"Satania and the others... even Xiao Sagiri... Oh, so it seems that I am the only one who has lost her first kiss until now!" Kato Megumi widened his eyes pretending to be surprised, and then stared at He Quanming tilted his head slightly, his pupils dilated slowly.

"Obviously I was the first person to confess, right?

I was the first person to become a girlfriend, right?

Hey, Mingjun, isn't this... a bit strange? "

"I... this..." Huge pressure hit, as if he could feel the black atmosphere around him, He Quanming was sweating coldly, racking his brains to think of a solution.

Unexpectedly, Kato Megumi burst out laughing first, like a lily blooming, showing him an undisguised smile sincerely.

"I'm kidding you~ Mingjun is so easy to be teased, you can't get a harem like this~"

"No, I panicked because I really had a guilty conscience..." He Quanming smiled wryly and scratched his head, "After all, I am really sorry for you in this regard..."

"Forget it, we've kissed each other, and I have nothing to worry about." Kato Megumi shook her head, her beautiful long black hair fluttering, she raised her eyebrows, and smiled very clearly on her face that never changes, " Anyway, I also know how much you love me, and that's enough."

"That's good. If I'm still wondering if it's not enough, I have to kiss you for more than ten minutes to satisfy you." Once the pressure subsided, He Quanming reverted to his old ways and smiled at her.

"You think beautiful~"

With her eyes narrowed into crescents and her white teeth slightly exposed, she took a step forward and looked at the white and majestic mountain scenery outside the venue again. .

With brisk steps and a graceful figure, she is like a fluttering butterfly, like a porcelain bell swinging in the breeze, a girl who always has a low sense of presence, but at this moment she is dazzling like a landscape.

Akira Izumi looked at her like that, and followed her pace.

"Wait, where are you going? The game room?"

"Well, let's go, they should have finished soaking."

"Then just come to play the game? The loser has to listen to the winner's request?"

"Ah, this is forbidden, Lafite will definitely come up with some weird ideas to tease people."

"That's right...it will be ridiculous if I steal chickens and lose money..."

"Hey, Mingjun is thinking about H again, so it's easy to be hated by girls?"

"Anyway, it's fine if you don't hate me..."

"Not necessarily."


The sound became farther and farther away, and the figures of the two gradually disappeared into the corner. Everything seemed to have never happened and never changed.

Just like the hands with intertwined fingers, they are closely intertwined and never separated.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the rest room, I found a few people who had just finished soaking in the hot springs and were playing games. Izumi and Kato Megumi also joined in, playing table tennis, steel sogal, and challenging the boxing machine record with them.

...Wait, why is there such a thing as a boxing machine in the rest room of the hot spring club?

Although Satania has been clamoring to decide who is the real king of the game, she seems to have forgotten who was almost suffocated by slime in the hot spring just now; but others ignored her , even Raphael didn't make trouble with her, and enjoyed the time when the few of them played happily.

But for Akira Izumi, the process was not very peaceful.

For example, when playing table tennis with Rafael, someone seemed to deliberately not tighten the lapel of the bathrobe. Halfway through the fight, He Quanming didn’t know whether to look at the small ball or the big ball, a white snow scene It was getting bigger and bigger in front of her eyes, and the turbulent waves were extremely dazzling. She continued to make big movements as if she hadn't noticed anything. It is pleasant to look at the embarrassment of looking at it.

Although it didn't take long, Megumi Kato asked Izumi to end the game with a blank face, and asked her to fight Rafael.

Then, there was a burst of crisp sound of hitting the ball, not only the big ball, but even the small ball was hit with afterimages. He Quanming couldn't see anything clearly except for the yellow light trails that shuttled back and forth.

For the first time, he knew that Megumi Kato's motor nerves were so good... that he could fight on par with the serious Rafael. He really deserved to be a saint who stood shoulder to shoulder with angels.

Not only that, when He Quanming encouraged Vinette to challenge the boxing machine, and watched the girl with a quiet and gentle appearance hit the sandbag of the boxing machine for the first time, and her slender arm hit a poor result that matched her appearance, he suddenly came up with an idea. A bad idea.

Telling Vinet to wait, he went to the commissary and bought a plastic cockroach for pranks he had come across—God knows why there is such a thing here—and asked Vinet to turn around and tape the plastic cockroach first. After sticking to the sandbag, then

Make her turn her head to see her reaction.

Soon, Izumi regretted it.

When the lump of black and big 'creature' came into view, Vinet's eyes instantly became dull, and without thinking, he punched forward, and the fist with the glove was imprinted hard The sandbag that the creature was in.


The vibrating energy brushed across his face, and the sound of an explosion echoed in his ears. He Quanming just watched the whole boxing machine being beaten into scrap iron and fell down. It was dented, and the wires inside ran outside, and the death was extremely miserable.

He was thinking, if it wasn't the boxing machine that stuck the cockroach on his body, but his own face, that scene...

Trembling with horror, He Quanming found that the biggest advantage of him becoming an inhuman is that he doesn't have to worry about his girlfriend turning black one day, blowing his brains out with a punch and dying on the spot...

Ahh, human life is indeed fragile, Mr. Dio.

——In short, they had a good time in the rest room, and after "repairing" the memories of the people around them and the broken boxing machine with magic, they returned to the room.

On the way, the waiters and other customers of the hot spring club began to commotion for some reason, and they could even faintly hear the sound of a police car; after asking someone casually, they found out that there was a murder in the other hotel, and it is currently under investigation, etc. The library may be closed for inspection later.

Looking out the window, He Quanming also found an elementary school student wearing glasses and a female high school student with hair like long horns running around on the snowy ground, as if they were searching for some clues, their faces were heavy.

But it's not about them.

Only Rafael was facing the other building where the murder case occurred, clasped his hands together in front of his chest, his exquisite face became quiet, his smile disappeared, and he whispered something with a look of piety and pity, the golden holy light was shining on her The side was suspended like dust, and the long white hair seemed to have turned into wings and floated behind him, and it took a while for it to return to its original shape.

She smiled lightly at everyone, didn't say anything, as if she had done something for granted, she continued to walk forward easily and naturally.

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