It's okay to act coquettishly and not very enthusiastic like Gabriel, after all, it's been a while since I saw her, so I can forgive you for charging some electricity.

Rafael asked for a kiss directly when he came up, that would be too much, it's just that he didn't take the two of them seriously.

Although family members need to be considerate of each other, Megumi Kato, as the "first girlfriend" who has spent the longest time with Akira Izumi, should make other girlfriends a little bit more tolerant.

But what to say...

Just unhappy.

very unhappy.

If you want to kiss, you have to follow the basic law. You can't kiss in front of everyone if you want to. Don't be reserved and others will be shy.

Although none of the people present were shy about such things.

But Kato Megumi did not intend to let Rafael succeed so easily.

When she was about to kiss, Kato Megumi silently took out his phone, and then turned on the camera mode.

Rafael stopped for a moment, turned his head, and smiled.

"Hui-chan~ what are you doing~"

"Live broadcast." Lie with a flat expression, Kato Megumi poked his head out from behind the phone, and said slowly, "Before kissing, remember to say hello to the audience, such as your classmates, housekeeper, parents, etc."

"That~ you were joking, right?" Rafael smiled, and slowly backed away from Akira Izumi, smoothing his long hair gracefully, "I don't think Hui-chan is such a wicked person ~"

Kato Megumi raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a kind smile.

"Fortunately, I didn't live up to your trust."

She turned the phone to Rafael, allowing her to see the unopened photography screen on the phone screen.

Raphael patted his towering chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"Phew~ It's okay, I almost got excited when I thought I was going to play live PLAY... Ah, I didn't say anything~"

Covering her small mouth very deliberately, she sat next to Izumi under the silent stares of the three, and took his arm.

Squinting his eyes, this time his smile was very sincere, soft, and full of happiness.

"I'm finally getting married~ I've been waiting for a long time, and I've been in a long-distance relationship for four years, it's really hard~"

He Quanming smiled helplessly, and reached out to pat her head.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting... If I'm not fully prepared, I don't have the confidence to marry any of you."

"Really, I can support all of you by myself..." Rafael pouted, poked Gabriel's cheek, causing her to slap it away with a look of boredom.

"If this guy is that kind of boy, do you think he can please so many people? At least I will never marry such a good-for-nothing man."

She snorted coldly, folded her hands on her chest and said sternly.

"Because I'm the kind of little boy who needs to be supported by others! There is no need for a guy who can't support me!"

"How dare you say that..." Akira Izumi and Megumi Kato groaned at the same time, raising their eyes.

Only Rafael clapped his hands happily.

"Xiaojia hasn't changed, it's great~"

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from the woods.

"It's better to change the character of that useless wood... Really."

The visitor sighed helplessly, and walked out from the shadow of the bushes.

He wore waist-length purple hair tied into a neat long ponytail. He was wearing a handsome and neat black suit and a pair of well-polished leather shoes under the straight black trousers. With a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, he looks very charming.

Not to mention that flawless face, and a pair of purple pupils lurking with gentle watery light, just like His Royal Highness wearing a tuxedo to go out, handsome and convincing.

This is—Winette four years later.

He Quanming herself couldn't believe that after going through the trials of society, she who was once gentle, virtuous, well-behaved and cute, would turn into such a handsome appearance of a beauty in men's clothing.

Walking into the gazebo, Vinette raised her neatly trimmed eyebrows, nodded and greeted several people, and then faced Akira Izumi, showing a handsome smile that captivated thousands of young girls.

"Yo! Amin, how are you doing recently?"

He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth—this title was still difficult for people to get used to.

But the relationship between the two has developed to this point, and it is impossible for her to continue to call Izumi Ming "Izumi classmate", and the remaining names such as "Mingjun" and "Ming" were called away again. In order to have her own characteristics, she thought about it It's a name no one has ever called.

Anyway, after getting married, it will be changed to husband or dear, and He Quanming didn't correct her, so he just called her.

Although every time he is called that, he always thinks that his girlfriend has become a buddy, and he feels a little GAYGAY wronged in his heart—especially since she looks more handsome than him now, which makes her even more GAY.

He Quanming returned with a dry smile.

"Oh,'re doing about you? Have you had any problems with your career recently?"

Picking a stone chair and sitting down, Vinette raised her slender legs and spoke casually in a boyish tone.

"Is it okay? At least after I was promoted to supervisor, few people called me around... However, more and more girls asked me out to play."

She sighed, showing a very serious troubled expression.

"Oh... being popular is really a sin..."

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