Kato Megumi raised his palm, waved it a little, and smiled.

"Goodbye, Lafite."

A golden door appeared behind him, and Rafael bowed slightly to her, with an elegant and gentle demeanor.

"Goodbye, Hui."

With a smile on her face, she turned and stepped into the door. With a flash of golden light, she disappeared in place along with the door.

Seeing that the two of them finally finished talking, He Quanming rushed to Megumi Kato, but he didn't have time to say goodbye to Rafael, so he couldn't help looking at the place where she left and asked suspiciously.

"Why did Lafite leave in such a hurry? Is there something wrong at home?"

Kato Megumi glanced at him and suddenly chuckled.

"...It's nothing, it's just a girl's heart attack, don't worry about it."

"Huh? Teenage heart attack?" He Quanming was a little puzzled, but since Kato Megumi said not to care, so be it.

There were two other people who did not leave. He Quanming was about to go to say goodbye to them, but found that his sleeve was suddenly pulled, and he couldn't help looking down at Kato Megumi in a strange way.

"what happened?"

Kato Megumi pinched his sleeve, hesitated for a moment, blushed, mustered up his courage, tiptoed and whispered in his ear.

"...About having a baby, I want to discuss it with you later."

After finishing speaking, she pressed her head against his chest, not daring to look at his suddenly widening eyes.

The astonishment on his face couldn't be hidden at all, He Quanming stared at her red ears and neck, froze in place for a moment, unable to say a word.

An ambiguous atmosphere surrounded the two of them, and with the beating heartbeat, the gradually agitated blood was ignited.

"...Then, let's discuss it later."

Finally, Akira Izumi held his breath, dropped these words firmly, rubbed Megumi Kato's hair lightly, turned around as if running away, and ran to the kitchen to find the food he wanted to cook for him before he left. Eat Vinette.

Noticing that his walking posture was a little strange, coupled with the strange object he felt when he was hugged just now, Kato Megumi couldn't help covering his mouth, and chuckled blushingly.

"It's really... an idiot pervert."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After entering the kitchen, Akira Izumi had temporarily forgotten Megumi Kato's seductive whisper just now.

Don’t forget, if Ji’erbang insists on coming to find Vinette, I don’t know how she can be misunderstood… At that time, it will be bad if she is thought to want to have a farewell cannon.

I don't know why, He Quanming feels that his thoughts are really becoming more and more filthy, and he can think about everything in that direction...

Alas, is this the melancholy of adulthood?

Then, Vinette saw He Quanming walking over with a vicissitudes of life on his face.

"...Student Izumi, are you feeling sad about everyone's separation?" The corners of her mouth twitched, and she tried to interpret his expression in the most normal and acceptable direction.

"You should be like this..." Yangtian sighed, and Quanming looked like an accomplished monk, and his tone was indifferent, "This time we parted, and we don't know when we will meet next time; Unforgettable face..."

"I don't understand what you're talking about... How many times have I said it, you, don't look more and more like Xiaojia. As the head of the family, it's better to be more mature."

Like an old lady, Vinette taught earnestly, every time he said a sentence, He Quanming nodded obediently, and his expression returned to normal.

"...I heard her yelling over there just now, can you both be normal?" At the end of the reading, she shook her head helplessly, and Vinaite put down the tray in her hand and picked it up with chopsticks. Pass the biscuits on top to Izumi, "That's the end of the lecture—come, let's have a taste."

He Quanming took a bite, and while chewing on the hot chocolate biscuit, he said, "Isn't it about cooking? How do you make biscuits... Mmm, it's really delicious!"

"Well, it's good to eat!" After being praised, Vinette immediately showed a happy smile. After wrapping the remaining biscuits in cute small bags, she took out a new tray from the oven and divided them one by one. Pretending, "I wanted to make it at first, but I found that it's not the time for lunch. It's not good to have three meals out of order, so I changed it to biscuits... and the biscuits can be kept for a long time. I made a lot of them this time. You, Xiaohui and Sagiri can eat slowly, I didn’t add too much sugar, so I won’t get fat.”

"It's so sweet..." He Quanming sighed, licked his lips that still smelled of chocolate, and looked at Vinette's busy figure, and suddenly froze.

Her purple mid-length hair is slightly longer than before, fluttering behind her, her cute face is more mature and gentle with a slight smile, her curvier body is wrapped with her exclusive purple lace apron, her posture is virtuous, Hui Zhilan's heart makes people want to hug her from behind and take care of her tenderly.

I think about it, but are he and Quanming the kind of people who would sneak up on their girlfriends when they are not prepared?

Obviously not.

Because he came from the front.


Hearing Izumi Ming's cry, Vinet stopped what she was doing and turned her face suspiciously: "What's wrong? Uh..."

The corners of Vinette's eyes twitched, watching Izumi's arms wide open, his face solemnly facing her, with a heroic look of firing at me.

"What are you doing..." she asked hesitantly.

"Doesn't it seem obvious? Come on, hug one!" He Quanming said without feeling anything wrong.

"Obviously obvious, but what are you doing all of a sudden!" Vinette complained angrily and amusingly, then wiped her hands, her face was a little flushed, but she hugged He Quanming like a parent who couldn't do anything with a child. Passing over, "Okay, okay, hug one...Really, Izumi-san really looks like a child..."

At this moment, He Quanming suddenly showed a smile that the plan had succeeded.

"Children? Oh, no, no, no, my dear Vinette, I swear to God, I'm already a social person who can shamelessly shameless, like Aunt Susan's soles, which is really annoying People were shocked to find it."

"He's talking strange things again, and who is Aunt Susan..." Speechlessly put the wrist around his waist, when Vinette wanted to hug him and go back to work, but found that Izumi didn't know when He had already embraced her slender waist, reducing the distance between the two to zero, making it difficult to separate them like magnets, "Wait...don't hug her so hard..."

He Quanming ignored her little resistance, hugged the slender, soft and fragrant body tightly in his arms, raised her chin with one hand, and kissed her gently when her eyes widened in astonishment. down.


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