With Gabriel's deeds, the lightest punishment is to be imprisoned in the trial court of heaven and punished for thousands of years to copy the Bible.

The most important thing is that the soul is wiped out, and it will not enter reincarnation.

He Quanming, of course, couldn't watch her being sentenced to such a cruel sentence.

Regardless of the reason, whether it is correct or not, and regardless of whether the world will be destroyed in the end, he just doesn't want to see Gabriel taken away by the law enforcement team of the heavens, and never see them again.

That's why he immediately planned to ask the gods for help.

No matter what the price is, no matter what he will lose in the end, he has only one thought now.

——Definitely, let Gabriel live safely!

Let's think about the rest.

He doesn't look forward to the future, rushes forward recklessly to protect something, and can smile proudly even with scars all over his body, this is him, Izumi Ming.

"If I am the one I love, even if I have nothing, I will go forward."

While saying what he thought was handsome, he showed a confident smile, and Izumi stepped forward, head held high, and walked towards the door.

Clothes swayed behind him, and the side face without glasses seemed to be shining brightly.


Gabriel stared blankly at his back, not knowing how to explain it to him.

After all, that resolute figure really... made her so moved that she couldn't speak a word.

The feeling that her heart was filled with warmth made her head in a trance for a while, even though she was awkward, she had to admit - the current Izumi Akira is so handsome that even an angel would fall in love with him.

...Why, this person is usually stupid and perverted, speaks without thinking and always makes people want to beat him, but he always shows such a handsome and heart-wrenching look at the most critical moment...

Gabriel knew deeply in her heart that it was impossible for her to use that horn to destroy the world in this life.

Because this world still has his existence.

If he existed, this world would be heaven.

So, there is nothing to hesitate.

Pulling her hands out of her pockets, she spread her half-black and half-white wings, her blond hair was dyed half-purple, and at the same time, her sea-blue left eye also turned into a magnificent bright red.

Looking serious, Gabriel took a step forward.

——Then jumped hard, before He Quanming stepped into the door, hugged his back tightly, buried his little head in his clothes, clinging tightly as if unwilling to separate.

The roots of her ears were slightly red, she said loudly in a clear and shy voice.

"I love you too! So don't just leave me, you idiot!"

While Hequanming stopped, Gabriel spoke again, but this time the tone was more embarrassing and embarrassing.

"Also... that horn is a counterfeit, the real me has already returned it, so if I blow it, it will only..."

Izumi was stunned: "Only...?"

Before Gabriel could explain, a flying kick passed through the light of the Gate of God, and kicked straight to Gabriel behind Izumi.

Unprepared, she was kicked directly to Kato Megumi and Rafael's feet like a rolling gourd. The feathers of her wings were scattered all over the ground, her face was down, and her life and death were unknown.

Including Vinette, the three of them showed expressions that they had known earlier at the same time, and they covered their faces and sighed together.

Because at this moment, arrogant and arrogant laughter sounded, startling countless birds.

"Meow ha ha ha ha ha ha ha——Stupid angel, call the great demon lord to come, I think you are ready to pay the price, right?"

"I'm here to forgive you, let you kneel at my toes, and call me master as the price!

Thank you.Satanikia.Walnut Ze.Go McDowell!Meow ha ha ha ha ha ha—"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The familiar insolent laughter echoed in the supposedly quiet afternoon pavilion, everyone except He Quanming covered their foreheads as if they had known it before, and sighed from between their fingers.

Gabriel, who was lying on the ground, twitched all over her body, then slowly supported the ground with her hands, and stood up unsteadily.

With a flash of holy light, all the dust and embarrassment on her body disappeared, but her long golden hair did not become straight and smooth, but scattered in front of her eyes, just covering her dark face at the moment.

"You're a red-haired husky who ran here after blowing the dog whistle...you're really arrogant...you dare to attack me as the master..."

"Hmph! Did you make a mistake, Gabriel!" The red-haired girl spread a pair of dark red bat wings, and looked down in mid-air proudly, with a disdainful sneer on the corner of her mouth, "Now I You are no longer the idiot who was at your mercy. As the next successor identified by the Demon King, you are a powerless and powerless angel social animal. I can order you however I want!

That's right, I am now your master!Come here and lick my toes obediently! "

"This logic really makes people wonder how to refute it..." Kato Megumi complained speechlessly.

Rafael covered his mouth and smiled: "Sajiang still hasn't changed, it's great~"

Vinette sighed a long time: "What is the Lord Demon King thinking... let her be the Demon King, the Demon World will end sooner or later..."

Facing Satania's undisguised contempt, Gabriel suddenly sneered, and the low and gloomy laughter seemed to lower the air several degrees.

"Heh heh heh... Sure enough, no matter where the idiot sits, his IQ is still so low that it makes people laugh..."

"Whatever you say, for the sake of the familiar, I will allow you to use your tongue." Spreading her hands and shrugging, Satania's tone was full of pity, and her smile was still complacent, "After all, we will soon become a family." Well, as the main palace..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly trembled, always feeling as if someone cast a cold and emotionless gaze on her at this moment.

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