The waves were getting bigger and bigger, and the sky was getting darker.

Fortunately, before it rained, the ship finally arrived at its destination. This time, the entrustment letter was sent by a woman named Menxie Saori.

Maori and his party went to the village office when they landed. Usually these islands have a small population, and the village office keeps records of everyone.

It's just that this island is somewhat isolated from the world, and not many people know Mori Kogoro.

Soon, Mao Li and his party came to the village office and began to inquire.

Not long after, Hattori Heiji exclaimed: "What, you said Miss Saori hasn't shown up at her work place for three days. Could it be that she disappeared?"

"According to the speed of sending the letter, I'm afraid that when Miss Menxie disappears, the entrustment letter will be mailed. She may encounter some urgent matter!"

The staff member of the village office laughed: "Probably not, she and her drunk father are very difficult to deal with, I remember she ran away from home every two days, everyone in the village is used to it, no Something will happen."

"Besides, she also went to Jun Hui's house when she ran away from home, but it's not certain. The young people nowadays have wild thoughts, and it's not certain that they may go to work in the mainland."

"If you want to find her, you can go to the place selling souvenirs at the street corner to inquire about it, or if you are not afraid of her drunk father, you can also go to the Menxie's house to ask, or you can go to the shrine to find Jun Hui, it should be There will be gains."

The director was still very enthusiastic, so Balabala named three places to go, and then he began to pack up the materials on the desktop.

"But I can't go with you, I have to attend the ceremony on the island later!"

Xiao Lan asked curiously, "What ceremony?"

"It's the annual Dugong Ceremony. At that time, the Longevity Woman will send out three Dugong Arrows. I don't know if I will be lucky to get them this year!"

Hearing the words 'Arrow of the Dugong', a gleam of light flashed in Hongzi's eyes.

Xiaolan looked puzzled: "Then what is a dugong?"

Conan the Little Devil interjected: "It's a mammal in the sea, also called a manatee. It has a very gentle temperament. It will often surface with its cubs to take a breath."

"But sometimes because of the seaweed on the head, it looks like a woman's long hair, so it is also rumored to be a mermaid."

"It is said that its meat has the effect of immortality, so the princes and ministers in ancient times rushed to capture dugongs first. Up to now, the number of dugongs has been very small and is on the verge of extinction."

Seeing everyone looking at him, the little ghost immediately scratched his head and laughed dryly: "This is all because I went to school after watching the ghost talk documentary last time, haha, haha!"

Then everyone looked away.

Hattori Heiji suggested: "Since there are so many places to look for, Uncle Mori, let's divide into two groups. I will go to Miss Saori's workplace to investigate, and you will go to the shrine to investigate. Later, we will go to the door association's house to ask. "

Mori Kogoro had no objection, Hattori Heiji picked up Conan and ran outside.

And Mori Kogoro, accompanied by Koizumi Hongzi and Xiaolan, went to the shrine in the middle of the island.

On the way, taking advantage of Xiaolan's attention attracted by the island's local products, Koizumi Hongzi pulled Mouri Kogoro over, and looked over with wine red eyes: "Maori detective, let's cooperate this time!"

Kogoro Maoli frowned slightly: "What is the cooperation? Could it be to help you capture the so-called 'Dugong Arrow'?"

Koizumi Hongzi's eyes lit up: "Sure enough, you are a smart person, and you can understand my intentions at a glance. You are really different from those stupid mortals, and you are qualified to help me." Goro is powerful, with such a great help, how could he not use it.

Hearing those extremely stinky words again, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

This girl's brain nerves are really different from ordinary people, so she can speak so naturally in the second grade.

"It's not impossible to help you, but what benefits do I have?"

Mori Kogoro inspected Hongzi's body with a smirk.

But Hongzi didn't notice the abnormal gaze at all, instead he laughed and said, "Of course I got my friendship. If you encounter difficulties in the future, I'll help you depending on your mood, how about it?"

Hongzi patted Mori Kogoro on the shoulder, as if he had made a lot of money.

God damn friendship is almost becoming an adult, can you talk more erotic!

Mori Kogoro also laughed twice, and then said, "Sorry, I refuse."

At this moment, Xiaolan turned her head and saw Hongzi draping Mao Li Kogoro's shoulders, and immediately reprimanded: "Hongzi, what are you doing?"

From Xiaolan's point of view, this scene looks like Hongzi hooking up with her father.

Xiaolan, who was extremely defensive, soon came to Kogoro Mouri's side and put her arms around his arm.

Naturally, the meeting ended without a problem.

The three of them soon came to the shrine and found the miko of the shrine, Junhui Shimabukuro.

She was wearing a white blouse, a red scarlet hakama, and clogs. Her beautiful little feet were looming under the red scarlet hakama. She had a pretty face, and her lavender eyes under the long black hair were like stars.

There is also a light bamboo fishing net on her shoulders, and she exudes a very fresh breath, she is a very beautiful witch.

Hongzi glanced at Junhui Shimabukuro, then turned her gaze sideways: Chi, another shrine maiden without witch power.

Seeing such a conspicuous witch costume, Xiaolan asked curiously: "You are Miss Jun Hui, may I ask, is your great-grandmother really over two hundred years old?"

"How is it possible? My great-grandmother just turned [-] years old this year."

When Shimabukuro Junhui answered, the bamboo pole was still tapping her shoulder lightly, looking extremely pretty.

She sighed: "She just lived longer than ordinary people, and she made such a big commotion."

Immediately afterwards, the witch asked back with a gossipy face: "Miss, did you come to the shrine with your boyfriend to pray for blessings?"

Junhui Shimabukuro asked, of course, Xiao Ran who was tightly hugging Kogoro Mori's arm, and Xiao Ran's face turned red immediately, and hurriedly explained: "How is it possible, this is my father, the famous detective Kogoro Mori. "

Hearing this, Junhui Shimabukuro's eyes widened, her mouth was wide open, and her face was full of disbelief.

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