Noticing that his gaze had changed, Megumi Kato clenched his hand a little bit, turned his face away, and said softly in an ethereal voice.

"Sometimes, Mingjun is really perceptive and annoying..."

"Ahaha, what else can I say besides saying I'm sorry and drinking more hot water..." He Quanming laughed dryly, his face full of embarrassment.

The two of them walked aimlessly in the hot spring clubhouse, turned when they encountered a door, and chose a random path when they encountered a fork in the road. Anyway, they could see the snow scene outside, so there was no need to go out to catch the cold, but it didn’t feel like sitting there. It was a dating atmosphere, so even after going around the hall twice, they still didn't stop, holding hands and continuing to circle around.

It doesn't matter if they are surrounded by repetitive scenery, they don't pay attention to it anyway.

Following the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the clubhouse, the two chatted unhurriedly. They were neither overly intimate nor created barriers. They were just like an old couple walking in the green shade of a park. A normal day in life.

Suddenly, Megumi Kato said so.

"Ming Jun, you are no longer a human being, are you?"

"..." He Quanming was silent for a while, without playing tricks, and responded seriously, "Yes, my body was changed by the contract energy of Gabriel and the others, and now I should be regarded as a hybrid of an angel and a demon."

"Really..." Kato Megumi pondered, his brows furrowed obviously, "The life span is also different from ours?"

"...If Gabriel is right, the aging of my body will be about two or three times slower than yours, so I will live two or three times longer than you." He Quanming nodded with a solemn expression.

After a pause, Megumi Kato couldn't help sighing: "Hey~ In this case, when I become an old woman, Ming Jun is still a young man... In the end, maybe you will have to help me die..."

"That kind of thing won't happen." He Quanming stopped, turned his head, and said to her seriously, "No, this kind of thing will happen."

"At least, I will never let this happen. No matter what price I have to pay, no matter how much effort I have to make, I will never let you die before me."

"If you want to grow old together, if you want to die together, die together... Bah, no, if you want to die, I must die before you, and let you help me die! Quanming and I swear with our lives here, we will never go back on our word!"

In the corner of the empty hall, Akira Izumi looked at Megumi Kato with firm eyes, and swore the oath with unprecedented solemnity and seriousness.

The words that spewed out of his mouth made the air tremble slightly, like a heavy iron block hitting the ground, shaking people's hearts a little dull.

Kato Megumi felt a little stuffy in his heart, but it wasn't an uncomfortable feeling. This kind of stuffiness was stuffy, like a furnace was smoldering in the atrium. Hot smoke lingered around the body, and the blood began to speed up involuntarily. Getting up made her feel light and unreal.

She told herself - now is not the time to be happy, even if he doesn't regret what he said, he may not be able to do it; even if he can do it, she may not have the courage to accept the consequences.

However, there is still an unavoidable joy and emotion that shakes the cells of the whole body. The nose is almost instantly pantothenic, the eye sockets are a little hot, and the heart is beating heavily.

She recalled that this kind of reaction appeared when He Quanming confessed to her for the first time, but she didn't feel nostalgic at all, and even felt a little disgusted.

"Really, you always like to say such things that greatly increase your favorability. You are worthy of being a wise king. The way of attacking girls is really powerful..."

With a slight tremor in her voice, the corners of Megumi Kato's mouth curled up slightly, she shook her head amusedly, reached out to wipe her eyes, and wiped away the drops of water that were about to slip.

"I didn't say this to attack you, this is something I must do! In fact, I asked Gabriel, it's not impossible..."

"Okay, I get it, since you've said that, then I'll believe you!" Kato Megumin stopped his explanation, "It must be done, and I don't want to be separated from Mingjun."

Saying this, her fair face was stained with a rosy glow, and with a smile in the corner of her eyes, she leaned her back against the wooden wall, and suddenly pulled He Quanming's hand.

"Everyone is young, but I am an old woman or something. It is too painful... Besides, I may be abandoned by Ming Jun. I don't want to be like this."

"...Don't worry, it's impossible to abandon you even if you abandon me. It's not like you don't know how much I love you?"

As if getting her cue, Akira Izumi smiled slightly, and fell forward following Megumi Kato's strength, propping up the wall with one hand, looking down at the black-haired girl covered by his own shadow, with gentle eyes.

"Really? I don't know?" Kato Megumi tilted his head pretending to be suspicious, looking up at Izumi Akira's face, his eyes were soft like rippling water, and his voice was soft, "...then Mr. Izumi, can you prove that Show me how much you love me?"

"Of course it's fine, Mrs. Izumi."

He Quanming raised one eyebrow, stroked her already flushed cheek with the other hand, looked at her slowly closing eyes, and lowered his head.

When the lips are pressed together, there is no sound.

It was just the breath ringing softly in the ears of the two of them, and the sound of the heartbeat almost occupied the sound waves of the whole world, and then naturally subsided, turning into an intoxicating fragrance.

Megumi Kato's lips are so sweet that one forgets time, and so soft that one forgets oneself.

He Quanming didn't directly kiss her with a deep French kiss, but sometimes kissed her deeply between her teeth, and sometimes lightly rubbed her soft lips to relax her breath. The rhythm was perfectly controlled, allowing them to kiss for a longer period of time. Interrupted due to inability to breathe.

Gradually, the slight sound of water stains sounded at the place where the lips met. Megumi Kato hooked his hand to his neck, supporting his somewhat limp body, but still closed his eyes and enjoyed the first kissing experience in his life. With some seductive whispers, He Quanming couldn't help kissing deeper and more delicately.

Even if Kato Megumi, who was kissing his head short of him while maintaining a wall-dong posture, would make his hand sore to the point of unconsciousness after a long time, Akira Izumi had already decided to sacrifice an arm in exchange for the opportunity to taste Kato Megumi's first kiss deeply.

He thinks he can probably kiss for a hundred years or so without separation.

But Megumi Kato couldn't hold on for so long, after about ten minutes of kissing, she breathed disorderly and gently pushed He Quanming's chest.

"Hoo, hoo...Okay, okay...Today, let's do this first..."

Supporting her waist with one hand, letting her lean in his arms, He Quanming licked the transparent silk thread on his lips, and clicked his lips with insatiable desire.

"Well, anyway, the future is long, so don't rush for this moment."

"You say this will make me want to hit you..." Kato Megumi leaned in his arms to rest for a while, then brushed away the long hair at the temples, letting the hot and red face Dissipate heat.

"Hey~" He Quanming hugged her, with happiness on his face all the time... It should be said that he had a smug smile with no regrets in this life, which made her look inexplicably unmoved, and her moist lips curled slightly.

"Hey, Ming-jun... KISS or something, it's my first time."

"Eh? I know? And then?" He Quanming looked at her with a silly smile, as if wondering why she said that suddenly.

Kato Megumi also showed a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes, and the deep dark eyes made people panic. .

"But, this is not the first time for Ming Jun? No wonder he is so proficient in kissing, and even controls the rhythm. It's amazing."

"Ha...uh..." He Quanming's expression froze on his face, he recovered from the mentality of being a small man, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

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