"Don't leave me..."

"it is good."

"Don't hate me..."

"it is good."

"Always... stay with me."

"I won't be separated from you even if I die." With a slight smile, he hugged Sagiri's slender and delicate body tightly, smelling her fragrant long silver hair, and patted her on the back with his palms soothingly.

"Brother... I..."

The voice became smaller and smaller, and the last few words were covered by the sound of steady breathing. He Quanming gently raised her head and found that she had fallen asleep.

Serenity's sleeping face was very cute, and the happy smile on the corner of his mouth made He Quanming couldn't help touching her head and hugging her even tighter.

"Don't worry, no matter in heaven or hell, on earth or in another world, we are an inseparable family."

And make such an oath.

Sagiri's smile seemed to become a little more at ease.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This is what happened after a Christmas party.

In the new year, like an awe-inspiring lady, she comes slowly with the increasingly cold wind, with an arrogant and unkind attitude.

The low temperature seems to be particularly strong this year. The Pissing Boys in front of the station square stopped using water, for fear that their roots would freeze when they urinate. If something goes wrong, they might be forced to change their gender and become a Pissing Girl.

The snow is falling, it seems that it is falling without stopping, and there is always a vast expanse of whiteness outside the window, Yinzhuang is covered with plains, and the whole city is covered with white, the snowflakes that were exciting when I saw them, now turned into a very annoying snowflake for He Quanming snow.

That's right, as the only man in the family and managing an apartment with four young girls at the same time, Izumi had to go back and forth between two places to clear away all the snowdrifts that had hindered travel.

Originally, he was full of energy, and wanted to use a Luoyang shovel to pile up all the snow into a huge snowman as a decoration. By the way, he would have a snowball fight with everyone, how fun...

This idea, however, after he worked so hard, was still not as good as after Vinette turned all the snowdrifts into snow water with a flick of a finger, all of which shattered into glass shards all over the floor.

"Well... Otherwise, I'll help Izumi shovel the snow too? Don't worry, magic power is not required!"

When seeing Akira Izumi stunned while holding the shovel, Vinet apologized to him in embarrassment.

Akira Izumi looked at the snow that was gradually melting into the ground, then at the clear apartment landscape, then looked left and right to make sure that no one else was staring at him, then suddenly dropped the shovel and swooped at Vinette. waved.

"?" Tilting her head in doubt, with white smoke in her mouth, Vinette walked to his side, "What's the matter... ah!"

Then, caught off guard, he kissed her on the face.

"Brilliant job! As expected of Vinet, who is super strong in women, she is different from those useless angels and demons. I love you so much!"

Being attacked so suddenly, Vinette's face instantly turned red, and her flushed face looked more delicate in the white world.

She covered the place where she was kissed, looked around in panic with a shy expression, and slapped him by the way.

"Suddenly, what did you say suddenly! Really... Izumi-san, what should I do if someone sees you, here... this is a public place, at least wait until you get home..."

After finishing speaking, Vinette's frozen red ears were dyed bright crimson, her cute face lowered shyly, and her voice became softer and softer.

At first, I thought I would hear him laughing and teasing, saying something like "It's nothing, everyone knows about our relationship~", but I didn't expect that after a while, I still didn't hear him response.

Looking up strangely, he found that He Quanming's whole body was glued to the wall in the distance, his limbs were twitched, like an ugly hanging painting, and he didn't fall off for a long time.

Wei Nette twitched the corners of her mouth, looked at her soft and slender hands, and then at the very obvious small palm prints on Akira Izumi's back, and then, she had a new understanding of her inability to control her strength when she was excited. cognition.

"Fortunately... Izumi-san is no longer human..." With a sigh of relief, Vinet trotted to tear Izumi off the wall.

If he heard Vinette muttering to herself like this, he would definitely shake her shoulders in disbelief and scream with sadness.

"Vina, you weren't so dark before! Even if I'm not human, don't beat me like a sandbag! Please maintain your status as the only conscience among non-human beings, please!"

all in all.

With the help of Vinet in the matter of snow accumulation, the environment of the apartment and Izumi’s house was clean and comfortable again soon, making these two buildings unique among other neighbors wrapped in thick white clothes, almost everyone Everyone who sees it can't help but exclaim: "How much work does it take to clear the snow!"

In this regard, Akira Izumi just wanted to laugh three times triumphantly.

"Weakness limits your imagination! This is just a basic non-human operation! It's easy to sweep snow and so on."

Not only that, the magic power of the devil can also blow up a house when killing a cockroach, and even make achievements in cooking, cleaning, maintaining shape, maintaining beauty, etc., which is the most useful power system.

In comparison, Shengguang is really a waste, and those who use her are a group of useless guys.

"It's so cold, idiots go out to play..."

Instructing Shengguang to peel the oranges for her, Gabriel lay lazily on the kotatsu, only showing a disheveled little head.

—Look, this is the most useless Holy Light and the most useless angel among all the Holy Lights and Angels.


An arrow with condensed light pierced the ground in front of his toes, and the scorching breath could be felt through the socks. It silently looked at him with menacing eyes and dazzling light, as if saying the next thing to do. Hair will definitely not miss the same.

He Quanming quickly corrected his expression, and said in a dignified and dignified voice.

"Yes! If it weren't for the great holy light and the noble angel, it would be hard to say how many people would freeze to death in this weather! A salute to the glory of heaven!"

Gabriel curled her lips, retracted her gaze, raised her delicate chin and let out a soft snort.

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