily, blushing and shouting.

"No, no! I didn't! I didn't want to overthrow Big Brother! Sagiri, don't talk nonsense!"

"Tch, you really are a useless novelist." Sagi tucked her lips and gave her a sideways glance, "Obviously I wrote an obscenity article to overthrow my brother, but I didn't have the courage to carry it out. It seems that you can only do it after all." It's a loser!"

"Why do you...?!" The stunned cry stuck in her throat, and she suddenly felt that the eyes of other people became more and more strange. He Quanming even looked at her with the eyes of "I didn't expect you to be this kind of sister", It made her hot and uncomfortable all over. She couldn't bear the pressure of the gaze, and finally rushed out the door covering her face.

"I'm going out for a run to calm down! Leave me alone!!!"

"Ahhh, I ran away..." Muttered rather bored, after Sagiri hiccupped, she continued to look for the next target as if nothing had happened.

Everyone else couldn't help looking at her with strange eyes.

Sagiri in this state, even her own sister can be so merciless, and seeing her act like she won't stop until she has beaten everyone once, I always feel inexplicably scary!

Of course, the angel's dispel technique can dispel the state of Sagiri, but the angel here... one is lazy, and the other is very looking forward to what will happen next, and has already taken out the camera to record what happened in this restaurant. The matter was all recorded and no one thought to resolve the state of affairs.

Sagiri's next target was the white-haired angel with a happy smile.

"Sister Rafael, is that right?" Sagiri, who was becoming more and more rascal, had a wicked smile on her lips, and glanced at Rafael up and down.

"Yes~ What does Sagiri-chan want to say to me? By the way, although I am very interested in becoming your sister-in-law, it doesn't matter if you are a second aunt or something?" Raphael covered her mouth gently With a smile, the attitude is easy to handle.

Kato Megumi stared at her speechlessly, always feeling that this guy is becoming more and more unscrupulous... he can say anything.

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