"How is this possible? Your father is too young. I thought he would never be over thirty years old. I didn't expect you to be his daughter."

"Unbelievable, unbelievable. Compared with the legend of immortality on our island, this gentleman really looks like eternal youth and immortality."

Chapter 0004 Hongzi's Entrustment

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Miss Junhui is overrated, I'm not as young as you said."

He went on to introduce: "This is really my daughter Xiaolan, accompanied by Koizumi Hongzi."

At this time, Hattori Heiji and Conan appeared at the gate of the shrine, and both of them got nothing.

They ran to the place where Saori worked, but the souvenir shop had already closed.

Mori Kogoro went on to introduce: "These two are Hattori Heiji and Conan."

"We are from Tokyo. We have received the entrustment of Miss Saori to investigate. I would like to ask Miss Junhui, do you know the whereabouts of Miss Saori?"

Shimabukuro Junhui tapped her cheek with her fingertips: "Saori, I remember I went to the mainland with her a few days ago, and she disappeared after I came back."

Hattori Heiji asked, "That was a few days ago?"

"Four days ago, I asked Saori to go to the mainland to see the dentist with me. After all, there is no dentist on this island."

"But at that time, Saori's state was not quite right. She was always in panic, saying that she had lost the dugong arrow she drew last year, and was afraid that the mermaid would come to her for revenge."

"I reassured her that such a thing would not happen, but she just refused to believe it."

At this time, a female voice suddenly came from the side: "Jun Hui, you are so stupid."

A squint-eyed woman in a lavender dress appeared in the shrine, named Ebihara Sumi.

"You say that because you don't believe in your great-grandmother's power at all."

"She really has mana, and she really ate mermaid meat. Didn't a mermaid corpse appear three years ago?"

Another female voice sounded, it was a short-haired woman in black, named Naoko Heijiang.

"That's right, the dugong's arrow, which was condensed by the Longevity Woman, has the magical effect of immortality. It is quite normal for Saori to be afraid of fleeing the island after losing such a precious treasure!"

The witch Junhui shook her head: "What you said is too outrageous. Didn't the police investigate what happened three years ago? It's not the skeleton of a mermaid at all."

Shoumei, a narrow-eyed woman, mocked, "Jun Hui, you are lying with your eyes open. You also know the bones of that wreck, which are clearly..."

At this time, a male voice sounded, stopping Shoumei's next words.

"Shoumei, don't say any more, these words are not good to say in front of outsiders."

The dark-skinned man in a leather jacket named Rokuro Fukuyama looked at the crowd defensively.

"You really want to know about Saori's situation, you should go to Saori's house to find her father, don't waste your time here."

After finishing speaking, Fukuyama Rokuro turned and left, and the short-haired girl Naoko and the squint-eyed girl Shoumi also left.

In fact, these people, Jun Hui, and Saori are all from the island. They grew up together and were admitted to the same university in the end, but they returned to the island due to their own reasons.

Seeing the attitude of Fukuyama Rokuro and the others, Hattori Heiji and Conan's faces turned dark.

Hattori Heiji asked: "Miss Junhui, can you please take us to Miss Saori's house later?"

Shimabukuro Junhui laughed: "Of course, I will have time after the celebration is over, and I will take you there then."

Xiao Lan asked curiously, "Then Miss Jun Hui, what did you do at the celebration?"

"We will sell number plates to the guests attending the ceremony in advance. As long as the number plates in the hands of the guests are the same as the number shown by my great-grandmother, they can get the Dugong Arrow."

"Actually, it's a bit like a lottery. By the way, why don't you two come to play? An old couple just returned their number plates."

Junhui Shimabukuro took out two wooden plaques from his cuffs and handed them to Xiaolan and Hongzi.

The two girls thanked each other, and Junhui Shimabukuro bid farewell to everyone and started working on the celebration.

Hattori Heiji and Conan both looked clueless, after all, there were too few clues, and Saori's friends spoke half-heartedly, so they could only hope for tonight's visit.

Koizumi Hongko looked at the shrine, but frowned slightly.

Mori Kogoro was beside him, and asked softly, "Did you find anything?"

Hongzi said: "It's weird, there seems to be evil power here, and there is also a faint witch power, eh, no, why am I telling you this?"

"You don't cooperate with me." Hongzi rolled his eyes.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "It's just the 'Dugong Arrow', it's no problem for me to help you collect it, but you have to tell me, what's the use of this 'Dugong Arrow'?"

Hearing this, Hongzi took Mori Kogoro to a hidden place, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I'll only tell you about this, don't tell anyone else."

"Actually, this 'Dugong Arrow''s real name is not like that. It's 'Broken Arrow'. I will face an extremely important test next. If I can gather all three 'Broken Arrows', it will be good for me." It helps a lot."

Looking at Hongzi's serious face, it seems that this matter is very important to her.

Mori Kogoro patted Hongzi's little head, and said, "Okay, I accept your commission. I will let you leave with three 'Dugong Arrows' when we wait for the outlying islands."

Long before going to the island, Kogoro Mori had already planned, and taking the 'Dugong Arrow' was just a matter of incident.

Hongzi blushed slightly, and slapped Moori Kogoro's big hand away, with a look of arrogance: "Hmph, how can a mere mortal like you touch my lady's head?"

The girl's words were still as annoying as ever.

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