He Quanming's heart shrank violently, and the sense of happiness rising from the soles of his feet made his whole body tremble.

——Ahhh, Megumin in shy mode is really amazing!

In these four years, the relationship between the two of them has naturally changed from what it used to be.

Kato Megumi has officially moved out of her own house and moved into Izumiaki's apartment, and is living a life of waking him up every morning and starting to kiss me.

It is also because of this that the two who have done everything except the last step are even more accustomed to this kind of intimate contact.

At this time, every time Kato Megumi showed a faint shy expression would make Izumi's heart beat endlessly, wishing to hold her tightly in his arms, leaving him alone in her world.

——Megumi Kato is mine, no one can take it away!

Although the students in the university call them the way of getting along like an old couple, in the eyes of Akira Izumi, he and Megumi Kato are passionately in love every day, and just holding hands for a little bit will bring them unparalleled satisfaction.

Therefore, he also held Kato Megumi's hand tightly, and clasped his fingers one by one, passing on the warmth.

With warm palms, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, with each other's figure in their eyes.

"Let's go."


After buying groceries, they didn't go back directly, and came to Hui Ridong High School at the suggestion of Izumi Akira.

Even after four years, the place that carried the most exciting youthful time in their lives remained unchanged, and the gloomy forest stood there as always, with the gloomy whirling in the breeze.

Using spells to climb over the wall, the two came to the woods, looking at the slightly taller trees with some emotion.

"I really miss it... I still remember that once Satania forgot how to get to the secret base, and walked around in the woods at noon. In the end, not only did she not have lunch, but she was fined a class stop for being late. , almost starved to death standing up."

Listening to Akira Izumi's memories, Kato Megumi also curled the corners of his mouth, smiled and shook his head.

"Satania... After four years, she still hasn't changed much. The last time she came back from her internship, she even forgot where the door was, flew in from the garden, and smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows..."

After reminiscing about the past in front of the grove for a while, they decided to go in and have a look, hoping that the small gazebo where everyone had lunch and played games together still existed.

As he walked through the woodland with mottled shadows, Izumi stretched out his fingers and counted them one by one.

"Now...that kid Jiaweitian has married sister Tou, right? He seems to be a kindergarten teacher... I heard that An Yilun also seems to have established a game studio, but the team members have been arguing, and it's always very annoying. Difficult to cooperate...Fei Yan and the others went to Kyoto to help the Yarenchan welfare agency over there...and..."

"Everyone, you're having a great time."

Eyes drooping slightly, Megumi Kato smiled lightly and said something softly.

Akira Izumi shook her hand and smiled back.

"Aren't we worse than them? Every day with you is the most fulfilling time for me."

"Really, sweet talk again."

Kato Megumi pushed him angrily, but couldn't help showing a touch of sweetness on his face.

Not long after, the leaves gradually thinned before their eyes. After passing through a bush, as the sunlight came back to the field of vision, a stone pavilion surrounded by green trees in a circle came into their sight.

It seems that all the rays of light are gathered in this small world. In the afternoon, the sun lazily crouches on the light gray pavilion cover, letting its white gauze fall on the surrounding green grass, bringing it a shimmering green light. Light; healthy grass and green leaves are blowing with the breeze, swaying the body and playing brisk forest music, just like an elf playing the freshly picked grass flute, the natural melody surrounds this space, creating a comfortable atmosphere. hotbed.

It is a holy place as if blessed by the Holy Light, it is an ideal place that is left behind and independent.

It is no different from four years ago, that is their secret base.

Time seems to have never set foot on this place, the stone tables and chairs are still clean, the grass is as neat and clean as if it has been trimmed, and even small animals can be seen chasing and jumping around the grass, occasionally looking out The two humans standing there burrowed into the green camp in fear, causing a crisp sound.

"After four years, there is no dust at all..."

While sighing, Akira Izumi pulled Kato Megumi to sit on the stone chair.

The shopping bags were put aside, and they sat side by side, letting the green scenery outside the stone pavilion come into view.

The wind was blowing slowly, and the comfortable smell mixed with the sun penetrated into the body. The two took a deep breath of comfort and said at the same time.

""I miss you so much...""

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Riding on the wind, the two closed their eyes and enjoyed the tranquility of the afternoon.

After a long time, they opened their eyes at the same time and looked at each other.

"Looking back now, we've made a lot of memories here, good and bad."

A pair of black translucent eyes blinked, Kato Megumi said with a slight smile.

"What is good or bad? Obviously there are only good things, how can there be any bad memories?

He Quanming asked back unconvinced.

"That's it~ Then I'll put it another way." With her finger on her lips, Kato Megumi's eyes were slightly melodious. After looking around the gazebo, she smiled meaningfully, "There are those who cry and those who laugh. There are also memories of crying and laughing, are there all here?"

"Uh..." He Quanming froze, obviously understanding what she wanted to say.

Megumi Kato sighed and shook his head: "Oh, Mingjun was really young at that time. I still remember very clearly the scene where Mingjun smiled and said "Kato, don't leave me?" while crying... ...Really, very youthful."

Covering the corner of her mouth lightly with her little hand, she smiled with a slightly red face, a very wicked smile.

He Quanming couldn't bear it and knelt down on the ground, clutching his abdomen.

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