Even so, in some respects, Gabriel is not standing still.

Not to mention that she is currently in a high position in the heavens, and she has become a candidate for the next Archangel of the heavens at a young age; it is not to say that she is now financially independent and bought a house by herself just to play games that cannot fit in the room; Not to mention that when her sister Gail went on a business trip to other worlds, she put down her work and played hard online games for nine days and nine nights...

Although tiny, she is indeed growing.

She has become more and more good at acting like a baby and fighting for favor.

According to her, it's—"There is a servant who can be manipulated by me with a few coquettish words...... I have a boyfriend, if I don't make more use of it, wouldn't it be embarrassing for girls?Women's war is a war of resources. Anyway, acting like a baby doesn't require too much energy, and you can easily obtain resources. You are a fool if you don't do it. 』

Gabriel is still lazy, but she is lazy in the right place - because as long as she acts like a baby to Akira Izumi, she doesn't have to do many things by herself, and a shameful Mr. Izumi will help her with a happy face.

In this regard, Mr. Izumi responded to everyone who laughed at him as a tool man.

"What kind of tool people? Working hard for your girlfriend, how can you be called a tool guy! You single dogs don't understand the joy of giving at all! No wonder you are single and can't get a legal loli girlfriend!"

And Mr. Izumi is not without gains, after all, he is acting like a baby, touching, sitting on his lap and rubbing, Gabriel has given full play to her high IQ and game brain, and has insight into the weaknesses of men. He was so controlled that he had absolutely no room to resist.

Megumi Kato naturally knew this, and understood that Gabriel was like a player whose goal was to reach the top of the leaderboard, trying to replace her always the number one position in Akira Izumi's heart and become the main palace of the Izumi family.

Although this is totally meaningless, once Gabriel treats this kind of behavior as a game, she will be surprisingly diligent, and even take the initiative to provoke her like now.

And this is how Kato-san responded to Gabriel.

"Ha ha."

Play as you want, do you think that the relationship of living together in college for the past few years can be shaken by you, a stunted legal loli?

From the time you tried to fight against me, you have put yourself in a lower position, let alone using that clumsy trick to tease Mingjun, it is useless except to make his blood surge, not like the two of us here The favorability of the blower rises quickly.

Anyway, we became a family not too long ago, and I don’t bother to tell you the truth, I’ll just do whatever you want, pretend you didn’t see it~

Kato Megumi smiled lightly, stroked the blue hair next to his ear, completely ignoring Gabriel's provocation.

Gabriel curled her lips, with a bored look on her face: "Tch, it's still the same, with a look of winning..."

Because I have no chance of losing.

Kato Megumi shook his head amusedly, and looked at Izumi Akira with helpless tenderness in his eyes.

——After all, he will definitely be the winner in the end. It doesn't make any sense who wins or loses.

As if seeing what Kato Megumi wanted to express in his eyes, Gabriel snorted softly, her expression returned to laziness, she curled up in Izumi's arms, and closed her eyes in peace.

"...By the way, when will we start preparing for the wedding? I have to ask for leave from those menopausal aunts and bald uncles when I go back."

she suddenly asked softly.

Just as He Quanming was about to open his mouth, he heard a gentle and bright voice from the sky, speaking slowly and authentically.

"It's next week, and the wedding photos will be taken at that time~ Jiabai-chan, everyone is going to be a bride, it's impossible not to remember this kind of thing~"

Gabriel raised her head, squinting her eyes at the angel girl who was slowly falling from the blue sky, the light from her body made Gabriel a little uncomfortable.

"Turn off the Holy Light before we talk. What special effects are there? And it's not Lafite, remember? Just remember to call me when the time comes."

With white hair flying behind her, the angel girl turned off the display of the holy light, folded her white wings and landed lightly, covering her mouth with one hand, squinting her eyes and chuckling lightly.

"Oh, oh, of course it's no problem~ I will remember to hold Jiabaijiang high when taking wedding photos. If only the forehead is in the picture, then I must add a line of "Xiaojia's head" to the photo. ↓』It’s okay, it’s not beautiful at all... Mmm! People will find a way to avoid this tragedy!"

The corners of Gabriel's eyes twitched, and his slender hands slowly clenched into fists.

"Raphael, you're looking for a fight, right..."

"Fufufu, the angry Kabai-chan is so cute~ It's like an angry little lion, I really want to take it home to raise...ah! Wait, it's already my family!"

Rafael completely ignored Gabriel's overflowing murderous aura, walked up to her, bent down, and patted her head.

The eyes behind the black frame are smiling and curved, and a little bit of joy can still be seen vaguely, and even the skin has become very smooth. She smiled very happily and viciously.

Rafael's change is different from Gabriel's, it's very obvious.

First, her figure has become better than before.Not only is his height raised to [-] meters, he has become the tallest person besides Izumi Akira, but the degree of lordosis and back curl is completely impossible for others to compete on the same stage.

Furthermore, she is not short-sighted, but she wears black-rimmed glasses of the same style as Akira Izumi's, which fades her greenness and adds a bit of intellectual flavor.

Finally, she is now a preschool teacher, but she always wears a black close-fitting professional dress that often appears in certain movies, with glasses, black silk, and high heels. It can arouse people's most primitive desires.

It is said that her ultimate goal in doing so is - "teaching the seedlings in the heavenly world at school during the day, and teaching the hungry husband posture at home at night".

The choice of uniform play is also rehearsed in advance for the evening posture class.According to her own statement, she has read hundreds of teaching CDs on teacher themes, and everything will be tested on He Quanming after marriage; after that, there will be nurses, doctors, policemen, sailor suits and other themes waiting for him!

He Quanming was naturally very moved when he heard the news, and then felt that his kidneys still hurt...

It's good for his wife to be so proactive, but he doesn't only have one wife!If they are all squeezed dry by her, there will be a family revolution...

Cough cough, in the matter of adults. Let's talk about it again. Anyway, they are not married yet.

It can also be seen from this incident that her feelings for Izumi Ming are getting stronger and stronger; she may have been shy in high school and dared to say but dare not do it, but now she has completely given up her reserve and put her love and dependence on him. Unreservedly presented to Akira Izumi, expressing that heart more enthusiastically than anyone else.

After stroking Gabriel's head, regardless of the veins popping out on her forehead and her terrifying expression of wanting to kill, she pressed her plump breasts to Gabriel's face, and got closer to Izumi.

The mature and beautiful face with a simple smile was enlarged before her eyes, she pursed her red lips, and said to Izumi in a coquettish tone.

"Honey, long time no see~ Come, give me a kiss~"

Megumi Kato watched from the side, his pure black eyes narrowed.

The first author is Chapter [-]. I'm sorry for the late update.

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