"A very strange knob...Huh? Where's the stuff?"

"Ah... don't worry about that inexplicable thing, let's go out and play something else?"

"Okay... But before that, can you put on your pants first... By the way, why did you take off your pants, the familiar?"

He Quanming: "..."

Because there are only ten seconds, it's too late to just move you to the bench and rush back to put on your clothes, let alone put on your pants...

He Quanming didn't answer, and Satania continued to ask questions, and by the way looked at his lower body with pity.

"Also, why are your underwear black and red? Is it... Zhichang has a seizure?"

"It's hemorrhoids! By the way, I don't have hemorrhoids, you idiot Nia——!" With the veins twitching on his forehead, He Quanming couldn't help but roar.

"What? Why did you suddenly scold me?!"

forgot to say yesterday

The author had a big explosion at the end of the term, so there was no update yesterday (crying

Recently, I will find time to make up for it. Now even the new book is on the top of the manuscript. I really can’t find the time to write OAO.

The liver is about to explode~~

a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words

17th Chapter [-] The ending is a very difficult thing

Four years later.

Walking out of the university campus, wearing a baggy black and white bachelor's suit, Izumi yelled at the sky.


Completely ignoring the strange eyes cast on him by the crowd next to him, He Quanming just wanted to vent the fatigue he had accumulated during his four years in college.

As a mixture of a human, an angel, and a demon, he doesn't just have to do his job of studying—in addition to taking care of his studies, he also needs to be an experimental subject in a research institution in the heavenly realm, and learn research techniques by the way; shopping in the devil realm The center acts as a product research and development personnel to research and produce some fun and selling products.

He has lived every day of the past four years very fulfillingly, almost breaking the passage between the human world and the heaven and the devil world. The goalkeeper has also met several people, and they all say that he is like a civil servant who almost died of overwork at a young age. With a look of hard work that died prematurely.

He Quanming felt that what they said was right, but he couldn't stop - because the reward was very generous.

Thanks to these two jobs, he not only paid off the loan of the apartment, sold the coffee shop owned by the mustache store manager, paid for Megumi Kato and his own college tuition, and even had spare energy to buy a car and a house. It can be said that, He has become a successful person.

——Although the current achievements are due to his liver being so hard that it can be smashed like a brick.

To be honest, if Satania hadn't given him the props from the slime when he was traveling in the hot spring, Akira Hequan was still not sure if he could do this.

That's right—"The boss is covered with liver potion 2.0 special package deluxe edition"—it's really amazing... It forced him to study for several hours more than others.

Tired, but relying on his inhuman physique and the energy of the Holy Light, He Quanming survived the past four years. Not only did his body not collapse, but he even became more and more energetic. He was much stronger than he was in high school , the six-pack abs are also leveraged.

He can proudly stand up his chest and announce to the whole world that he is now at the peak of his life!

No matter what kind of problem it is, he and Quan Ming are the number one men in the world!

"...If you have time to boast here, you might as well go to the supermarket to buy vegetables. The refrigerator is empty, Mingjun."

Kato Megumi, who appeared beside him at some point, interrupted his enthusiasm, and said as usual.

I would like to introduce here that she is the girl of the number one man in the world - Izumi Akira's number one girlfriend, named Megumi Kato - who may become Megumi Izumi in the next few years.

His class used to be Assassin, now he is Grand girlfriend, and will be changed to Izumi's wife in the future.

As time moved forward, Megumi Kato also made some changes.

Her black hair had already grown to her waist, and was already longer than Rafael's back then, but she tied it up with a hair tie.

The soft low ponytail hangs quietly behind her, which looks like a wise wife. In short, she is Yamato Nadeko.

Compared with high school, the more mature face is still attractive, and even if you look at it carefully, you can't help but feel "this person is unexpectedly cute".

Even though her face is bare, Kato Megumi still has the atmosphere of a heroine who has come out of a novel. Her black eyes are clear and cold, and they seem to have a gentleness that can make people melt.

By the way, not only her hair and height have grown, but her chest...


Seeing Megumi Kato looking over with vigilance in his eyes, Akira Izumi immediately looked away as if nothing had happened, and withdrew his raised hand towards the sky.

"Okay, wait until I go to change the bachelor's uniform... By the way, you are changing too quickly, right?"

Kato Megumi turned around in a circle, and the white skirt flew up, revealing a white thigh.

"I changed it immediately after taking the photo...the bachelor's uniform is too hot, it's cooler to wear it like this."

Looking up, she found that Akira Izumi was staring intently at the part of the short skirt that just flew up. Megumi Kato pouted slightly, and reached out to poke Akira Izumi's chest.

"Ming Jun, it's impolite to be in public, isn't it?"

"Ah, I'm sorry..." He Quanming quickly turned his head and laughed dryly, "You know, men are gentlemen who instinctively pursue beautiful things..."

"No need to quibble, I still don't know who you are? Stupid Mingjun." Kato Megumi sighed softly, and suddenly whispered in a voice that Izumi Akira could hardly hear clearly.

"If you want to see it... I'll show you enough at home... There are too many people here."

Raising a pair of tender eyes, her cheeks were dyed pink, she leaned towards He Quanming's body, her little hands intertwined with his fingers, tightly, as if she would never let go.

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