After receiving an affirmative reply, Izumi turned his head and looked pitifully at Gabriel who was kneeling on the ground with a face full of despair.

"Happy home."


The floor under Gabriel's feet suddenly turned into a circle of light, and before she could react, she fell directly into the circle of light, leaving behind a series of Doppler effect screams.

"Izumi, remember me you bastard——"

Picking out his ears, He Quanming shrugged innocently: "Is it my fault?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On this side, Gabriel left first, and on the other side, Rafael and Kato Megumi also said goodbye in a place where Izumi couldn't hear.

"Student Hui, if there are no accidents, I can come back in about a year~" With a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, Rafael was carrying the bag, and the halo on his head emitted a warm light, reflecting on the In a pure white dress, she looks like an angel.

Her luggage had already been taken away by the butler, compared to Gabriel's big bag and small bag, she looked more like a young lady who was about to go out to play, light and elegant.

To her meaningful statement, Kato Megumi just sighed helplessly, and spoke in a gentle voice.

"Really? That's really you should speak straight, Lafite."

"Hey~ Do you really want to say it straight?" Rafael's smile became brighter and brighter, and the malicious intentions flickered in his eyes could be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, "It would be a little embarrassing to say it~"

"...Then don't talk about it, goodbye, go and come back early." Kato Megumi turned around decisively, as if he didn't want to talk to her anymore.

"Wait! I just said that's it! Ah Hui is so ruthless~" Rafael quickly grabbed her sleeve, with a smile on his face, as if he wanted to play tricks on others.

"It's Ah Hui again..." Kato Megumi was speechless, her white fingertips moved, as if she could pinch someone's soft flesh at any time, "I have to protest to Ming Jun for this title..."

Akira Izumi on the side trembled inexplicably, always feeling as if some unscrupulous people were plotting my life.

Rafael squinted his eyes and smiled lightly, waved his hand, and signaled Kato Megumin to come over: "I mean to come back after more than a year, it means that you and classmate Ming can get along alone for more than a year, right..."

Frowning, Megumi Kato responded quickly: "No, because Zongya and Sagiri are still there..."

"Oh! This refers specifically to the "girlfriend" type of solitude, Hui, stop pretending to be stupid~" Rafael laughed happily twice, with a wicked tone in his voice, "And you and Mingjun will go to the same party again. They spent much more time together than my younger sisters, so this is the point..."

Feeling a little impatient with her procrastinating attitude, Kato Megumi twitched the corner of his mouth and asked flatly: "That's right. So what? What do you want to express?"

Two blushes floated slightly on the soft cheeks, Rafael whispered beside Kato Hui's ear.

"...Before the rest of us come back, you can't get pregnant~"


This sentence was like igniting firecrackers, Kato Megumi paused in place for an instant, as if thinking of some kind of picture, his expression became a little stiff, and his fair face was gradually stained with a very obvious blush, even the roots of his ears were tinged. Turned red.

Hurrying to calm down the strange feeling in her heart, she frowned and gave Rafael a hard look, then she turned her eyes away, glanced at Izumi who was not aware of it, and answered in a low voice.

"Let's not talk about why you suddenly mentioned's not for me to decide."

"Hey~ I can't do this~" Rafael pulled her arm pitifully, ignoring her increasingly ruddy face, pouted and said coquettishly, "I still want our children to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day." , go to the same school, the same grade, and then let the Izumi family become the emperor of the campus~"

"Can you have some normal thoughts..." The corners of her mouth twitched, Kato Megumi shook her hot face, and forced her to pull her hand away calmly, "Besides, pregnancy is a matter of chance, how can I control……"

"Don't worry! I have a countermeasure!" With a serious expression, Rafael took out a small square package from his carry-on bag, and said leisurely like a salesman: "Heaven Realm Specialty Protective Set, [-]% won't win the bid..."

"Put it back for me!" Instantly blocked Izumi's curious gaze with her body, Kato Megumi shyly pressed her hand back into the bag, and whispered, "Speaking of such things at this time, you must It was intentional... We haven't crossed that line until now, haven't we?"

"Ahaha~ The Lun family doesn't know anything~" With the other hand stroking his smooth cheek, Rafael ignored Kato Megumi's sharp gaze with a silly smile.

Taking a deep breath, his mentality calmed down, and Kato suddenly let go of her hand, his expression returned to calm, the corners of his mouth were raised casually, and he looked directly at her smiling face.

"Well, if Lafite really has this kind of thought, just go and tell Ming Jun directly... I'm just "one" of my little girlfriends, and I can't make such a decision."

Knowing that the other party had escaped from the initial shyness and was trying to fight back, Rafael's smile became less pleasant, and his mouth shriveled.

"Really, Ah Hui is really different from Sa Jiang, so it's not easy to tease..."

"And I heard that couples who want to separate the two places will say "Break-up beep--" before parting." Unwavering, Kato Megumi smiled and said the mute words, "While there is still time, do you want me to go?" How about preparing a room for you and Mingjun?"

"Ah~ Time is running out, Lafite, I have to go~" Looking at the time barking on the phone very deliberately, with a slightly rosy face, Rafael avoided Kato Megumi's teasing gaze, The gentle and cheerful voice sounded a little rushed, "That's it, I'll go back first~ I will send you messages regularly, don't miss me too much~"

"...Hey, go slowly." Kato Megumi let out a breath of helplessness, his expression returned to normal, and he glanced at her indifferently, "Aren't you going to say goodbye to Mingjun?"

Rafael also had no intention of joking, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth with an elegant and gentle smile.

"No, it's a painful thing to say goodbye to the one you love... So I really envy classmate Hui."

Her expression softened, Kato Megumi stretched out his hand, hugged her gently, and stroked the soft silver-white hair at the back of his head.

"Then I will allow you, as Mingjun's first girlfriend, to make video calls with him every day."

"That's really thankful to the first girlfriend." Rafael also hugged Megumi Kato back, closed his eyes, and smiled on his lips, "Second girlfriend, Angel Rafael, come back as soon as you go."

Kato Megumi was silent for a moment: "...I thought Satania was the second girlfriend."

"In terms of time, Sa-chan should be the first girlfriend, and she is also on the cover." Rafael corrected.

"...Let's not discuss this kind of topic." Kato Megumi was slightly ashamed.

"Well, it always feels a little strange. Didn't you say at the beginning that there is no hierarchy?"

"Is there the problem?"

Rafael giggled, and the two separated, looking at each other.

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