He Quanming reluctantly opened his red eyes, gritted his teeth, with a firm expression.

Both Rafael and Vinette were surrounded by holy light, and their defenses were airtight—but Megumi Kato was not!

His little Huihui is just an ordinary person, there is no such messy thing as Holy Light and Dark Priest, as long as she is in the hot spring, she must be defenseless!

With these eyes, she can definitely see the beauty of her bathing in the hot spring, even if she hides in the spring water, it is useless!It is better to cover the body with a bath towel, it is beautiful if it is looming!

That's right, I will never let myself go home empty-handed today!

Suddenly, an inexplicable fighting spirit arose, and Izumi glanced away, and soon saw Kato Megumi standing on the stone floor at the edge of the hot spring pool.


"Why are you wearing clothes ahhhh-"

It's good to make soup!Don't you know that it is disrespectful to the god of hot springs to enter the hot springs with clothes on? !

As if hearing his grief-stricken howl, Kato Megumi calmly raised his head and looked up, seeing him rolling around in the air with his thief eyes darting around, and motioned towards Rafael expressionlessly. He waved and said a few words in his ear.

Rafael smiled and nodded with interest, while passing a bathtub from the side, a light flashed in his hand, and the bathtub turned golden.

Megumi Kato weighed the strengthened wooden bathtub, staring at Izumi Akira who was gradually falling towards them, swung her slender arms vigorously, and let out a light drink at the same time.



Different from the feeble shout, the bathtub slammed into Izumi's face with great force, strong wind and impact.

Akira Izumi was startled, and raised his hand to receive the attack with the power of the contract that he had just learned to use, when he heard Megumi Kato's plain and threatening voice sounding from the bathtub.

"This is the punishment for peeping, satyr."



He Quanming, who did not resist, was thrown back into the male soup, causing a huge splash.

"It should be fine..."

Hearing his angry screams from the next door, Megumi Kato nodded reassuringly, withdrew his gaze to the sky, and turned his head to look at the center of the bath.

There is a huge jelly monster - or slime - twisting its body cooing and cooing, with transparent tentacles flying in the sky, making people feel uncomfortable just looking at it.

In the middle of the slime's body, a young girl whose important parts were marked with shadow priests was struggling, and as time passed, the struggle became weaker and weaker, and it looked like she was about to ascend to heaven.

Even so, no one was going to rescue her, and the other two spectators had stepped aside, using spells to protect themselves and Kato Megumi.

After all, it was this guy who made that thing, and those who suffer on their own are not worthy of sympathy.

Sensitively dodging the splashing water to prevent it from splashing his clothes, Kato Megumi touched his lower abdomen, feeling a little grateful suddenly.

"Fortunately, that came suddenly, so I can't soak in the hot spring..."

What a blessing in misfortune.

If you go into the water with them at this time, not only may you be caught in the slime's attack, but you will also be seen naked by Akira Izumi who flew up from the male soup for some reason... that would be bad.

She wasn't ready to be looked at... Although it shouldn't matter if he was the one looking at it, but at this time, she would still feel a little shy, so she asked Rafael for help and beat He Quanming go back.

Fortunately, she discovered it early. If Vinette saw He Quanming peeping, with her shy personality, she might send He Quanming to heaven with a fork...

It's just that it's going to be difficult... It's really disappointing not to be able to soak in hot springs during the hot spring trip...

Sighing, Megumi Kato went out after exhorting Rafael and the others not to make too much noise.

Of course, no matter how loud the noise is, no one will come to disturb them until the effect of Raphael's spell fades—in order to prevent ordinary people from seeing their holy light and shadow priests, they have set up a barrier for idlers to enter. enchantment.

That's why there are no other tourists in the male or female soup.

After leaving the women's bath, Kato Megumi finally found the person he was waiting for after playing with his mobile phone against the wall at the entrance of the hot spring.

Well-dressed, Izumi stepped out of the hot spring with a sigh. When he turned his head, he saw a girl put away her mobile phone and greeted him softly.

"Master Ming."

He Quanming was taken aback, and stopped in surprise.

This girl is about [-] or [-] years old. She has a slender figure, with sunken places where it should be sunken, and warped places where it should be warped; her skin is fair but with a healthy pink color, her facial features look ordinary, and even her temperament has no distinctive features. People can forget it at a glance, but as long as you look at her carefully and stare at her, you can find that her eyes are always glowing with gentle waves, and the corners of her mouth will not curl up but will not droop, giving people a wonderful sense of intimacy ;The flawless face exudes a white jade-like brilliance, and the shoulder-length hair behind her brings a virtuous and elegant atmosphere to her.

There is such an amazing girl in the world, so beautiful, if you don't take it home quickly, you will definitely be in serious trouble...

Well, that's enough, I will omit [-] words of appreciation for my girlfriend.

Thinking of what happened just now, He Quanming felt a little embarrassed, and scratched the back of his head with a shy face.

"Hui, listen to my explanation first, it was just an accident..."

"Well, I know." Kato Megumi nodded, his expression as calm as water.

"Huh? You know?" He Quanming looked at her in astonishment.

"Let's talk as we go, it feels weird to talk here."

Saying that, Kato Megumi walked outside.

He Quanming was stunned for a moment, then quickly followed her footsteps and walked to her side.

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