That's... that cheap dog's mocking smile that always hangs on his face!

He Quanming immediately understood everything, but the shock and doubts in his heart did not go away.

He didn't pay special attention to Xiaobai's gender before, and Xiaobai didn't let him help him take a bath. Under its deliberate avoidance, He Quanming naturally didn't know whether Xiaobai was male or female, and he didn't know whether it would turn into a boy or a girl .

However, in terms of its character of bullying Satania, Izumi believes that its gender should be closer to boys, and it is also a particularly skinny one.

But I didn't expect that I would turn into a girl... And she is still such a beautiful girl with such a good figure...

After He Quanming was shocked, a question appeared in his heart, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Excuse me, the Japanese dog... bah, it's not right... Being a dog... bah, bah, it's not right...

Being ridden by a beautiful girl who has changed from a dog to a human, and is still admiringly naked, and then kissed with an ambiguous atmosphere, maybe some unsuitable things will happen after a while...

Excuse me, is it against the law?

The [-]th chapter is almost finished and a harem is added forcibly, the author is hopeless

Of course, even if he gets excited, He Quanming won't do anything to Xiaobai.

Not to mention that he has kept his body like a jade until now, just to fulfill the agreement with Kato Megumi and others, it is absolutely impossible to really turn into a beast because of this small visual impact, and break the boy body that has persisted for several years.

Facing the girl who was a dog just a second ago, even if she was naked, He Quanming would not have any urge to want to have sex - after all, he hasn't talked hard enough to this level.

So just stunned for a moment, He Quanming put Xiaobai down, looked away, and nodded calmly.

"The transformation was successful...can you speak?"

The white-haired girl in front of her frowned, and opened her mouth a little unaccustomed: "Ah... ah... I think so, cotton is so rich."

"Your accent is quite special..." He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, inexplicably feeling like he had heard someone speak Northeast dialect in his previous life.

However, it is the first time that the human language can reach this level, and Xiaobai is also very talented. According to the book, even after pre-training, most animal-shaped familiars still need to use two or three words after becoming a human. I am used to human vocal organs, the breed is similar to huskies, huskies, and huskies. It is not surprising that after two or three months, it can only bark and bark, which shows Xiaobai's intelligence.

After handing a piece of clothing to Xiaobai, He Quanming was finally able to look at her carefully, and talked with her in his room for a long time.

While chatting, her tone of voice gradually became normal, and soon, her cold and calm voice was no different from that of ordinary people.

He Quanming talked with her a lot.

For example, preparations after the transformation, how to surprise Satania, future plans, etc... Contrary to Izumi's expectations, Xiaobai has his own views on these, and his maturity is amazing , as if it had been prepared for a long time.

She decided to take the exam for a civil servant in the Demon Realm, and tried her best to climb up to gain status and money, to give the idiot master more opportunities and leeway to play dumb, and by the way, let her spare money to spend money on shopping in the Demon Realm.

Of course, the usual playfulness will not disappear. After transforming into a human form, there will be more ways and fun to play tricks on her.

Like rubbing her breasts when taking a bath with her, hugging her naked at night when she sleeps, insulting her with words to see her teary eyes, etc... When you say these things, little A smile suddenly appeared on Bai's delicate and indifferent face.

It was a bit malicious, but also a sense of joy that one's wish would finally come true. It was a beautiful expression that was so gentle that one couldn't help but laugh along with it.

He Quanming looked at the girl, and compared to a dog, it was easier to see her nostalgia and love for Satania when she became a human.

He couldn't help thinking——in this world, there are people who like that idiot more than him.

No, it should be said that in this world, apart from her family, there are only the two of them who love and love Satania so deeply, and regard her as an important treasure, right?

After all, they are all Satania's familiars.

While the master trusts the familiar, the familiar will do its best to make the master happy. What this contract is connected with is such a bond of no regrets.

"After becoming a human, you can stay by that stupid master's side."

——The deep feelings contained in her words have never been forgotten by Akira Izumi.

In the past three years, as she said at the beginning, Xiaobai, with her own wisdom and good looks, has been doing well in the hell government, and even surpassed Satania's status within a few months, and gained a position even higher than her. High salary, won the trust of the upper class.

Through her relationship with Gabriel, she also allowed the Heaven School and the Demon School to co-organize the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Conference, which facilitated economic development and interpersonal exchanges between the two sides, and made it a fixed festival event, which may be circulated between the two schools forever.

She also reached an agreement with Rafael's family, and through some ulterior secret deal, she successfully brought in a group of cooperative manufacturers for the Demon Realm government, so that the grassroots construction can obtain more generous funds, help the people improve their lives, and transfer this The credit was put on the Demon King, which made him widely praised by the people, and his approval rate rose steadily.

In terms of these jaw-dropping feats, Izumi is not at all surprised that she can be the next successor of the Demon King, to be honest.

Akira Izumi understands her talent and hard work better than anyone else.

Perhaps it was the special training during this period that made the relationship between the two of them closer. As long as his girlfriends were not around, Xiaobai would appear surreptitiously, sometimes discussing government affairs with him, sometimes He simply wanted to relax and play with him, but it was hard for Izumi to refuse the request with a flat complexion but soft and moist eyes.

So he often goes shopping with her.

It's called being familiar with human things, but it's actually dating... Izumi understands it vaguely, but he can only pretend not to understand.

Even when she proposed "to get used to the feeling of kissing with humans", He Quanming only hesitated for a moment, and then gave up resistance under the semi-forced approach of the other party...

He really felt like a scumbag.

He is also someone's familiar, and has been with her congenially for so long, even if the other party's body is a dog, He Quanming still can't reject her decisively.

Even if he has never done anything other than kissing, He Quanming still feels guilty towards other people, especially Satania. He can only strongly ask Xiaobai not to tell these things, trying to prevent the situation from getting worse. worse.

For the sake of Satania, Xiaobai naturally agreed, and the secret meeting between the two became more secretive and hidden, just like cheating...

He Quanming originally thought that this matter could be kept safe until after marriage, and when everything stabilized, he would find a good opportunity to confess and be lenient.

But now it seems that Rafael has discovered something? !

He Quanming was a little flustered, but he didn't show it, he just prayed to God in his heart, and there must be no plot of Shura field.

——Please, I'm getting married in a week!Marry five... no, seven people at a time, don't make me feel like a monster!

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