In the empty open-air hot spring, only he looked around vigilantly, and heard the sound of water drops falling on the stone slab, which was clear and pleasant.


There was the sound of the wind blowing the treetops outside, the snow was swept away, and the dull sound of landing was indistinguishable.

Just as Izumi frowned and stood up slowly with tense spirit, a loud scream suddenly came from the space separated by a tall and solid bamboo fence.


He Quanming was startled, and turned his head to see that the scream came from the direction of Nvtang.

Moreover, that voice is very familiar, Izumi can guarantee that the person who screamed must be someone he knows!

Wait... Isn't it Rafael and the others who are soaking in the women's soup now? !

Damn, something went wrong! ?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The accident here definitely does not refer to whether there is a problem with the lives of those few people-to be reasonable, He Quanming is more afraid that they will directly dismantle the hot spring here, and it will be difficult to explain to the store at that time.

Thinking that there are not only Satania in it, but also Vinet who will go into a state of rampage when angry, Akira Hequan feels that this kind of thing is very likely to happen.

After the screams and the sound of huge water splashes, Nutang fell into silence, and there was no sound other than the slight bubbling sound.

A little worried, he raised his head and shouted loudly.

"Hey! Are you all right? Why don't you say that the hot springs are all right? Do you need help?"


no answer.

Hequanming couldn't wait...ahem, he hurriedly climbed out of the hot spring, put the towel on his head around his waist, and came to the tall bamboo fence separating the two sides.

"If you don't answer me, I will pass by! Just say it, I don't want to take the opportunity to spy on the female hot spring, but I am worried about your safety!"

Shouting to cover up, with an expression of apprehension and anticipation on his face, and with a nervous and stimulating attitude, he looked around and wondered how he could climb over the bamboo fence about three stories high.

At this time, he thought of the mysterious power in his body, which was the power of the contract between angels and demons, and it was also a powerful force that brought him back to life.

Gabriel said that this power can actually be used, but he has never been able to find a way to use it, and there is no need to use it urgently, so he just let it dormant in his body.

However, now, Izumi found a reason to use his power!

"That's right, in order to save the one I love, now I want to seek transformation and become stronger!"

Saying these words with righteousness and enthusiasm, Akira Izumi assumed a super Saiyan angry posture, staring at the bamboo fence in front of him angrily.

"Come on, my strength, burn! My right hand is hot and red like a fire, and he cries to hold on to hope! The hymn of man is the hymn of courage, and the greatness of man is the greatness of courage—now, Blow the horn of victory!"

The high-spirited voice resounded by the misty hot spring pool, and Quanming suddenly felt some heat in his body, and then, the black and white forces in the center began to spin, and the heat flow spread all over the body in an instant, full of energy flowing into the cells Keep filling it!

This feeling of strength all over my body... so fucking refreshing!


Looking firmly at the sky, he crouched slightly, stepped back with his left foot, stepped on the wet slate floor, and then pushed hard!


Just as he thought, this force strengthened his body, allowing him to jump higher than the fence in one jump, taking in all the scenery below.

Just now the blood turned into excitement, and Quanming excitedly stabilized his body in the air, yelling like a child.

"I want to fly higher~ I want to fly higher...No! Now is not the time to sing this!"

Thinking of Kato Megumi and the others, he anxiously looked at the female bath.

Then, his eyes widened in astonishment.


——The water vapor is so heavy that I can't see anything clearly.

Clicking his tongue angrily, he jerkily used the power in his body to strengthen his eyesight, his eyes froze, and black and white light circulated in the pupils.

"I see!"

Looking through the heavy fog, He Quanming finally could clearly see the scene in the female soup.

The layout is similar to that of the male soup. In the large hot spring pool in the middle, there are three girls looking up at him, and there is also an oversized jelly-like object twisting and turning in the pool, turning a familiar looking Stuff stuffed into the stomach.

Instinctively ignoring the jelly-like object and the human-looking thing inside, Hequanming tried his best to record the figures of those girls in his mind as quickly as possible.


"It's so dazzling ahhhhhhhhhh—"

He Quanming covered his eyes and screamed.

He only remembered now that Raphael once said that their bodies would be protected by holy light or shadow priests to prevent them from disappearing. Unless they were deliberately lifted, otherwise they would not be able to see anything...

But what's the matter with this [-] kilowatt light bulb level light? !Where did the mobile flare come from!

And why is the holy light emanating from you, the devil, Vinet!Where did your dark priest go!Are you home for vacation? !Why haven't the demons discovered a traitor among themselves!

(No... there is still a chance...)

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