Following Mori Kogoro's line of sight, Akemi's gaze also shifted downwards, and she immediately saw the bulging blanket underneath.

She lifted the sheet and saw a cute little loli hard at work.

The sisters looked at each other, and there was a slightly awkward atmosphere in the air.The scene full of ghosts and animals shocked Mingmei instantly.

Mingmei suddenly went crazy: "Xiao Wulang, I want to kill you!"

Her sister-in-law attribute broke out again, Mingmei became completely furious, her eyes turned red, and she pulled Mouri Kogoro up with some strength, and then pushed him outside the door.

Mori Kogoro, in extreme embarrassment, patted the door of the apartment: "Mingmei, Mingmei, open the door!"

"Big pervert, big pervert, don't stay here with me, or I'll cut off everything underneath you." Minmei then threw out Kogoro Mori's suit.

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro felt a chill from the back of his spine, he looked under his body, what is this?

Fortunately, there was no one else in the corridor, otherwise there would be big news.

Mori Kogoro put on his clothes quickly, but he could only sigh, turned and left.

Chapter 0189

In the apartment, Mingmei, who was wrapped in a sheet, scolded her younger sister who had shrunk into a child: "Shiho, how could you do such a thing?"

Hui Yuan was quite speechless, it didn't matter what happened last night, once his body became smaller, doing anything became a taboo.

Although it seems that the picture is a little crazy, a little unharmonious, and a little abnormal.

But from Haibara's point of view, these are nothing, it's a very normal thing, she wants to tell her sister about her life at Mori's house.

However, seeing Mingmei's lingering anger, Huiyuan understood Mingmei's traditional temperament, so naturally he didn't dare touch her brow again, so he could only apologize and say that he would never dare again.

And Mingmei sighed deeply, and then she saw her younger sister's well-behaved appearance, and her mood improved.

She picked up the little Lolita, smiled lightly and said, "Actually, Zhibao looks quite cute now, just like a doll. Parents will be very happy if they see it."

Huiyuan, who was held in her arms by her sister, was filled with shame. She was already almost an adult, but she was still being hugged around. She quickly exclaimed: "Sister, put me down quickly."

"How is it possible, we are sisters after all, and I want to help Zhibao take a bath!"

"Hey, Shiho, why are you blushing? This expression is so rare."

Mingmei smirked at Zhibao, and then she asked curiously: "But Zhibao, did you get hurt when you became smaller last night, won't it crack? After all..."

This incident has been lingering in Mingmei's heart, and she can't forget it for a long time, after all, that scene was too horrifying.

Before he finished speaking, the blushing Huiyuan covered his mouth.

"Sister, don't ask!"

"Okay, don't ask if you don't ask, I will check it myself when I will help you take a bath."

Hearing this, Huiyuan was even more ashamed and indignant, kicking his short white legs in the air, weeping, "Let go of me, sister, let me go, I want to wash myself."

But Mingmei has made up her mind, and she doesn't care about little Lolita's resistance.

The little girl has so much strength, she was naturally suppressed by Mingmei, she walked briskly into the bathroom with Huiyuan in her arms.

Soon, a cute loli voice came from the bathroom.

"Dabaa! Yabi!"


On the other side, facing the rising sun, Mori Kogoro drove two blocks and returned to his home.

He climbed up the stairs to the third floor, opened the door with a key, entered the house, and was stunned.

The smell of beer still lingers in the living room, snacks, beer bottles, and pillow feathers are scattered all over the place.

And on the tatami in front of the TV, four young girls in only pajamas lay on the ground, their bodies crisscrossed.

The scene was so beautiful that Mori Kogoro hurriedly closed the door to avoid the sudden appearance of spring.

Fortunately, this kid Conan doesn't have the key to the third floor, and this guy is not at home or in the office at the moment.

Oh, Yuanzi's sleeping appearance is too bad, he even lifted his pajamas with one hand, half of his body was exposed in the air.

What's going on with this girl He Ye, why is she still holding on to Hong Ye's chest, it looks like she has a lot of resentment!

Hey, Hongye, you girl, you just sleep when you sleep, why are you sticking out your butt, don't you know that this posture is very attractive?

Xiaolan's sleeping position is still the most dignified, covered with a quilt, not bad, not bad.

Mori Kogoro stepped forward, trying to wake up Xiaolan.

At this moment, Yuanzi turned over, hooked Xiaolan's quilt with his feet, and took the quilt away.

The quilt passed by, and the house was full of spring, and Kogoro Mori fell to the ground in an instant while walking.

Xiaolan actually slept naked!

I just praised you just now, but I didn't expect you to be the most outrageous one.

The sound of falling woke up all four girls, and all four girls opened their slightly drunken eyes and looked at each other, and then they saw Mori Kogoro on the floor.

They each tidied up their gaffe appearances and got up from the tatami.

At this moment, Xiaolan screamed, and then exploded with speed, rushing into the bedroom like a gust of wind, and the door was closed tightly.

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