Unfortunately, he chose the wrong method.

With a frown, Kato Megumi smiled kindly, put his finger on the back of his hand, and turned it lightly.

"You treat someone's truth as a mouthpiece?"

He Quanming's complexion changed, and he screamed.


Kato Megumi shook his head lightly.

"No, Mingjun apologized so many times, but he never reflected on it every time. I think it's because the punishment wasn't harsh enough... So, it's better to work harder."

"Don't, don't pinch! The meat is going to fall off!"

"It will be cured with holy light. Mingjun is different from me, an ordinary mortal girl. She is a talent that both worlds of heaven and hell value. This kind of trivial matter is very simple."

Kato Megumi spoke slowly, his smile still gentle.

——This guy has a lot of resentment!

Akira Hequan breathed in pain and begged for mercy tremblingly.

"After you get married, you can be transformed into a family member! You will also have superpowers at that time, just let me go this time!"

Obviously, he said the wrong thing again.

Megumi Kato's smile became deeper, however, those pure black eyes did not see any light, as if they could absorb the soul of a person, facing Izumi Akira unemotionally in a depthless darkness.

"Ming Jun, you mean that I married you because of my superpowers?"

"Huh? Is that so?"

An invisible flame ignited from behind her, and the whole space seemed to be enveloped by a heavy momentum. The sound of the wind, insects and birds were all quiet at this moment, and they dared not make a sound.

He Quanming had a bitter face.

——I didn't mean that!And your aura, like domineering aura, is obviously a kind of superpower...

"Megumi, calm down and listen to my explanation—"

"Al? What are you two doing here?"

Just when he was about to explain, a lazy voice came from the side.

The woods rustled, and the blond girl pushed aside the bushes and looked at them strangely.

Megumi Kato and Akira Izumi temporarily put aside the "grievance" in front of them, and looked at her in surprise at the same time.

"Xiao Jia?"

Gabriel curled her lips, and with her hands in the pockets of her pink sports jacket, she wobbled towards the two of them.

"What are you doing so surprised? Did you interrupt your date alone? I'm so sorry."

As she spoke, she walked up to He Quanming, then turned around, jumped back, and sat in He Quanming's arms expressionlessly, with her small head leaning against his chest, her petite figure keeping zero distance from him overlap.

"Just flew down from the heavens, tired, lean on me.

He Quanming froze for a moment, then nodded.

"it is good……"

Gabriel looked up at him, then twisted her body, and leaned even tighter, all parts were pressed together, soft, small, and fragrant.

He Quanming's face twitched, trying to remain calm.

As if feeling that Izumi's muscles were tense, Gabriel frowned, and turned to Megumi Kato who was silent.

Then he showed a very indifferent but very proud little smile.

In those sea blue eyes, Megumi Kato saw provocation.


Chapter 4 Rafael's Personal Lecture.mp[-]

When it comes to Gabriel's changes in the past few years, there is really... nothing to say.

She hadn't changed in height, bust, or appearance, except for her hair, which had become longer and straighter than before.


And Izumi can be sure that this has absolutely nothing to do with the race of angels, it's just that she stopped developing!

The other three have more or less grown up, only she, as if the flow of time in her body has been suspended, still maintains the short and cute appearance of her sophomore year.

According to the information disclosed by her friend who is also an angel, a certain white-haired angel, even her younger sister Haniya is taller than her now.

Every time she is invited back to her alma mater to give a speech, the school has to prepare steps for her, in case she can only hear voices and not see people during the speech—legal Lolita has become Gabriel’s eternal label, which can’t be torn off even by splashing hydrochloric acid kind of.

Here's how she responds to everyone who dares to mock her height.

"If you cut off your legs, you're shorter than me, right? I'll help you. (Laughs)"

Well, it fits her personality very well, the way she laughs and takes out a hatchet to exude murderous looks is really an angel.

Killing Angel (laughs).

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