Yuanzi asked back: "Then Xiaolan, you can't go there, after all, there are monsters and ghosts that you fear most on that island!"

After saying this, Yuanzi also made a cooperative expression, which shocked Xiaolan again.

But Xiaolan did not give up her willingness to accompany, after all Kogoro Mori's ability to attract bees and butterflies is too strong.

Xiao Lan didn't want to see her for a few days, and there were a few more girls by her father's side.

Therefore, even though she is afraid of ghosts and ghosts, Xiaolan can barely overcome it.

The only way to get to Miguo Island is by boat.

Towards the afternoon, Maoli and his group, who came all the way from Tokyo to Fukui Prefecture to take a boat, finally boarded the boat.

But the sky darkened inexplicably, the wind gradually picked up on the sea, and the waves became more and more rough.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to check the direction of the wind, the northwest wind, the wind speed is 13 meters per second, which is already level [-], but it is not dangerous yet.

Xiaolan felt a little cold, and couldn't help leaning against Mori Kogoro.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro put his arms around his daughter, enjoying the warmth of the moment.

As for Conan and Hattori Heiji, these two like-minded guys got mixed up again, and the two were whispering next to each other, not paying attention to the affairs here at all.

Seeing that no one on the boat was paying attention to her, Xiaolan leaned her little head in Kogoro Mouri's arms and said coquettishly, "Dad, when are we going to travel alone? I have a sports car!"

What Xiaolan was talking about was, of course, the red Ford Mustang sports car sent by Kogoro Mori's junior.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Of course there is a chance, as long as you want, we can start at any time."

Mori Kogoro had a thought, these few days are a great opportunity, Xiao Ai is temporarily staying at Mingmei's house, as long as he leaves Conan, the little devil, in the care of Dr. A Li, he and his daughter can go out and roam around.

You don't need to be sneaky, you can do whatever you want, it's exciting to think about it.

At this moment, a clear female voice rang out: "You father and daughter have such a good relationship!"

Xiaolan jumped out of Mori Kogoro's arms with a guilty conscience, and the two of them looked sideways, but they were acquaintances.

Long crimson hair, wine red eyes, a pretty face with a seductive temperament, cold and lofty, with a red top, but the most conspicuous thing is her pair of extremely domineering long legs.

Stepping on black boots, wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, and a pair of black hot pants, he immediately stood out from the crowd.

It is the successor of Red Magic, Koizumi Hongzi.

Xiaolan greeted enthusiastically: "Hey, isn't this Koizumi? Why are you here? Do you want to go to Mermaid Island?"

"Could it be that you also want to find the elixir that can make you live forever? Then you want to stay young forever."

Koizumi Hongzi laughed softly: "I won't look for that kind of illusory thing."

"After all, with my beauty, how can time have the heart to erode me!"

Speaking of her pride, Hongzi laughed out loud, which caused the men around her to look like they were bestowed by the gods.

Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan couldn't help but rolled their eyes, this woman is really as narcissistic and stinky as before.

"But I did have important things to do when I went to Mermaid Island? I just didn't expect to meet you."

Hongzi looked at Mori Kogoro, and immediately remembered the Wutengu incident.

My whole body was touched by Mori Kogoro, but this guy has no memory at all, which made me suffer from being dumb.

Mori Kogoro also recalled the encounter with Hongzi. He still remembered that he had a precious surveillance camera about Hongzi, which was stored in the system space.

The two E's hanging upside down and the slender legs are unforgettable for a long time.

A cold light flashed in Hongzi's eyes: "Detective Maori, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Hongzi is really getting more and more beautiful."

But Mori Kogoro frowned slightly.

This witch also came to this island, maybe there is really any supernatural energy on this island, in this case, Mori Kogoro will be caught blind.

And Xiaolan at the side invited: "Student Koizumi, would you like to come with us, so we can take care of you."

As soon as she said the words, Xiaolan regretted it. She wanted to prevent other women from approaching her father, but now she invites her.

Hearing this, Hongzi chuckled lightly: "Since you are so sincerely inviting, Xiaolan, then I will reluctantly agree. Please take care of me in the future."

Xiaolan could only laugh dryly: I just mentioned it casually, why do you take it seriously?

At this moment, Hattori Heiji and Conan finally came back after discussing something.

Hattori Heiji saw Koizumi Hongko, instantly like the men around him, with a heart bursting out of his eyes.

"Wow! What a beautiful lady, is this also going to Miguo Island with us?"

Seeing Hattori Heiji's appearance, Hongzi looked down at him and turned her face away, not wanting to deal with him.

Sure enough, Mori Kogoro, who can resist his own charm, is more handsome.

The charm of this witch can easily influence the men around her, making them fall in love with Hongzi.

So far, only Kogoro Mori and Kaito Kuroba are not affected by it.

As for Conan the Little Devil, it seems that his body has become smaller, and the magic didn't work on him.

Chapter 0003 Pretty Miko

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