It is very miraculous - He Quanming was also called to Xiaoshulin, the holy place of confession.

Out of a feeling of guilty conscience, he didn't tell his girlfriends about this, but secretly brought the pink stationery that still gave off a fragrance, and came here alone before the graduation ceremony really started.

According to the guidance of the letter, he walked all the way through the hatchet guillotine, the special hanging rope for the Department of Literature, the microphone with "Dongma Xiaosan" engraved on it, and the electronic organ with "Xuecai Bichi" written on it, etc... Famous scenic spots in the small forest, Came to a corner of the remote woods.

The bright sunshine sprinkles from the head, passes through the leaves swaying in the wind, and dyes the ground with golden yellow; There was a flurry of whirling leaves, but the emerald green scenery was still so quiet that one couldn't help but chuckle.

He Quanming greeted the blond tiger-toothed girl leaning against the tree with a calm smile on her face, also chuckling.

"Hey! Xiaoniaoyoufeiyan, long time no see!"

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty

"Oh, what the senior said, can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

The little bird You Feiyan grinned, and the small canine teeth at the corners of her mouth were playfully exposed, and the pair of horn-like hairstyles on her head reflected the warm golden light in the shade, making her look much brighter.

After more than a year of growth, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan's face and figure have become a little more mature, and her height has gradually approached that of Izumi Akira. Like a little girl who has finally grown up, her youthfulness has begun to fade from her body.

However, that smile was still cheerful and energetic, and her personality was also as usual, jumping out of nonsense, her golden eyes blinked, not only the settled maturity, but also the always cheerful vitality.

During this year, many things happened.

The "Asian Human Research Society", with Fei Yan as the president and Izumi Akira as the vice president, exceeded everyone's expectations, including themselves, and not only succeeded in making Hui Ridong High School the first representative of Asian sauce High school is recommended by the government for all sub-human sauces to study; it also cooperates with the government to convey the rights and aspirations of sub-human sauces that should be valued, and let the world know that there are still these lovely races in this world. Worrying and distressing in the corners that I don’t know, I don’t know who to confide my sorrows to.

"Aren-chan, I have something to say. 』

This is the purpose of the Asian Human Research Club, and it is also the duty that Xiaoniao You Feiyan has been performing all along. Inadvertently, I spend all my time and energy on solving the troubles of those Asian-human sauces of different races, completely disregarding my studies, and going out with friends less and less. Although I have matured, I have gradually changed. Feeling depressed, the number of smiles gradually decreased.

When Akira Hequan found out that she had gone mad, he decisively used strong means to pull her out of this kind of public welfare activities. Regardless of her resistance, he teamed up with Kusakabe Yuki, Machi Kyoko, Kotori Youfei, and Takahashi-sensei At the same time, forcing her to go out to play, force her to do homework, force her to get full marks in exams, force her to run a hundred laps on the playground, almost force her to forget about helping others in an inhumane way.

He Quanming can never forget that day, she lay down on the playground covered in sweat, looked at the stars in the sky, tried to raise her sore arms, and spoke softly as if she was muttering to herself.

"I want everyone to smile more, I want everyone to be good friends, I want everyone to stop showing troubled faces... I just want to do something that I can do."

The girl's whisper, like the night wind blowing past her ears, is fleeting.

He Quanming didn't catch the faint sound by mistake, he was also lying on the playground next to her, he couldn't help laughing as he saw her calm cute side face.

"Then you should improve your grades and interpersonal relationship first, and then take care of these shitty things... If you fail the exam next time, believe it or not, Mr. Gao Qiao and I will tie you up in the basement and use fluorescent lamps to shine on you desperately. Engraving with an electric drill?"

"...Senior, is this the time to express your ghostly character? You shouldn't comfort me with chicken soup for your soul now, take the opportunity to crazily brush up my favor, and start my route, right?"

"Who wants to start your route, stupid flat-chested blond haired tiger-toothed vampire."

"In just one sentence, you can cover all my attributes?! As expected of a senior, you are always very powerful in inexplicable places~"

"Hahaha, thank you for the compliment, I will be happier if I remove the four words inexplicable~"

"Hahaha I don't want it, I don't want to make my one-day senior happy~"

"Hehehe, you kid, do you think I won't have the energy to mess with you after I ran a hundred laps of the playground? Don't be so naive~"

"Hehehe, come here if you can~ If you can coax me, you're not a vampire. Under the dark night, my combat power is twice as normal~"

"Want to fight?"

"Who is afraid of whom!"

"Hum hum……"

"Hey hey hey..."

The two bluffed and grinned at each other in the dark, and fought childishly. They didn't leave the playground with their tired bodies until other people came to rescue them.

——Well, sometimes memories not only have beautiful fragments, but also a strange and sinister duet of laughter, this is normal youth.

And after that, He Quanming faintly felt that Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan had changed.

As for what changed, she hid it too deeply, and He Quanming didn't see it at the time, but felt that she seemed to be more mature, laughing, and playing with him more than before.

Now... He Quanming is not an idiot, he already knows what she wants to say and why she changed.

So, he just wanted to scold himself - what a crime!

It is necessary to reject the wishes of the cute schoolgirl. If this is not a crime, what is it?

Recalling that before sneaking out of the class with the envelope, Kato Megumi suddenly turned his head and cast him a calm gaze as if he knew everything, and Izumi couldn't help but be horrified—if he dared to accept Xiaotiaoyu The consequences of Fei Yan's intentions are not as simple as committing crimes, but will be directly cut off and made into wine as a family heirloom!

Sure enough, my sage has supernatural powers and wisdom, and even this kind of development can be expected...

Looking at Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan's calm and usual smile, He Quanming also twitched the corners of his mouth, pretending to smile naturally.

"I didn't say no, it's just that I'm looking for me at this time, and it's an appointment at this place, so it's easy to be misunderstood."

"There is nothing to misunderstand, right? Senior, you also know that this is what I intend to do."

Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan spoke quietly, looking at him as if she was actually looking at him, focused and serious.

The air was quiet for a moment, and even the sun fell silent, letting a shadow cover the top of the two of them, bringing a slight coolness.

He Quanming's smile gradually faded away, and his eyes were turned to the ground, not daring to meet her eyes.

After a while, realizing that the boy didn't intend to take the initiative, the girl acted first.

"Senior, I called you here because I wanted to..."

Sighing lightly, the little bird You Feiyan left the tree trunk she was leaning against, and walked slowly towards He Quanming.

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