However, facing her relaxed, Sagiri didn't say a word, just stretched out a pair of small hands, and grabbed her plump bust!


Rafael screamed reflexively, his cheeks blushed, he folded his hands on his chest, and said to Sagiri with a forced smile.

"Su, what are you doing all of a sudden, Sagiri-chan!? If you want to touch it, you can just say it at any time, you don't need to sneak attack like this!"

"Cut, damn cow..." Xu held his clawed hand, as if feeling the touch just now, deep jealousy and hatred appeared in Sagiri's eyes, "Just this pile of useless fat and fat, I I don't want to touch it at all! Go find that pervert brother, hum!"

"Useless, useless fat and fat..." Raphael took two steps back in shock, and then rushed towards Izumi Ming with teary eyes, "Student Ming~ They are not useless, right?! They must be Someone needs them, right?"

"Wait, don't grab my hand! Don't put it on your chest! I can't answer your question at all! Kato, don't look at me with cold eyes over there, come quickly Stop her!"


"Don't sneer..."

After solving one, the hunter Sagiri found another prey.

Satania was looking great, standing on a chair with her hands on her hips.

The corners of her mouth were raised proudly, her gaze was scornful of Sagiri below from a height, her other hand was covering her right eye that was shining red, her canine teeth reflected the sharp lake light under the lamplight, her attitude was very neutral and haughty .

"Heh heh heh heh... Don't think that if you can get rid of those scumbags in front of you, it means that you can pass me, the future ruler of hell. The strongest genius in history. Hu Taoze Satani Kia McDowell! Weak human girl, go ahead! The glory of the wisdom of our race will make you bow down to..."

"I don't bully idiots." Sagiri turned her head decisively and left.

"What do you mean!?" Satania yelled with tears in her eyes, and then she also went to Izumi for comfort, "Familiar! I'm not an idiot, am I? I'm not the kind that even elementary school students can despise The super stupid right?!

" much is nine plus nine?"


"Woooooooooh~" applauded, "You really are not an idiot!"

"Who are you lying to! Did you take me for an idiot in the end?! I hate people with the surname Izumi the most~~"

Under the cooperation of the Izumi brothers and sisters, another loser ran out crying.

Then facing Sagiri was a somewhat apprehensive Vinette, who handed Sagiri the freshly brewed sober tea, barely showing a gentle smile.

"Come on, Sagiri-chan, why don't you have a sip of tea first? Or will your head hurt later?"

Sagiri looked at her and the cup of tea quietly, and said something out of the blue.

"Sister Wei Nai, do you like my brother too?"

"Eh?!" Wei Nette was startled, looked around nervously, and found that the scene was so chaotic that no one was paying attention to her side. After hesitating for a while, she blushed and said quietly to Sagiri , "It should be... like it? After all, Izumi is really a good person who thinks about everyone..."

"Hey...that's it..." Sagiri nodded as if realizing something, with the drunken blush still permeating her cheeks, she patted Vinet's shoulder unsteadily, "Then let's go! Sister Wei Nai's sense of existence is too low, so sooner or later she will be forgotten by people, and she will become the most marginal heroine at the end of it?"

"What..." Vinet twitched the corner of her mouth suddenly, her face turned dark suddenly, "Why should I be comforted by you..."

In the end, Sagiri ignored her, as if she had forgotten her existence, and went to Gabriel, who was eating and playing mobile games at the corner of the dining table, and a thought suddenly came from Vinette's. My heart rose.

"Could it be that I really have no sense of existence... Hehe, am I just a defeated dog who has no sense of existence..." She drooped her shoulders in depression, with a bleak smile on the corner of her mouth, and her figure gradually became Japanese petrified. .

"Huh?" Gabriel raised her head slowly as she watched Sagiri staggering towards her, wiped the oil on her mouth, and met her eyes indifferently.

"Why, Sister Sagiri, do you want to pierce my heart too?"

Changing the Siegfried she had just drawn into cubes, she sat lazily on the chair, with the calmness of Tarzan will pour me out to play the liver game,

"Don't worry, I'm not as fragile as they are. Just say what you have to say." Taking out a pair of earplugs and slowly stuffing them into your ears, Gabriel with a wise smile relaxedly waited for Sagiri's next words , "I can't hear it anyway."


Sagiri looked at her silently.His eyes glanced at her height, bust, buttocks, and legs, which were almost the same as his own, and when he thought of the age of the two, he immediately showed a pitiful and sympathetic smile to Gabriel.

Shaking her head, she left without saying a word, leaving no trace of ridicule or contempt, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly peaceful and warm.

But Gabriel was inexplicably angry, the veins on her forehead were twitching wildly, she stared at Sagiri and screamed.

"What do you mean by that expression! Explain to me clearly, or I will beat you up even if you are a child!"

However, Sagiri continued to walk forward as if she didn't hear it.

Finally, he came to Izumi Akira's body, his petite figure was unsteady, his fair face was flushed, and there was still a hint of trance in his crystal blue pupils.

The others looked at each other, and left He Quanming's side at the same time, leaving space for the siblings to talk.

Akira Izumi looked at Sagiri, opened his hands towards her, and showed a gentle smile.

"Come on, run to my brother's arms... Pooh!"

Sagiri stepped on her toes, and her long hair flew up behind her. She rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, and ruthlessly poured her small fist into his belly, causing his eyes to bulge out the last One word spit out.

"This punch... is for that idiot, scumbag brother who doesn't understand my sister's feelings!"

Enduring the pain in his abdomen, Kazumi Akira kept his smile and tremblingly held Sagiri into his arms.

"Okay, I do accept...your mood."

Leaning her head on his chest, Sagiri buried her expression in her long hair, she lowered her fists unconsciously, and as her body relaxed in his arms, the faint sound of mosquitoes rang out.

"do not leave Me……"

"Okay." He Quanming replied without hesitation.

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