"However, why the wheel type?"

Holding this doubt, He Quanming turned to the left and heard a click.

Satania's body became stiff again, not only that, but also made a mechanical sound.

"The annihilation mode has started, and the demon world destruction bomb is being loaded."

"?!" He Quanming was shocked.

What kind of switch is this stepping horse? !Is the original blackening still the lightest?

He quickly turned his head to look at the little white dog, and found that this guy shrugged very humanly, as if he could figure it out.

——I'm such a fucking dog!

Noticing that Satania's body began to tremble unnaturally, and before expressing his anger at the little white dog, He Quanming hastily turned the roulette another notch—after all, he didn't know where the switch ended!

A click.

The mechanical trembling stopped, and a few words spit out from Satania's mouth.

"The annihilation mode ends, and the creation mode begins."

"Creative mode?" He Quanming was surprised, what kind of mess is this switch, and how many modes are there...

Before he could start to wonder, Satania put her hands back on her chest, and then began to undress...

"What the hell?!"

He Quanming was stunned.

Satania ignored him and continued to take off her clothes. In Izumi's bewilderment, she unbuttoned three or four of the top's buttons, revealing a black sexy bra, and the whiteness on the upper half...

No, the point is not benefits!

Although he is still a virgin, he has seen similar scenery for a long time. Naturally, He Quanming will not stand still like a beginner. She quickly buckled back the button she had undone, and then twisted the turntable button behind her back one click before she paused and wanted to untie it again.

"By the way, did the creation model originally refer to the model for creating children? Which pervert designed this kind of mechanism..."

Amidst his speechless complaints, Satania stopped what she was doing, and made a sound like a whisper.

"Enter Sleeping Beauty Mode——After this mode is completed, the switch will destroy itself, and the user will regain consciousness after ten seconds. I wish you a good time."

"I'll make you paralyzed..." He Quanming clenched his fists, gnashed his teeth and cursed a certain demon who was researching this kind of thing.

After saying this, Satania fell into her arms unconsciously, her innocent and lovely face fell asleep, her long eyelashes moved, and then she showed a smirk.

"Ahaha~ Pineapple Bun, so delicious~"

Talking in her sleep, she bit down Izumi's chest as if it was a pineapple bun.

"Oh oh oh, don't bite there!" Izumi narrowly escaped her mouth full of white teeth. If she bites off with her mouth, the unhealed wound will definitely open and let her taste the blood "Pineapple. Bao".

After biting nothing, she curled her lips in dissatisfaction, then pressed her forehead against his chest, and continued to dream sweet dreams.

He Quanming sighed helplessly, while slowly healing the wounds on his body and cleaning up all the blood in the kitchen by the way, he slowly raised Satania's face.

"Sleeping Beauty mode? I know, I know, I just wake her up with a kiss, it's not like I haven't kissed before..."

Shaking his head, he looked seriously at Satania's silly and cute sleeping face, that carefree look was completely different from just now—although it is her truest appearance now—looked at , couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Really, Lao Ai is causing trouble to others..."

Then without hesitation, he pressed her slightly parted lips.

The moment the pink lips touched, a warm current flowed into He Quanming's body, and the sound of wet water stains resounded at the place where the lips met, adding some ambiguity and warmth to the quiet kitchen.

With his eyes closed, Satania blushed a little, and Quanming's heartbeat accelerated a little. He really wanted to continue kissing like this, but when he thought of the voice reminding him just now, he slowly pushed away Satania's warm body.

"The mode is released and self-destruct begins."

There was a click.

A circular turntable fell from behind her, and when Izumi saw the words clearly on the turntable, it turned into a wisp of black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Satania frowned and groaned with some discomfort: "Ugh—"

He Quanming knew that she was going to wake up.

Ten seconds later, Satania slowly opened her eyes and found herself sitting on the kitchen bench, leaning against the wall and falling asleep.

"Eh? Didn't I just play with Whirlwind White Wolf Dark Black Dog God in the yard... Why did I run into the kitchen?"

Rubbing her eyes, she looked around in a daze, and when she glanced at a familiar person beside her, she immediately smiled.

"Familiar! What are you doing there?"

He Quanming turned his back to her, and buttoned up his shirt little by little to cover the incompletely healed wound on his chest, then turned his head and smiled gently.

"Nothing, nothing happened."

"?" Satania tilted her head in doubt, although she felt that he seemed to be hiding something from herself, but since he said nothing happened, then let it be so!

Seeing his bright smiling face reflected by the sunlight outside the window, Satania smiled blushingly and waved to him.

"Don't be in a daze, let's go play together! I just picked up a very interesting toy!"

"Really? What's that?"

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