Shrinking her head reflexively, she changed her words unconsciously.

"... As a member of the Izumi family in the upper class, if I still care about a flat-chested angel like your dowry maid, wouldn't it be too disrespectful?"

"Dowry maid?" Gabriel raised her head, revealing a pair of cold, bloodthirsty red and blue pupils. The magic power around her began to surge restlessly, and the air became sticky.

She sneered, and pinched her right hand. She held a huge bright red spear in her hand, with a cold light shining on it.

"Sure enough, I didn't fight for three days, and I went to the house to remove the tiles... I haven't taught you for nearly a year. It seems that you can tear down the roof? Very good, then I will grant your wish."

Seeing her in an attacking posture, Satania's eyes flashed red, her little canine teeth were exposed, and her warlike smile bloomed arrogantly.

"Do you want to fight? Just right, let you be the touchstone of my progress this year! I will let you kneel on the ground and cry for mercy, Gabriel!"

The bat wings suddenly opened, and the air was gradually stained with black mist. She spread her hands, as if she wanted to embrace the whole world, and laughed wildly.

"Hahahahahaha——Come on! Come on! My sharp weapon to destroy the world, my force to conquer the world, this is the day to bring supreme terror to the world! Play the prelude to the end!

— Burn it up, Levatin! "

As the flames ignited, the same huge fiery red long sword appeared in front of Satania's eyes. The high-temperature flames enough to distort the air enveloped the entire body of the sword, but it seemed to be one with it, unable to melt the giant sword within. penny.

Satania ignored the flame that seemed to burn everything, grabbed the hilt of the sword, and pointed at Gabriel in front of her.

The space was burned into an unstable shape by the high temperature, and in the gradually heating up environment, she shouted loudly.

"Sarcasm! I've been waiting for a long time, the duel of fate! The eulogist of this victory will definitely be the candidate for the devil king, Lord Satania!"

"Let's talk about it in your sleep until you go to hell, silly."

Gabriel raised the corner of her mouth, picked up the gun, and pointed the gun point directly at Satania, her eyes were like flames under the ice, burning with ice-cold temperature.

The clear and piercing voice rang through the entire gazebo, and even the surrounding woods began to tremble.

"Shoot her, Gungnir!"

The long spear burst out with a dazzling red light, aimed at her heart, ready to go, and when Gabriel let go, it would directly penetrate the target.

Satania sneered disdainfully, and the flames soared, almost roasting Izumi next to him. He couldn't help closing the door of God quickly, and took several steps back.

"Let's see who falls first—burn her, Levatin!"

The crimson flame gradually deepened, and the black lightning began to make a crackling sound, wrapping around the flame, making it also black and ominous.

As if the air was completely frozen in an instant, the aura and power that surpassed ordinary people intertwined and confronted in this space, as if even time was frightened to a standstill. Just looking at such a scene, the heart couldn't help but stop beating .

When Akira Hequan was trying to stop them.

A white hand patted Satania's red hair, and the flame disappeared instantly, and at the same time, the air began to flow again.

"Master Satania, I am the one who wants to be the devil king, not you, how many times do I have to tell you to remember?"

The clear and crisp voice of the cold girl made Satania pouted and looked back indignantly.

A girl with short white hair who was about the same height as her was looking at her calmly. Ordinary casual clothes couldn't cover her beautiful body curves, and the corners of her clothes swayed with the cool breeze blowing.

"Xiaobai, what are you doing! Now is the critical moment! Besides, you are my familiar, and being the devil king means that I am the devil king, and you are also the master of the devil king. What did I say wrong!"

The white-haired girl's eyes turned cold, she raised her milk-skinned white hand, squeezed it into a dog's paw, and patted her forehead from top to bottom.


Satania fell from the sky in an instant, and her head fell into the ground. The skirt turned down according to the gravity, revealing a mature black lace panty.

Her feet trembled, then fell limply, and her whole body was inserted into the soil outside the gazebo without a sound, as if a dozen Satania could grow next year just by watering it.

No one cared about her life or death, they were all looking at the white-haired girl wiping her hands expressionlessly.

Gabriel slowly put away the sharp gun and wings, and walked lazily, hiding behind Rafael, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Vinette twitched the corners of her mouth, as if thinking of something unspeakable, her expression was very complicated.

Kato Megumi, on the other hand, seemed disinterested. After taking a look, he looked away and looked at Akira Izumi, who frowned worriedly.

The white-haired girl scanned her surroundings, skipping over Vinette, Megumi Kato, and Gabriel, and paused on Rafael's face for a moment, then looked deeply at Izumi Akira who was full of bewilderment, revealing a small smile. Gentle smile.

That smile was fleeting, and she returned to her expressionless face again, and bowed to everyone.

"My master is being stupid again. I'm really sorry for causing trouble to everyone. I will teach her a lesson when I get back...Wow."

A mouth habit popped out accidentally, just like the fluffy round dog ears that suddenly appeared on her head.

The white-haired girl calmly pressed her dog ears back, her voice cold and authentic.

"Please pretend that you didn't see the 'various' things that happened just now. The only candidate for this demon king—Xiaobai, I will definitely thank you in the future."

"...Also, Master Raphael, don't touch my head anymore, I will have a spell to make angels grow animal ears, if you want to touch, I can let you touch your own."

Raphael, who didn't know when he came to her side, withdrew his hand with a little regret, narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said slowly with a hint.

"I didn't expect Xiaobai to become a candidate for the devil king~ It seems that the "special training" given to you by Mingjun back then is not just as simple as transforming into a human form~"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When it comes to Xiaobai's transformation into form, we have to start talking about it three years ago.

It was during the summer vacation of Akira Izumi's freshman year.

Because Satania was going to another world to do a demon practice, there was no way to bring Xiaobai there, so she entrusted it to Izumi to take care of it.

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