Even so, Izumi is satisfied, he is not focusing on this kind of petty theft now; after getting that item from Satania, his ambition has become super inflated!

——If you want to play, you have to play big!

How to make his story achieve the most perfect ending, he has already made a conclusion in his heart, the next thing to do is to go straight towards that goal and burn his youth!

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, ten years have passed——

Well, no, the author's morals are not low enough to be casually unfinished-so please put down your blades and hammers, and let's get back to the story.

After returning from the hot spring trip, their daily life returned to calm at the same time, and it seemed that there were no messy relationship problems and life troubles to mess up their daily life.

Since Gabriel and the others moved to the "Laughing Apartment", He Quanming wakes up every morning, not only can eat the breakfast made by the virtuous purple-haired devil, but also can see the benefits of the silk pajamas of the white-haired angel. Together with the red-haired demon, he could draw a turtle on the face of the blond angel lying in bed, and then she was woken up by rage and stuffed into the wall, becoming a pair of beautiful human-shaped hanging paintings.

— Praise God, what a day!

Of course, Akira Izumi is not the kind of person who forgets his sisters after having girlfriends.

He installed a very wonderful device on the door of the living room. Just press the red button on it, open the door and you will be in the living room of the apartment, and press the green button to connect to the living room of Izumi’s house. The two sides can communicate with each other like this. It's very convenient to just meet up and not have to go out.

By the way, this device has a total of six buttons... The blue button is to play music, the yellow button is to listen to the weather forecast, the purple button is the audio of the first set of eye exercises and radio gymnastics, and the black button is the self-explosion device. The words "press it and something very interesting will happen~" are written in elegant handwriting with an oil-based pen, but the power can only blow up the person standing in front of the door into an exploding head...

Sure enough, the items bought in the shopping in the devil world are a bit subtle...

Not only that, but when he was getting along with a group of novelist friends, his sister who was squatting at home gradually became more daring to go out of the room. From time to time, she could be seen being taken to the living room by the group of young girl writers to play shame. The game also involved Zong Ya, who was worried about her and only wanted to watch the play.

——Hequan Ming didn't dare to tell her that when she and Sagiri were observing each other's underwear in the living room, commenting and copying each other, he was outside the door, trying to restrain himself from taking pictures with his mobile phone That is simply the impulse of the screen of the Uncovered Conference...

Today's children are really scary, they dare to wear that kind of underwear to go out...

While feasting his eyes, He Quanming was inexplicably worried—he found that among the girls who came to his house most often to look for Zongya and Sagiri, the two guys named Yamada Irfu and Senju Murakami seemed to be interested in his eldest sister. have an attempt...

No, it should be said that she has not concealed her lily aptitude for a long time.

Every time, he tried to seduce Zongya in various ways, and some people even confessed to her directly, so that he had to pay attention to Zongya's actions at all times when the two came to play, and confronted them invisible, so as to prevent his sister from going crazy one day. So bent.

(For details, please refer to the extra article - "Daily Life of Brother and Sister and Teacher Eromanga")

Things at home were handled in an orderly manner by him, and then there were things outside the home.

He is still working at Angel Coffee now, but the store manager suddenly regained his youthful enthusiasm for no reason, traveled around the world without warning, and embarked on the road of finding the legendary coffee secret treasure, just like this. I gave it to him and let him take care of it by himself, and said that if he loses money, it doesn't matter if he takes it away first...

For this "eternal Buddha face", the coffee shop was originally opened for fun, and it doesn't matter whether it makes money or not.

Akira Izumi never expected that the store manager, who usually looks mature and stable, has such a young and active side... He still can't believe it, that guy said "YO! YO! Izumi BOY" , I’ll leave the coffee shop to you, I’m going to become the king of coffee! So take care! Goodbye!” The middle-aged man is actually the one who laments about his past glory all day long, saying “Actually, I’m quite confident in blending coffee "The gentle store manager who talks about it...

The three views are all broken into slag, okay!

However, facts are facts, and Quanming has no choice but to become the current store manager of Angel Cafe, and together with the completely useless clerk No. [-], he runs this wonderful coffee shop that is only open for four hours at night after school...

If it wasn't for Vinette, Rafael, and Megumi Kato who would come to help when they were free, Izumi promised that within a week, this store would definitely become history, and would be crushed into crumbs smaller than quarks by the wheel of time—— Running a store is more troublesome and tiring than he imagined, and he has no time to run it.

So when he was in the third year of high school, he closed the coffee shop in order to prepare for his homework, and kept the land deed in a safe, waiting for the store manager to come back after becoming the king of coffee.

As for the school, from the second year to the third year of high school, he still maintained the top three results in the school. Although he is not as good as President Lihua, the academic god, but as a top student, his scholarship is also very generous, and he has received many university awards. Early admission invitation, still worrying about which university to study in the end is better.

Having said that, it must be mentioned—his current sources of income are no longer part-time jobs and scholarships.

Under the introduction of Rafael and Gabriel, he managed to meet the principal of Angel School, and through that principal, he had a conversation with the legendary "God" who governed the entire heaven, something only the two of them knew.

(For details, please refer to the extra chapter - "One-day Tour of Heaven")

Since then, He Quanming has become a "public servant" recorded in Tianjie, receiving public salary, five insurances and one housing fund, and as long as he cooperates with the research of Tianjie Research Institute, he can also receive additional remuneration...

To be honest, he really can't understand why the uncle who drinks tea and eats senbei on the tatami is the highest status in the world, and he can't understand why he wants to let himself who can't use the power in his body freely become a heaven public servant of—

It's okay not to be angry about Gabriel's repeated violations of the rules of the heavens, but he treats him so well and gives him so many benefits that are neither human, nor angel, nor demon. What is the plan of this uncle?

I heard that he has a very close relationship with the demon king of hell, and they will stay in the same room to play games if they have nothing to do, and the gender of the demon king is also male, should ♂ not ♂...

cough cough.

It’s okay to cooperate with the research institute. After all, he is the first strange human being who accepted the destiny contract of two angels and two demons, and successfully crossed the three realms to open a harem. I don’t know if there will be others in the future, but it is certain that there is no one before. ——After all, heaven, hell, and earth are all monogamous.

So not only the black and white contractual power in his body, but his life experience is also something that people in the research institute are curious about. Every time He Quanming goes to accept research, he has to bear the admiration and thirst for knowledge. I am really afraid that one day they will One couldn't bear it, and directly dissected himself into seventeen or eighteen pieces, trying to find the secret of popularity...

He Quanming just wants to say that he is born to be popular, just relying on you bunch of nerds, absolutely nothing can be researched!

And with a stable job and income, He Quanming can finally settle down to study without worrying that he will have to move bricks to pay off his debts in the future—he still has an unpaid mortgage on his apartment.

If one day he is really short of money, maybe he will really go to the construction site to move bricks to support his family. Among other things, as long as he uses the power in his body, he will definitely become the king of moving bricks to dominate Japan!

...Well, even if he is willing, the four masters of the contract power will not allow him to do so——what are you doing with the bond between us? !

All in all, life has finally stabilized, noisy and noisy all the way, time flies full and fast, in the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed...

It's the season of phoenix flowers blooming again, the day when I sing the graduation song——

Hui Ridong High School is holding a graduation ceremony.

Today is a lively day. Parents, students and teachers, people of various identities are disturbing the school. The final confession, if you succeed, you will go deeper into the grove, and you will not be sad if you fail, it will be an imperfect explanation for the cowardice in the past.

Everyone has courage, but not everyone can muster courage; everyone can face it, but not everyone can accept the result after facing it.

Even so, there will still be people who choose to muster up their spirits, face their own hearts, and face the consequences of absolute failure—they don’t regret failure, but they regret not missing out on success.

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