Wei Nette trembled all over, only felt as if an electric current rushed into her body from the lips of the two, her whole body couldn't help but soften, and she could only lean helplessly in He Quanming's broad arms, letting him support her, tenderly And she rubbed her lips delicately.

Her heartbeat accelerated instantly, and her body temperature rose suddenly. At some point, her face was flushed, her breathing was short of breath, and her eyes gradually became blurred. Although it was not the first kiss, she still couldn't be as bold as the first kiss. In response to the past, they can only be passively asked and explored, let the chocolate-flavored lips suck their own, and let the sound of water stains play an ambiguous movement between the two.

If Izumi sticks his tongue in at this time, she feels that her head will be overheated and burnt out—this guy, it's not the first time he has done this, every time he kisses her with that skilled technique, making her dizzy, Confused, like a fever, my head went blank.

Fortunately, Izumi knew that she still had to prepare to pack her things, so she didn't go too far.

The long and enjoyable kiss lasted for about a minute, and Quanming slowly pulled away, and Vinette felt a little lost at that moment.

I was a little shy about this feeling in my heart, but I deeply realized again——I really love this softly smiling young man in front of me deeply.

"Vina, I will miss you."

Licking the silver thread connecting the two into his mouth, he held her in his arms again, and He Quanming pressed against her ear, speaking softly.

"……Yes, me too."

She also answered softly, holding He Quanming's back tightly with both hands, the tip of her nose yearned for his smell, her heartbeat began to resonate with him, making her whole body hot.

The moment of warmth seems to remain in this quiet space forever.

Suddenly, the door was opened.

It's not the front door through which Izumi came in from the living room, but the back door leading to the backyard - where everyone usually barbecues and watches the stars, and the kennel for Satania's dog is also over there.

That's right, during this year, the little white dog who bullied Satania together with Akira Izumi and even formed the "Peng Hong Mao Front" has been adopted by Satania and has become a member of the Laughter Apartment.

Akira Hequan once suspected that the little white dog who would smile perineally, feign death, show weakness to the enemy, and constantly snatch Satania pines (is this a sensitive word?!) is a monster dog that has become a spirit , anyway, there are already angels, demons, dragons, etc., and it is not surprising that there are monsters.

But it turns out that this guy is just a smart ordinary dog—well, the IQ is about seven or eight years old.

Of course, this dog who has no part in the show is not the point.

The point is, the dog pushed open the backyard door and walked in, then moved aside, let the girl behind him step through the door, and walked straight towards the two who were embracing each other.

It was a petite girl with her head bowed at the moment. Her short, blood-red hair covered her face. Her hair was swaying like a dark wind, and her skirt was like a ghost. His footsteps were unsteady as if he was drunk, but his target was very clear, pointing directly at Izumi and Vinet.

She didn't say a word, but the wind whistling beside her whispered a cursing tone.

Vinette couldn't help but grabbed He Quanming's arm with all her strength, her eyes widened, her face was pale, and she tremblingly looked at the girl who was coming, with puzzlement and fear coming out of her body.

"Ka, Izumi-san... this is, what's going on..."

He Quanming's face also trembled slightly, he shielded Vinette behind him, clenched his fist nervously with his right hand, and pinched his fingertips into his palm hard.

"How do I know what's going on... But judging from this guy's aura, it's definitely not a good thing..."

The two stood in the middle of the kitchen, tensely facing the girl who was getting closer.

They didn't try to escape, they didn't try to call for help, and they didn't have any thoughts of shooting each other.

It's just because that girl is someone they know, value, and already consider as a member of their family.

Satania - full name is too long to write.

She was supposed to be full of laughter and foolishness, and always used her touching IQ to bring fun to everyone, but now, she is wrapped in a gloomy aura, like a vengeful ghost crawling out of hell, and her sharp killing intent fills the space. Dyed a bright red.

——Holding a huge hatchet in her hand, the cold light flickered, reflecting her expressionless eyes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Leaving aside where Satania got the hatchet, Akira Hequan didn't know that she had the attribute of blackening. He had kissed Vinette and the others so many times this year, but he didn't see her in any way unhappy. look!

But now, she has obviously entered a strange state, the light in her eyes has completely disappeared, and a misty and dark black aura emerges from her body - this is blackening as the name suggests.

There must be a reason for what happened, He Quanming quickly suppressed his astonishment and fear, looked at the little white dog at the door of the backyard, and cast a look at it.

The little white dog showed a helpless expression. The dog pointed at Satania's back and waved it up and down, as if pressing a switch.

"Switch?" Hequanming pondered for a while, and with a flash of inspiration, he quickly thought of the point, and asked with confirmation, "This state is controlled by some kind of switch? And that switch is behind Satania?"

The little white dog nodded, gave him a thumbs up in a very humane way, then took out a meaty bone from the side cabinet, gnawed on it, and sat on the ground with Erlang's legs up, showing a bitch looking at the show laugh.

He Quanming: "...Damn."

——Sooner or later, you will be caught and stewed.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and after expressing his dissatisfaction with this inhuman bitch, he refocused on Satania, watching her get closer and closer.

"If the switch is behind her, I'll do it!" Vinette, who was protected by him, said firmly, with a serious expression on her face, magic power surged, and a black vortex appeared between her and Satania. Behind her, she stretched her hand in, "This look is not suitable for the stupid and cute Satania at all - change back for me!"

At the same time that her hand sank into the black vortex, Satania's hand also appeared behind her. Vinette looked into the vortex, and when she was about to find the position of the switch, a male hand suddenly stretched out from the side and held it Her hand clapped back.


A flash of silver light.

The sharp hatchet slashed across a semicircle and cut straight into the male's arm, which was too late to retract.

There was a pop, and blood spattered.

Half of his hand went into the vortex, and the blade of the hatchet was stuck behind Satania. He Quanming clenched his teeth, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, not letting himself cry out in pain.

The heart stopped for a moment, and the mind went blank for a moment. When she came back to her senses, Vinette's face turned pale in an instant, and she rushed forward to hold his arm in a panic.

"Student Izumi! Are you okay?! I'll treat you now!"

As he said that, the black magic power transformed into golden holy light, covering He Quanming's hand that was cut to the bone. While flicking away the hatchet, it continuously poured into the terrible wound, and quickly healed it.

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