Seeing this, the other three girls couldn't help but chuckled.

Looking at the expressions of the three girls, Mori Kogoro immediately understood that Sonoko did this, and it must have been revenge for being spanked before.

Moreover, the girl in Yuanzi laughed the loudest, and her eyes were shining brightly, which was the evidence.

He patted Yuanzi's little head, and said in a low voice, "Yuanzi, you can't be so naughty next time."

Yuanzi was startled, but when he saw Mori Kogoro's warm smile, he soon felt at ease, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Okay, okay, stop laughing, and go change your clothes one by one."

"Sleep in the living room wearing a tank top and shorts, how decent is it?"

Hearing Kogoro Mori's order, the three girls quickly dispersed and went into the bedroom to change their clothes one by one.

After a while, the four girls sat neatly on the dining table, like four kittens waiting to be fed.

Xiao Lan still had a blush on her face, and she refused to let it go for a long time. She was very annoyed at being humiliated this early in the morning.

Yuanzi did not dare to reveal that she was the one who got up last night and stripped the drunk Xiaolan naked.

And after what happened in the morning, Hongye and Heye's fear of Xiaolan gradually dissipated.

Seeing Kogoro Moori bring out the delicious breakfast, Xiaolan immediately asked, "Dad, didn't you say you brought Xiao Ai to handle the case? Where did Xiao Ai go?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Xiao Ai, she is now with someone close to her. I'm afraid I won't be going home for a few days."

Mori Kogoro recalled the text message from Akemi just received.

[Big pervert, Zhibao has been living with me for the past few days. I will educate Zhibao well and let her cherish her body. If you still want to make wrong decisions about Zhibao's small body, you are dead. 】

The text message was full of threats, but Mori Kogoro didn't care at all.

For a gentle woman like Mingmei, the threats are just lip service.

But the two sisters just met each other, so of course we have to give them time to get along!

But Xiaolan asked in amazement: "Father, did Xiao Ai's relatives come here?"

"more or less!"

"Really, Dad, why didn't you take me to see Xiao Ai's relatives? I originally wanted to scold those irresponsible guys, but left Xiao Ai at our house and ignored it for half a year. of."

Mori Kogoro patted his daughter on the head with a light smile: "Okay, I also have difficulties, so just leave it alone and have a good meal."

The five of them started to eat breakfast, and at this moment, the doorbell on the third floor rang.

Volume [-] Witch Miko

Chapter 0001 Futaba Says Goodbye

Outside the door is naturally Conan, and a high school student detective from Osaka, Hattori Heiji.Conan was not at home just now, so he went to pick up this guy at Mihua Station.

Along the way, Conan hesitated to speak, wanting to reveal the results of his investigation.

But whenever he saw Hattori Heiji's cheerful black face, Conan couldn't say those words.

Hattori Heiji, who was at the door, saw the little ghost's frowning face, squatted down, put his arms around Conan's shoulders, and laughed: "You guy, what are you thinking about all morning, you're out of your mind."

"Ah, nothing, nothing!"

The door opened, and Xiaolan said, "Oh, so it's Conan and Hattori!"

Seeing Hattori Heiji, Xiaolan also froze for a moment, turning her eyes to Kazuha and her father, with a slightly weird expression.

Hattori Heiji didn't notice it at all, and rushed in immediately when he smelled the fragrance.

"It's pretty lucky. I met Uncle Mao Li making breakfast. I happened to be very hungry when I came by car!"

Soon, Hattori Heiji saw everyone at the table, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "He Ye, why are you here?"

"Hey, isn't this the red leaf of the Ooka family? Why are you here too!"

He Ye and Hong Ye ignored him and ate breakfast by themselves.

Instead, Yuanzi greeted him cheerfully: "Heitan ghost, we meet again."

Xiaolan came over and explained: "He Ye came to Tokyo to visit me specially, and Hong Ye encountered a case in the cafe below, and we invited her to our house as a guest."

And Mori Kogoro put down the chopsticks in his hand, and asked, "Heiji, do you have any entrustment for this visit?"

At this moment, He Ye put down the bowl and chopsticks, and turned to Mori Kogoro and said, "Uncle, I've been in Tokyo for almost three days, and my dad has been urging me to go back, and I'm going back to Osaka soon." .”

"Ah, so fast!"

Mori Kogoro was a little bit reluctant, and after seeing Kazuha's expression, he understood what she was thinking.

Even though Kazuha has nothing to do with Hattori Heiji now, they still feel awkward when they meet, coupled with the urging of their parents, they naturally plan to say goodbye and go home.

Hongye on the side also said, "It's a coincidence that the butler also said that he can't stand my mother's anger soon, and I'm going back to Osaka too. Heye, you can take my car and go together later."

"That's great!" He Ye nodded and agreed.

After these few days of getting along, Futaba seems to have gotten along a lot.

Then Ooka Momiji turned to look at Mori Kogoro, tears came as soon as he said it, and the teardrops hung in the eye sockets, very touching, and his mouth was lightly opened.

"Don't you go far away to Osaka Castle, your heart is like the pine on the top of Inaba mountain.

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