But this time is different.

If it was normal, when Gabriel threatened him with destroying the world, he would definitely not do it like this, intentionally disgusting her and causing the world to be destroyed, but comforting her with gentle words and giving her a hug Hug and become a hero to save the world.

But now, He Quanming doesn't want to be cowardly anymore!

He wanted to be nervous, to see how embarrassed Gabriel was and didn't know whether she should continue to be arrogant or not!

He wants to revive Husband Gang and let her know that angels who can destroy the world can't do whatever they want, and there are people in this world who she can't cure!

That's right, that's him, Akira Izumi——



The melodious horn buzzed, and the timbre like the sound of heaven swept across the entire grove almost instantly, making the wind quiet, making the flowers, birds, insects and animals silent, and letting the soul tremble in the horn.

Then, there seemed to be a certain chilling atmosphere brewing, and a sense of danger that made people's skin tingle was spreading.


His eyes widened, and Izumi's expression was completely stiff. He watched Gabriel slowly pull the horn away from his lips, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his tone was tinged with ice.

"If you want to die, let's die together. It's not bad to be a mandarin duck with the same fate."

Kato Megumi and Rafael are already covering their faces... Not only He Quanming often directs and acts on his own, but Gabriel is also a guy who is very easy to get into the drama. When the two of them quarrel, things will happen, it doesn't take long big kids.

Not to mention now, it seems that the crisis of the destruction of the world is involved... As the leader of all this, what will Akira Izumi do?

"The world is going to be destroyed..."

Muttering unbelievable facts, He Quanming stared blankly at Gabriel's face, her eyes were calm as if she had given up everything, without any regrets or panic, just like an impending disaster It's just like a slime running wild, with clear and proud eyes.

She still had that casual look with her pockets in her pockets, her mouth curled up in a fearless arc, and she raised her head slightly to respond to He Quanming's gaze, as if waiting for his reaction. That kind of appearance made He Quanming really puzzled, puzzled, and saddened.

When did you become like this?

When did this world become an object that you destroy at will and don't care about it?

When did you forget that there are many people in this world that you care about, I care about, and we care about?

Don't you know that if you destroy the world, you will have to bear the same price?

Why do you have to make an irreversible move just for a moment of anger?

Is there nothing in this world that you are willing to miss?

——He Quanming didn't even ask these words.

He just felt a little pain in his heart, a little sore nose, and a little reluctance.

"...Really, Gabriel, you are an idiot, a super idiot."

Suddenly, Izumi laughed.

The words were obviously reproaches, but they were full of tenderness that could melt people, and hidden a firmness that would never turn back.

Gabriel was stunned by that soft voice that seemed to be able to directly hit the heart.

Calmness disappeared completely, and panic gradually rose in his eyes.

"Wait, wait a minute, should you be..."

Before she finished speaking, He Quanming embraced her words with a hug, and hugged her petite body tightly in his arms.

"For a while, I couldn't think of what to say...Apologize to everyone for me, maybe I won't be able to make it to the wedding."

"what are you saying……"

Ignoring Gabriel's struggle, He Quanming whispered softly in her ear.

"It was all my fault just now, don't blame yourself... If I really wanted to tease you, I would say this—"

When she froze in shock and opened her mouth foolishly, He Quanming had already pushed her away, leaving only whispers that passed away with the wind passing through her hair and rising to the boundless sky.

"Gabriel, you are my angel, I am willing to dedicate my life's love to you, and I am willing to fight for you until my soul dissipates."

Throwing away the glasses, a pair of sharpened eyes looked into the distance, and with his back to Gabriel, he whispered, as if praying.

"—No complaints, no regrets!"

With a sudden move forward with one hand, a giant light sickle appeared in He Quanming's hand, which was held tightly by him.

When the light scythe slid across his side, pulling out a brilliant trajectory, a door appeared in front of him at some point, and the door frame painted with bright patterns floated a holy and clean golden glow, which was so solemn that people dare not look straight. See.

He Quanming looked at the door calmly, with serious eyes, but stared directly at the dazzling light without dodging or avoiding.

This is a special spell given to him by the unreliable god, and he can directly enter the god's room without notification.

It's just that gods can't be seen as soon as they want, so using this kind of magic has to pay a price.

It was also the first time for him to open this "brilliant door to see God", and he didn't know what price he would pay... But no matter what, he had to ask God for help before everything was irreversible.

No matter how unreliable that Uncle God seems, He is still the strongest existence in this world. To cover up the disaster caused by Gabriel quietly is something that can be easily done with a flick of a finger.

Different from Izumi Akira's joking sense, that is the power that can truly "save the world".

However, that god also said that it is impossible for him to act for a mortal or a mere angel. The world can be saved if it is destroyed, but the angel who committed a crime must accept the corresponding punishment...

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