That contemplative look seemed to create a special effect of blooming roses beside him, and his delicate face could be called a prosperous and beautiful man, making the whole gazebo stand out.

He Quanming: "..."

Seeing Izumi's suddenly distorted expression, Gabriel patted him on the shoulder sympathetically.

"How do you feel that your girlfriend is more popular than yourself? No, it should be said, what is your feeling that your girlfriend is a hundred times more handsome than yourself, Izumi-san?"

At the end of the talk, she couldn't help laughing jokingly herself.

Hequanming's eyebrows twitched, and he put Gabriel down expressionlessly.

When she stepped on the ground, she froze for a moment, and a sense of emptiness rose in her heart, which made her frown involuntarily.

Turning to face Akira Izumi, Gabriel looked away awkwardly, but her tone was disturbed.

"Are you angry? You're not that mean? I'm just joking... Tsk, can't I apologize?"

He Quanming ignored her, turned his head and whispered a few words to Kato Megumi, Kato Megumi seemed to be a little embarrassed after thinking for a while, then nodded, looking helpless.

Gabriel opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but saw Akira Izumi get up, walk to the side of Vinette, sit down,

Vinette looked over in surprise, but still smiled like a male publicist, and spoke in that calm and magnetic voice.

"What's the matter? Did you quarrel with Xiaojia? Amin, we are all grown-ups, please speak up and don't get angry—ah!"

In the middle of speaking, she suddenly let out a soft exclamation.

Because He Quanming pulled her onto his lap, then wrapped her around her waist, and blew on her white ears.


"Ugh—" Vinette's whole body tensed up for a moment, then softened, and she fell into his arms with a flushed face, and said softly, "Suddenly, what are you doing all of a sudden...everyone is still watching..."

"It's nothing." He Quanming answered calmly, and wrapped his other hand around her shoulders, "I just don't want to see you more handsome than me. This is fine now. I like the cute Vinette better."

"Hey~" Man protested inexplicably, but Wei Nette didn't resist, but obediently slipped into his arms, "Okay, since you've said that...then I'll be cute~"

The handsomeness and demeanor just now disappeared completely, she leaned against Izumi's chest with blushing cheeks, with a soft smile on her face, and closed her eyes very reassuringly.

Perhaps it was because she hadn't seen Akira Izumi for so long, she completely forgot that there were three audiences beside her, and acted like a baby without any scruples.

Holding a beautiful girl who has changed from handsome to cute in his arms, Akira Izumi raised his head, and looked down at Gabriel who was standing there with his expression gradually disappearing with smug eyes.

That gaze seemed to say——

"How? Even if my girlfriend becomes more handsome than me, I can still make her behave like a little wife!"

Gabriel received the message completely.

The anger also rose very smoothly.

Therefore, she also simply took out a golden horn, her pupils lost their highlight, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"I heard that it's normal for couples to quarrel and destroy the world?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Extra!The reason for the destruction of the world turned out to be a quarrel between husband and wife? !The murderer just blew the horn lightly...

Well, it's the horn.

But no matter what, if Gabriel is really blown down, the world will explode [-]% on the spot, and then [-]% of her will be sent to the Tribunal of Heaven and sentenced to death directly!

So in the end, which mental retardation gave her such a super dangerous prop?Don't you know that it is against the law to let a child with poor emotional control ability hold a weapon!

Don't let Mr. Izumi save the world every time!

——Speaking of which, Akira Izumi also knew that no matter how angry Gabriel was, she would not blow the horn to destroy the world.

No matter how world-weary and impulsive she usually appears, Gabriel is still that lazy and extremely gentle girl in essence. She really loves this world and everything in this world; She is more serious about making the unfortunate happy than anyone else. Even if she is punished, she will shrug her shoulders indifferently and take responsibility for her choices leisurely.

That's her, Gabriel.Innocent.White, an angel who loves the world and human beings more than anyone else, so she will never destroy the world——

At least not until online gaming disappears from the world.

Knowing this about her, Izumi Akira, who always retreated to appease her at this time, had a whim, and an inexplicable impulse surged up in his heart, causing him to show a sly smirk.

"Destroy the world, huh?"

Lifting his glasses, his eyes were unrestrained, like a wild horse running wild.

Akira Hequan put Vinette in his arms back on the chair, got up, walked to the petite her with graceful steps, bent down, and let the generous figure cover her.

His eyes lingered on her delicate face, He Quanming slowly raised his hand, pinched her chin with his fingers, and let the little fair face look up, a strand of golden hair ran down the ear, as if shining platinum and gold. shine.

Under Gabriel's expressionless gaze, He Quanming curved a wicked smile, and spoke in a domineering and thick tone.

"Then come on, anyway, you can't destroy my world—because of you, it's my whole world."

He looks cold on the outside, but He Quanming is very contented on the inside.

How about it?Have you been teased?Are you disgusted?

Normally, Gabriel would be very disgusted with him saying such flirtatious words, let alone the question of whether he is shy or not, when Hequanming said such words, he felt inexplicably awkward and awkward.

According to her, it was like pouring expired milk from the nostrils and spraying it out mixed with stomach acid. It was very disgusting, it was simply mental pollution and physical destruction.

He Quanming didn't know that feeling, but since Gabriel had said so, he rarely said such provocative things to her, anyway, as long as he kept staring at her, he could see her blushing because of shyness up.

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