Using the game console that was so outdated that she almost forgot how to play it, she succeeded in regaining her long-lost smile, and also regained the high-spirited and crisp-sounding Tomoki Yao in high school.

I have to say, Izumi Ming...

It really makes me want to punch him.

She didn't want to say the reason, but every time she recalled those things, and the empty, lonely and cold situation where she was alone in this foreign country, she really wanted to punch the man with glasses who smiled happier than anyone else.

That's why Chang Muyao didn't want to call He Quanming to talk about his troubles and fatigue.

At that time, this guy opened a portal to comfort her. In this quiet night, in the boudoir of a single girl, if she couldn't help but forcefully eat that guy, wouldn't all the years of forbearance and suppression be in vain?

"I heard that he has been doing well recently, so don't disturb him casually..."

He found a reason for himself, and with a helpless smile, Chang Muyao was about to put away his phone and go to sleep.

But found that the phone suddenly vibrated, the screen lit up, and with the crisp ringtone, the three characters He Quanming came into view.


Why didn't she call, this guy called first.

Could it be that he is using some strange spell to spy on him?

Trembling all over, Chang Muyao folded his arms around his chest, looked around vigilantly, picked up the pants on the side and was about to put them on, thought for a while, threw the pants away, and lay down on the bed in a loose posture.

Her feet were wide open without any ladylike style, and she even took off her small vest. The black patterned fabric held up the perfectly shaped European style, making her healthy complexion even more dazzling.

"Hmph, if you want to watch it, just watch it, so that you can't eat it~"

With a slightly wicked smile, she leaned against the head of the bed, narrowed her eyes happily, and picked up the phone.

"Hey~ It's so late at night, our dear "Superman" and Mr. Quanming, what do you want to do with a little girl?"

As if disgusted by her pretentiously delicate voice, He Quanming let out a hiccup and was quite speechless, and then replied in a normal chat tone.

"It's very early in the morning for us here... By the way, you shouldn't be asleep yet, right? Did it bother you?"

Chang Muyao shrugged his shoulders, the exhaustion that was originally entangled between his brows had dissipated at some point, and turned into a beaming smile.

"How can I go to bed so early? I just got home from get off work, and you called me before I took a shower. Oh my goodness, the timing is so accurate~"

Hearing her meaningless tone, Izumi immediately retorted loudly in order to protect his reputation.

"Hey, hey, let me tell you first, I didn't use any strange magic to spy on you!"

"Eh?! I didn't say anything, how do you know..." She pretended to be surprised, but a slightly sweet smile bloomed involuntarily from the corner of her mouth.

This familiar sense of tacit understanding is really good...

"Don't come here, do you think I've known you for a few years? I'll know what fart you want to fart if you poke your ass! You don't need to listen to know what you want to say." He Quanming responded angrily.

"Tsk, speak politely to girls, perverted four-eyed man!" She frowned, and choked back unceremoniously.

"Huh? Show off your temperament as a girl first, and then talk to me about civilization!"

Chang Muyao was so angry that he jumped up from the bed.

"What?! I don't look like a girl anymore! You bastard, come here now, and I'll let you know what a real girl is! Is my mother's figure much sexier than ordinary girls?!"

"Ah, look, you're still talking about my old lady, you're so temperamental~☆" He Quanming's tone was very unbearable.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, kinda, now, open the door, come here!"

Chang Muyao clenched his fist tightly and shouted at the top of his voice.

Her pretty face was dyed a little rosy, and her heart beat a little faster, ready to see that guy at any moment, a Spanish yoke threw him onto the bed!

She doesn't care what happens at that time - it must be He Quanming's fault anyway!

Unexpectedly, what He Quanming said next was like a basin of cold water that completely extinguished her excitement.

"Hmph, I'm sorry, now I won't go to the boudoir of a single girl late at night—"

"After all, next week will be my wedding ceremony!"


The little feet like jade carvings stepped on the bed sheet, motionless.

Chang Muyao stopped moving, holding the phone with his plain hand and sticking it to his ear, but he didn't respond for a long time.

Her lips were opened and closed, but the smile gradually disappeared. She lowered her head slowly and bit her lip.

As if she had lost all her strength, she fell back on the bed, and the bed made a creaking sound.

Looking up at the light source on the ceiling, she tried to smile again, she thought she was smiling.

"Really... Congratulations."

——Fortunately, the voice is not trembling.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Pressing the emotional fluctuations in the deepest part of his heart, Chang Muyao pulled a pillow, leaned casually on the head of the bed, and spoke as if nothing had happened.

"'s really sudden, next week...

Why are you telling me now?You don't want me to go there, do you? "

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