"Enough...don't say any more...it's a shame to think about it..."

"Eh? I thought Ming Jun was very handsome back then? He declared openly that he wanted to open the harem, but also brazenly hoped that I would join the harem, and even stalked me so hard that he would not refuse. This kind of scumbag is in this world. Will there be a second one?"

Saying such hurtful words without any pressure, Megumi Kato shook his calf lightly, but there was no blame in his eyes, just like the clouds in the sky, comfortable and gentle.

"At that time, I was also very strange. I was just an ordinary girl, and I had never even had a normal relationship, but I accepted such an abnormal request in such a muddle... Well, this kind of idiot is not Will there be a second?"


Recovering from the torment of shame, He Quanming sat back on the chair, held Kato Megumi's catkin, stared at her, and said seriously.

"Whether it's Izumi Akira or Kato Megumi, they are the only super idiots in this world. That's why they like each other and accept each other's various inexplicable personalities."

For example, Kato Hui's thin sense of existence.

For example, Akira Izumi's speechless familiarity and flirtatiousness.

"There have been setbacks, separations, laughter and tears along the way, just like the plots in novels, and I have experienced the joys, sorrows and joys of a whole life in just a few months."


Also listening seriously, Kato Megumi held back silently, his eyes drooping, and the corners of his lips slightly curved, revealing a touch of peace of mind.

Yeah... this guy.

——Even though he didn't say much, he wanted to make the girl with a weak sense of existence more conspicuous.

——Obviously I didn't pay attention to it before, but I suddenly said "I found you, Kato", which made people accidentally moved.

He does as many stupid things as mountains, sometimes he is mature, sometimes he is naive like a child; his mouth is full of trains, but what he says seriously always reaches the heart and makes people warm.

Playful but not sentimental, leisurely but not loose, for the people he wants to save, for the things he wants to accomplish, and for creating a bright future where everyone can laugh - Akira Izumi is working hard like a fool.

Working hard, working hard... In the end, people have to work hard together with him, hoping that he can realize his dream, and don't want to see him fall down on the road, just like this, get on a thief ship, and never escape from his palm .

That's why I said, Kato Megumi - is also an idiot.

They had only been together for a short time, but they quickly turned from a stranger to a friend, and in the end, they started thinking about many things for him without paying attention.

It's obviously not that easy for a person to show his feelings, but he is always provoked by his few words, and his favorability is like riding a rocket.

Obviously I don't like that kind of man-robbing drama, and I just want to be an idle audience on the sidelines. This kind of scum is fine, it's none of my business; in the end, I made up my mind to advise him and successfully eliminated Chang Muyao This passer-by with a low sense of existence and too ordinary has dealt with several other angels and demons.

——Well, although it seems that Izumi's own strategy success and failure have nothing to do with her, she has been playing soy sauce from the beginning to the end because of the girl's entanglement.

However, let’s just forget about such trivial things in the past~ Anyway, it’s fine if the result is right.

All in all, Kato Megumi is just an ordinary girl, but somehow she experienced such a magnificent emotional life, and somehow became the main palace of the Izumi family, and even more inexplicably, she didn't resist at all.

What a... inexplicable idiot.

He Quanming continued talking.

"Even though they encountered many setbacks and difficulties along the way, these two people were still able to hold hands until the end of their lives."

He looked at the sky with a smile on his lips.

"Don't you think this is the biggest and most beautiful miracle in the world?"

"Only ours, the miracle of happiness."

Warm palms were tightly held together.

Between the clasped fingers, a pair of shiny silver diamond rings shone warmly on the middle finger.

There was a moment of silence in the warm air.

"Is it a miracle? I don't think so."

However, Kato Megumi denied him at this time.

He Quanming looked at the girl next to him with pain on his face, all the good romantic atmosphere was destroyed by her at this moment.

"Hui, can't you let me play handsome for once?"

"You've played handsome enough times, just give me the chance this time."

Raising his hand suddenly, Megumi Kato gently held his face, the corners of his pink lips were raised upwards, his eyes were focused, and his figure was all in his eyes.

"No matter when, where, or in what world, as long as I can meet you, Megumi Kato will always fall in love with Akira Izumi—this is not a miracle, but an inevitable result."

"I don't know about the others, but I, do you have such confidence?"

She smiled helplessly.

"After all, I have been eaten to death by you from before to now."

Soft tone, but with more than anyone else's feelings.

He Quanming could feel that the softest and warmest heart was deeply engraved into his soul.


It's just so touching.

"Wuuuu... As expected of my fiancée, the skill of moving people with words is comparable to mine!"

He Quanming wiped away tears that did not exist, trying to cover up his inner feelings in this way.

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