Receiving Izumi's secretive eyes, Xiaobai nodded slightly, and faced Rafael's meaningful smile, he spoke calmly and naturally.

"Of course, Izumi-sama not only trained me in transformation methods, including the customs and habits of the heavenly world, the demon world, and the human world, the unspoken rules of the workplace, the attitude of dealing with people, how to protect yourself from being deceived, etc. He also taught me these things , I can have the current status, more than [-]% of the credit is due to Mr. Izumi."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and bowed politely and respectfully to Akira Izumi, her eyes still as calm as water.

"Thank you very much, Izumi-sama."

He Quanming quickly waved his hand and smiled awkwardly.

"Ha,'s nothing, don't worry, we are companions!"

Rafael squinted his eyes, and scanned the expressions of the two of them suspiciously. After a long while, he still couldn't see anything. In the end, he could only purse his mouth and sigh regretfully.

"Well, it seems that there is really nothing between the two of you with this attitude of respect and distance...Ah la la, if this is the case, I have to ask those private detectives to get the money back after I go back."

The last murmured words caused cold sweat to break out on Izumi's back, and he looked at Rafael with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Rafi, you..."

Rafael smiled lightly.

"Oh, I'm just kidding~ Don't be afraid, my dear, she's not the kind of jealous wife who secretly investigates whether her husband will have secret meetings with others~"

"I haven't said anything yet..."

Under that gentle smile with powerful oppressive force, Akira Izumi shivered, and couldn't help looking at Megumi Kato for help.

"Hui, you... what's wrong with you, looking at me like this?"

Hearing Izumi Akira's question, Kato Hui, who had been frowning tightly from the very beginning, paused for a moment, staring straight at him with pure black eyes, with a worried expression on his face.

Her cherry lips parted slightly, and her tone was slightly worried.

"Ming Jun, there is a price for opening the door of God, right? Although I didn't go in, according to the law of equivalent exchange, as long as I open it, I have to pay a price—then the price..."

"what is it then?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kato Megumi's worry is not unreasonable, but Izumi Akira has no sense of worry about it.

Because the Lord God had already transmitted the sound to him just now, although God didn't care about He Quanming's prank behavior like ringing the doorbell and running away, the price that should be paid still had to be paid, and it had to be appointed by Him.

And that price made Izumi really dumbfounded...

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, a week passed quickly under the hasty preparations for the wedding.

There are long white clouds and green fields. In a remote suburb of Japan, there stands a holy and bright church.

The door of the church is closed at the moment. There are rows of seats on the grass in front, and self-service meals and some simple bars are placed on the long tables in the back. Dozens of people shuttle among them, talking, laughing and playing. It was endless, and the lively atmosphere seemed to be dyed with joy and restlessness even in the air.

In terms of the number of marriages and family circumstances, the weddings of He Quanming and others were very simple.

There was no big event, and a large number of people were not invited. Just outside this remote chapel, I brought my family and friends to participate in the grand event. The scale was so small that it almost made people think that Akira Izumi was reluctant to spend a lot of money in this life. Only once...maybe more than once, but on a very important occasion, I couldn't help criticizing him with envy, jealousy and indignation.

"Ming, this guy is really...married to so many girls at once, and he is so frugal..."

A character who has not appeared for a long time, one of Izumi Akira's few male friends - Masaichi Kamida looks around the wedding venue with a complicated expression. Although the venue is good, it really does not have the general wedding atmosphere.

The mature woman beside him also nodded, her tone a little sighing.

"I think back then, when the two of us got married, even if we didn't save much money, we still rented a hall in a high-end hotel to hold the wedding ceremony..."

As she spoke, she smiled slightly at Kami Tianzhengyi.

"Maybe it's because he married four people at once, so he has other ideas? Zhengyi, what do you think?"

Under the clear gaze of the woman, Kami Tian Zhengyi, who was much more mature than in high school, was inexplicably flustered, and he stammered to answer.

"I, I don't think so much! I already have senior sister Tou, so I won't be as fiddly as Ming!"

"I'm asking you if he has any ingenious wedding plans. Why are you so flustered?" Miyazaki Toru tilted his head slightly, looking at Jiawei Tian Zhengyi suspiciously, "And I didn't say you were bothered."

"No, it's nothing... When I didn't speak..." He smiled wryly and scratched his cheek.

This side is also the newlyweds who have just been married not long ago, and the other side is by the bar counter filled with the aroma of coffee.

The middle-aged man with a mustache was skillfully making coffee, while speaking confidently to the four girls in front of him.

"... Having a cup of coffee after work has a special flavor! To tell you the truth, I am actually quite confident in blending coffee. In order to balance the taste and aroma, I used five kinds of coffee beans, and in order to flexibly match them Each taste has a lot of effort in blending, and the coffee beans are naturally selected from the place of origin. Every year, I will go to purchase in person...

In the past few years, I have left the store and traveled to various countries. After defeating many baristas, the coffee I made is even praised by the prime ministers of various countries... Come, try it. "

The little bird You Feiyan lifted the coffee cup, and the long golden hair behind her swayed slightly, shining brightly like the sun gathering.

The former liveliness turned into self-confidence and stability. With a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, she took a sip of coffee gracefully, sipped her thin pale pink lips slightly, and her face showed a contemplative look.

Seeing that she seemed to be quite insightful, the middle-aged store manager couldn't help but look at her closely, his eyes that were always squinted and even opened, his eyes were full of expectation.

Finally, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan put down the coffee cup, and gently parted her cherry lips.

"I don't really understand...can I add some tomato juice?"

"That's right! All the students are like this now!" The store manager almost cried, "By the way, why is it not sugar but tomato juice?"

The little bird You Feiyan grinned, revealing a pair of sharp little canine teeth.

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