The little feet in cloth shoes stepped on the grass, and as the wind picked up, the leaves whirled, making a rustling sound like wind chimes.

Standing at a distance of two meters in front of He Quanming, she clenched her fists tightly, and her lovely face, which was always full of vitality, wrinkled as if she felt uncomfortable, but she forced herself to continue speaking.

"I want to, with you..."

He Quanming wanted to stop what she said next. After all, as long as some things were said, the two of them would not be able to return to the harmonious relationship between their seniors and seniors, nor would they be able to fight without any grievances like before.

However, looking at the struggling and unwilling face, his throat rolled down, and he couldn't express the restrained words after all.

After all, that heart is too heavy, whether it is to accept, reject, or ignore, it takes a lot of courage, courage that Liang Jingru cannot give.

Therefore, before she slowly raised her fist and put herself in a ready boxing posture, He Quanming was ready to reject her in the most tactful way, trying not to cause too much cracks in the relationship between the two .

——Then, she saw her solemnly and seriously punching him twice, her body began to swing from side to side, and she was still humming.

"Let's have a one-on-one fight! The loser must accept any conditions of the winner, don't let me go because I am a girl! I am the strongest boxer of the vampire family, one punch and one monster , known as "Golden Full Moon. The Emperor of Emperors", the little bird You Feiyan who won the championship in MEGALONIA! That weak four-eyed boy over there, don't be cowardly, face me head-on!"


Seeing her battle-like smile, Akira Hequan had nothing to say.

Sure enough, Xiaoniao Youfeiyan still hasn't changed...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

He Quanming left.

Standing alone in the grove, the little bird You Feiyan stared at his back as he went further and further away, until he disappeared, then looked away, lowered his eyes, and looked at the green grass under his feet.

"That's... it's over."

Muttering softly, there was a wry smile on the corner of her mouth, faint, as if it would disappear at any moment.

——In the end, she still didn't express her intentions directly.

Using that kind of joking way to test, the result is known for a long time... But, why are you regretting it now?

Regret why I couldn't tell the truth, regret why I was still escaping in the end, and regret that I couldn't muster the courage to fight for it.

Obviously, whether it is Machi Kyoko, Kusakabe Yuki, or even other classmates, she has cheered them up, enabling them to strengthen their belief in pursuing their wishes and get the results they want.

Machi Kyoko successfully confessed to Teacher Takahashi, and plans to go to the research institute with him to study social sciences related to Asian sauce after graduation; Kusakabe Yuki accepted her Yuki girl physique, not only made many new friends, but also made many achievements in the field of comedians. A very big breakthrough; other people who have been helped by her have also embarked on the path they wanted, and burst into happy smiles...

However, only she, after taking that step, timidly retracted her foot, not daring to move forward.

There was no smile on his face, only a wry smile mocking himself.

Why is it?

When did she become so cowardly?Where is that stupid vampire who is always fearless and faces difficulties with a bright and sunny smile?

Is she still the little bird swimming in the wild geese?

"It's so weird..."

Clenching her white fists tightly, her tiger teeth bit her pink lips, almost revealing a trace of blood.

Obviously before meeting him, she was still a bird swimming in Feiyan, she was still that carefree, innocent, innocent fool... But why, the moment he turned to leave, she was no longer herself?

Obviously this guy just stuffed something into her heart, but why did she lose such a big piece of her heart when he left?

This is completely against the law of conservation of mass!

"Strange, strange, strange..."

His body trembled slightly, his lips twisted uncontrollably, and his bright golden pupils were tightly closed. Xiao Niaoyou Feiyan suppressed his gradually collapsing emotions, leaned against the tree, and uttered a mournful cry.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"Yeah, what a strange sister. I don't know what to say to you when she came here alone to cry."

Feiyan suddenly raised her head, looking at the figure slowly coming out from behind the tree trunk on the other side, her golden eyes were a little red and swollen, she said in astonishment.


Xiaoniao Youfei came to her side and sighed softly.

"What, that 'why am I here' expression... the graduation ceremony is about to begin, you don't go to the auditorium, you sneak into the grove by yourself, it's strange that I don't follow, right? "

As she said that, she glared at her with hatred, and said helplessly: "And I came here to confess to my senior, but I didn't even say what I liked, just gave up like this, and used that funny way to fool me In the past... sister, you are too useless!"

"Wuuu... Why is Fei Yan so vicious today~" Fei Yan quickly wiped her eyes, barely evoked a embarrassed smile, and said with a hey smile, "Well, anyway, I already knew the result, and I also hugged it." It's just a mentality to try... eh?"

In the middle of speaking, the red-haired girl took the blond-haired girl's head into her arms, hugged her tightly, put her hands on the slightly dull blond hair that seemed to have lost her spirit, and said softly.

"You idiot, don't say that kind of brazen talk anymore... Wouldn't it be good for a mere vampire to cry frankly?"

"Fei Yan..." The weak words sounded from his chest, and with his forehead resting on the collarbone of a familiar family member, Fei Yan began to tremble again, slightly, as if he was suppressing something.

"Huh? What's the matter, sister." Fei Mo gently closed her eyes, with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth, and asked slowly, her palms running along the golden hair.

"Does frankly have anything to do with vampires? There should be fewer honest people among vampires... We are evil."


The corner of Fei's mouth twitched, and the hand that ran along the strands of hair suddenly lifted up, pulling the two horn-like hair accessories with force.

"Show me what I should care about now! You stupid vampire!"

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