The second place is a red-haired "beautiful boy" with bangs combed back into a big back, also wearing a black tuxedo, with a smug smile on his face, and waving angrily to the dumbfounded audience.

Although he looks silly, the small canine teeth protruding from the corner of his mouth give him a cute temperament like a young lady.

The third one is awe-inspiring, wearing a white tuxedo, floating like a fairy, with moon-white long straight hair unrestrainedly pulling a sassy trajectory behind her, with an elegant and gentle smile hanging on the corner of her mouth, taller than the first two. Tall and handsome "beautiful boy".

He kept blowing kisses and winks at the audience, and his suave demeanor was eye-catching.

The fourth place is a purple-haired "beautiful boy" who is wearing a white tuxedo, has a gentle and shy appearance, and is smiling wryly.

He looked as if he wanted to sigh but couldn't. When he found his parents were looking at him in astonishment, his face immediately turned rosy, and he couldn't help but squirm when he walked, which added to his petty temperament.

When the four handsome "grooms" stood in front of Chang Muyao, she was stunned.

"Eh? What, what's going on here? What the hell... grooms?!"

God's malicious laughter, which was like making up a knife, made her open her mouth even more, revealing the anger of being tricked.

"The four grooms of this wedding have already appeared! Then, Ms. Chang Muyao, which one do you want to choose? Hahahahahaha——"


Recalling the conversation with Quanming a week ago, Chang Muyao had the urge to kill someone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seven days ago, Chang Muyao, who had just returned home from get off work in the store, threw away his bag and lay on the bed with his exhausted body.

"Ahh~ I'm really exhausted~"

The soft bed surrounded her with a fragrance, and the comfortable feeling relieved her tiredness a little. She looked up at the blazing fluorescent lamp, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

It has been five or six years since I came to Spain to pursue my dream.

In an unfamiliar place, learning languages, cooking skills, and learning all kinds of things... For a seventeen-year-old (now twenty-two) girl, it is really very heavy pressure.

More tiring than expected.

In Japan, she was enthusiastic and lively, and made many good friends. When she arrived in Spain, she was like a bird with its wings folded.

It’s not the exclusion caused by racial discrimination, but that she really doesn’t have the time and energy to socialize with people—sometimes there are friends who can talk to each other occasionally, but the friendship is not deep, and she doesn’t want to continue to improve the relationship.

There are more boys who want to pursue her than in Japan, and there are even more open-minded people who want to pursue her, and some even directly ask for a one-night pleasure... What the hell!Do you think girls from Japan like foreign sausage? !

Find out, she Chang Muyao is very conservative!

Conservative until now he is twenty-two years old, and he has never even had a boyfriend, at most he only has an affair, and he gave up decisively because he was too hardworking!

The parents really hoped that she could catch a boy from abroad, so that the child born in this way would be of mixed race.But she doesn't like the restaurant owner's son!

What about a blind date...

"Haha——" She vigorously exhaled the air in her lungs again, as if she was about to pour out all her troubles, she patted her cheek, "Cheer up!"

Sitting up from the bed, he took off his coat and top, leaving only a small black vest on his body.

The beautiful curves and slender arms form a dazzling scenery. Relying on being in the boudoir where only she can set foot, she continued to take off her pants, just wearing a black chubby pair, and walked to the dressing table to remove her makeup.

After removing her makeup, she raised her slender white legs, picked up the phone, and flicked the corner of her mouth, flipping through the address book in a bored manner.

Inexplicably, she wanted to talk to someone.

Her address book is arranged according to the importance of related people.

The first is of course the family, the next is the boss and colleagues at the place where he works now, the next is the owner of the restaurant when he was working in Japan, his son Xiaojian, and Japanese friends...

There is no one to chat with.

Except for my family, five years have passed, and no matter how good the relationship is, it has faded away. I am really embarrassed to go to chat with them all of a sudden.

Deeply feeling a failure in his interpersonal relationship, Chang Muyao couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Her finger slid to the bottom inadvertently, and she saw a name that she deliberately ranked last.

He Quanming.

Chang Muyao looked at the time, it was [-]:[-] in the middle of the night, which is [-]:[-] in the morning in Japan.

At this time, he should wake up, right?

She hesitated, then shook her head.

"Who wants to take the initiative to call that guy..."

It's not that Chang Muyao didn't contact He Quanming at all in the past five years, so he became a stranger.

On the contrary, the last time the two of them met...was three months ago.

Someone teleported directly to her home through a portal, and greeted her with a sunny smile when she was naked and ready to take a shower.

——and then kicked back into the portal by her.

To be honest, Chang Muyao didn't understand at all why such a shameless pervert could obtain such a convenient ability?Does God still think that the crime rate in all countries in the world is not high enough? !

But anger is anger, no matter how much Chang Muyao doesn't understand, he can only get used to it.

Because since three years ago, this guy has used this unreasonable way to step into her life again.

Under the pretense of "visiting an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time", I said forcefully to the pressured her who was out of breath, "Long time no see, let's go, I will take you to play Steel Sogar!" 』

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